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[Bookplate for George Kerr]
Grey ink on green-grey paper. The bookplate is in the shape of a rectangle with rounded corners and a bulging circle in the center. The top portion of the bookplate features a half circle basic graphic of the sun on the horizon. The design is created using simple lines. Surrounding this image are half circles of various sizes with thick borders on the outside and several thinner inner borders on the inside. The circle shape in the center has a thick border decorated with two thick black lines that are intersected by plain crisscrosses three times each on the left and right-hand sides. There are some decorative shapes at the top of the circle, forming a small point. Below those shapes text is printed in capitalized, block, grey letters. The center of the circle depicts a man in a wig and robe reading a large book. The spine of the book and face of the man are facing the viewer. The background of the image is comprised of thin, black, horizontal lines. The bookplate owner’s name is printed below the image in large, capitalized, block serif grey font. Decorative shapes like the one at the top of the circle extend from the bottom as well, forming a larger point. The base of the bookplate is decorated with various rounded shapes, in both oblong and tear drop shape, filled with thinner black lines. A plain section extends from the bottom left and right corners up to the middle of the bookplate, meeting the text at the base of the central circle. In these sections are printed mottos in smaller, capitalized, sans-serif font.
[Bookplate for J.E.G. Bibliothèque]
Green ink on white paper. Thin green border is straight on the left, right, and bottom sides and rounded on top. Three capitalized letters are printed in stylized, rounded green font. Below the letters is text in pseudo-gothic sentence-case font. Underneath that text is a small green circle with two lines extending from its left and right. Below is text in the previous pseudo-gothic font in a larger size. There are several images underneath the text. There is a line of three images: an open book with curling pages in the center with a six-pointed star on either side. The left star has a plus sign in the middle and the right star has a question mark in its center. Three more images are below: a green owl on a branch in the center with lit oil lamps on either side. The lamps each point inwards towards the owl and sit on thin green lines. Below the images is a thin green oval border that is straight on the top and bottom sides. Inside is curling thin green text sitting on a thin green line. At the right end of the line is another thicker perpendicular green line dividing the oval into two uneven sections.
[Bookplate for J.E.G. Bibliothèque]
Black ink on white paper. Thin black border is straight on the left, right, and bottom sides and rounded on top. Three capitalized letters are printed in stylized, rounded black font. Below the letters is text in pseudo-gothic sentence-case font. Underneath that text is a small black circle with two lines extending from its left and right. Below is text in the previous pseudo-gothic font in a larger size. There are several images underneath the text. There is a line of three images: an open book with curling pages in the center with a six-pointed star on either side. The left star has a plus sign in the middle and the right star has a question mark in its center. Three more images are below: a black owl on a branch in the center with lit oil lamps on either side. The lamps each point inwards towards the owl and sit on thin black lines. Below the images is a thin black oval border that is straight on the top and bottom sides. Inside is curling thin black text sitting on a thin black line. At the right end of the line is another thicker perpendicular black line dividing the oval into two uneven sections.
[Bookplate for J.E.G. Bibliothèque]
Black ink on white paper. Thin black border is straight on the left, right, and bottom sides and rounded on top. Three capitalized letters are printed in stylized, rounded black font. Below the letters is text in pseudo-gothic sentence-case font. Underneath that text is a small black circle with two lines extending from its left and right. Below is text in the previous pseudo-gothic font in a larger size. There are several images underneath the text. There is a line of three images: an open book with curling pages in the center with a six-pointed star on either side. The left star has a plus sign in the middle and the right star has a question mark in its center. Three more images are below: a black owl on a branch in the center with lit oil lamps on either side. The lamps each point inwards towards the owl and sit on thin black lines. Below the images is a thin black oval border that is straight on the top and bottom sides. Inside is curling thin black text sitting on a thin black line. At the right end of the line is another thicker perpendicular black line dividing the oval into two uneven sections.
[Bookplate for Basil Thomas Woodd by Benjamin Warwick]
In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, parted per pale. The first pale is parted per quarter. Quarters one and four, gules (red), are charged with three demi-Hercules, two over one. Quarters two and three, sable (black), are charged with gryphons rampant, segreant. The second pale is parted per quarter. Quarters one and four, or (gold), charged with a lion rampant, sable, on a chief, gules, in the middle part a fillet, dovetailed, argent (silver). Quarters two and three, azure (blue), are charged with a fleur-de-lis. The escutcheon is set upon a backdrop of concentric circles. The inner circle is decorated with vine-like patterns. Within the outer circle, the originator's Latin motto "non nobis" appears. Below the concentric circles, the creator's signature and address, Benjn. Warwick 124 Regent Street appear. Above the circle is a peer helmet, surrounded by vegetative mantling, and atop the helmet is a straight wreath charged with a demi-figure of Hercules. (Bernard Burke considers the Hercules figures to be woodmen holding a club over their right shoulders or savages, depending upon the source consulted).
