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1. [Bookplate for Arnold William Thomas] [Bookplate for Arnold William Thomas] In black ink on white paper. Shield: Or (gold), on a fesse dancette sable (black), coticed gules (red), between three birds sable perched, addorsed and elevated. Crest: a bird sable perched, addorsed and elevated, atop an open book argent (silver) and a crest wreath, argent and vert (green) with mantling.

2. [Bookseller's Ticket for W. C. Chewett and Company] [Bookseller's Ticket for W. C. Chewett and Company] In black ink on white or yellow paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a double border surrounding black text.

3. [Bookplate for D. Guthrie] [Bookplate for D. Guthrie] The owner’s name, occupation, and city are centered and printed in black ink, surrounded by a decorative scroll and floral border.
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