[Bookplate for Joseph Edgar Guimont by Chalifour Ltée Journal “Le Nord”]
Blue ink on cream paper. Capitalized, block, sans-serif letters are printed at the top of the bookplate. Below the text is gothic font in sentence case with a thin blue line framing it atop and below. In the center of the bookplate is an image of a right hand reaching out of a cloud to pour oil into an oil lamp with the flame burning. The lamp is elaborately decorated with floral and curlicue embellishments. The lamp sits atop a closed book with the spine facing out. The cloud extends behind the lamp and book as well. A thin blue line separates the image from sentence-case serif font and another thin blue line is below that text. Below the line is thin italicized font and a dotted line. At the bottom of the bookplate is a thin blue line directly above some smaller, sentence-case serif blue font.
[Bookplate for Stanley Harrod]
Sepia ink on cream paper. A sketched front of a sailboat with three large sails is at the top of the image. Ribbons swirls around the ship’s sails as if in the wind. The sailboat is emerging from a cloud-like section that extends out into other images. A rounded horizontal oval shape with large, round extensions at the top left and top right corners surround the other image. There is a thick, round border surrounding the shape. On the left side, a naked woman is leaning backwards onto a mythical creature with a human-like fish head and a coiling snake body. The creature is lying on the border, with wide eyes looking at the back of the woman. The woman was long hair in a ponytail and is looking downwards. Her right arm extends backwards towards the creature and, similarly, her right knee is bent. Her left leg extends out to stand on part of the border. Behind her left foot, a piece of seaweed like foliage drapes off of the border. In the upper right hand corner are two naked women. One is holding onto the upper part of the border and looks down onto the other woman, who is reclining on the border. The woman on top appears to be a mythical creature with long, footless legs that twirl around the other woman and border. The woman has her hair in a ponytail. The woman on the bottom has darker hair and has her left knee bent, her right arm lying on the leg of the other woman, and her left arm raised in potential defense against the other woman. In the middle of the shape is a head portrait of Leonardo da Vinci as an old man. He is bald on top with long white hair and a long white beard. Underneath his beard, the name Leonardo is written in fine, sentence case cursive. Extending from behind Leonardo’s beard are paint brushes and other artist’s tools, crisscrossed. Below the image is a small circle, text written in larger, sentence case cursive, another small circle, and more text in the same font.
[Bookplate for Gerald E. Hart by Edwin Cox & Co.]
Multicoloured ink on cream paper. Leaves with three pointed leaves adorn the corner of a brick pattern background. The leaves and brick are a pale green. There is an elaborate image printed on top of the pale green pattern. The bricks form an arch shape in the top centre to surround an elaborate multicoloured, painted arch. The arch is brown, gold, and black with ‘X’ decorations and borders. The arch surrounds a multicolour stained glass window, at the forefront of which sits a monk writing in a book. The stained glass window features a central circular decoration with three red circular borders surrounding three yellow circles, in the center of which are yellow flowers with three petals and green accents. In the outer spaces between the circles are rounded triangular lined insertions. At the very center of the three circles is a three ringed circle. To the bottom left and right of the circle decoration are more teardrop shaped sections with tapered bottoms. They each features yellow flowers with stems. Below the right floral decoration are two more similarly shaped sections with a swirling ribbon in each atop a blue crosshatch background. The arch connects to a Romanesque pillar on either side. The arch connects to an elaborately decorated bench, which has a golden floral motif. A bearded monk sits on the bench in floor-length yellow robes. The monk faces the right, where there is a desk. The desk is decorated on the side with ‘X’ decorations. Atop the desk is an open book that the monk is writing on. Below the desk is a decorative bird with a long, curved neck and floral elements extending from its back. The bird is accented with gold. To the right of the bird, partly reaching up to the top of the desk, are two rolled up pieces of paper. The floor consists of two thin platforms with green accents. A smaller rectangle is below with a gold crosshatch pattern. Text in the style of medieval manuscripts is printed atop. The first letter of each word is more stylized and in red font ; the rest of the text is blue. A thin ledge extends from the bottom of that rectangle. It tapers down to a more narrow line with two small pointed feet at the left and right sides. In that small section is a repeating geometric pattern in gold on a brown background. Below the entire image is small, red, capitalized, sans-serif font.
[Bookplate for Hôpital Général d’Ottawa No. 6]
Stamped in black ink on textured, yellowed paper. In the centre, a white cross is depicted on top of a mound of earth. At the centre of the cross, the Catholic icon of the Sacred Heart is depicted: a heart with a flame above it. From the earth, a vine of ivy grows and weaves around the cross. This image is framed by two banners above and below, which bear two phrases in French: “J’ÉTAIS MALADE ET VOUS M’AVEZ VISITE / JE SUIS L’ APPUI DU FAIBLE.” This is enclosed within a circle, which is framed by another circle with a scalloped edge that contains the identification: “SOEURS GRISES DE LA CROIX / OTTAWA.” The entire image is framed with a single black-line border of a wavy line with simple scrolled decorative marks at all four corners.
[Bookplate for Ralph H. Kilby]
Black ink on white paper. The crest features a circle with a border with black outlines and horizontal black lines. Inside the border there is a crown. The crown as three leafy designs at the top and the band is decorated with different jewels. The crest sits upon a crest-wreath. The shield has a border comprised of curling sections with ornate decorations on the ends. The shield is charged at the top with three black circles with white centers ; smaller versions of the black border featured in the crest. Below the circles are three horizontal black stripes. In the center of the top stripe is a white circle with black dots. Underneath the shield, the motto is printed on a curling ribbon in capitalized, sans serif black font. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in large, cursive, sentence case black font.
[Bookplate for Montreal & District Brotherhood Federation, W. Bourdeu, S James United Brotherhood, and T. B. Macaulay]
Black ink on white paper. A border consisting of a thick black line with thinner black lines surrounds the bookplate. At the top of the bookplate, there is a circular decoration with a black border. Inside the border is a plain section with rounded edges on the outer rim. Inside that section is a thick black circle with text printed in capitalized, sans serif white font. A thin white border separates the thick black section from an image of a black and white globe with cross sections. In the middle of the globe, a circle shows two hands with black sleeves shaking. Above the hands is a sun with beams. Below the hands, letters are printed in capitalized, sans serif block letters with a black border. Underneath the circular design, font is printed in capitalized, serif, black, font. On the next line is a dotted line. Below the dotted line is the same font in a smaller size followed by another dotted line. The same font, but larger, is printed on the next line. In the next line the font is smaller and then larger and smaller again in the subsequent two lines. Below these lines, text is printed in bold, black, small sans serif font. Underneath this line, text is printed in small, sentence case, black, serif font and is followed by a dotted line.
[Bookplate for Art Gallery of Toronto by Alexander Scott Carter]
Blank ink on white paper. Border consists of a thin black line, then a thicker black line, then an alternating black and white dashed line, and finally a thin black line. Capitalized black font with the words separated by geometric dots surrounds a black square. The black square is decorated on the inside with floral motifs. There is a circle inside the square with black text and black borders. Inside the circle are some more floral motifs, as well as two shields. The top shield is divided per pale. The left hand side is quartered with alternating designs of 3 horizontal arrows and vertical triangles. On the right hand side, the top third features vertical stripes, while the bottom two thirds are charged with three black stars. The lower shield is divided in a similar way and has the same stars and stripe design on the right hand side. The left hand side has alternating designs of fish, waves, and lions passant. Between the two shields is a horizontal rectangular box with black text inside. At the bottom of the bookplate is another rectangle with a border decorated with a swirling black and white motif. There is also an inner black border, inside of which is more black text.
[Bookplate for Henry Forbes Angus by Jack Macdonald]
An art nouveau, pictorial bookplate using black ink on ivory paper. In the background is a sun with four series of rays alternating black and white. In front of the sun is a left hand holding a quarter-bound book with a floral statue on the cover (consisting of a circle of leaves encircling three white flowers with black centres, which are on top of a trunk). At both the dexter and sinister corners are black squares ; in the dexter square are the initials J / M.
[Bookplate for Colin E. Henderson by L. V. S.]
Pictorial bookplate. A scene portraying a bookshelf and open window (overlooking trees) is enclosed in a circular frame. Around the frame are oak and maple branches. At the bottom of the circle is a frame in which is inscribed "Colin E. Henderson." The artist's name and date are found at the bottom-centre of the bookplate.
[Bookplate for Emil Eerme and A. Lavdovsky by V. Toots]
Stylized cursive letter E inside white circle on a black background formed by one thick letter E, and one thick backwards letter E.
[Bookplate for J. H. Gill]
Black ink on brown paper. Decorated arch at top is inscribed with school motto. Within the arch we see the gable and roof of the school. Below this is text enclosed by decorated border. Lamb in a circle at very bottom.
[Bookplate for British Association for the Advancement of Science]
Red and black ink on white paper. Coat of arms at top. Quartered shield shows English rose, Scottish thistle, Irish clover and Canadian beaver. Text in a bordered circle around shield. Cursive text below. Contributors include British Association.
[Bookplate for Spencer Walpole]
This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, or (gold), with a fess sable (black), charged with three cross crosslets, or. Top and bottom sections are charged with a chevron, sable. Entire shield is placed within a circle, with bookplate owner's name circling at the border.
[Bookplate for Gladys Lillian Boyd]
In black ink. A partial globe resting on clouds surrounded by books and paper. Above is an old printing press on which is perched a bird with a half circle of sun rays surrounding it.
[Bookplate for National Gallery of Canada Library by Alfred H. Howard]
Burgundy ink on cream paper. Three young boys respectively engaged in painting, drawing and sculpting are enclosed by a large circle, at the center of which lies an open book. The entire bookplate is surrounded by a multi-layered border. The artist's remarque is in the lower right hand corner of the border.
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