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[Bookplate for Library of Diocesan Theological College]
Black ink on white paper. There is italicized black text with a dotted line at the top of the bookplate. There is an almond shaped design with double lined black borders. The border contains capitalized black sans serif font. In the center are two shields. A white shield with an anchor partially covers a black shield. A bishop’s hat sits atop the shield. A motto is printed in the banner. Below more italicized text is printed with a dotted line. There are several lines of stylized black gothic fond, one line of sans serif capitalized black font, and then one final line of italicized text with a dotted line.
[Bookplate for Library of Diocesan Theological College]
Black ink on cream paper. In the upper-portion rests the Library of Diocesan Theological College seal. Within the oval-shaped seal are two shields (one in front of the other) with an anchor on the front of the more forward shield. Above the shield is a Western-style mitre. On the perimeter of the seal is Latin phrasing. Directly under the seal is an information line, followed by the title of the library and location city in English text. At the very bottom are two additional unfilled information lines.
[Bookplate for R. W. Urwin by Diocese of Durham]
At the top of this bookplate, above the text, is the arms of the bishopric of Durham. The escutcheon is azure (blue), and contains an or (gold) cross patonce. Each quadrant of the cross contains a lion rampant. On top of the shield is a bishop's mitre. As the Bishops of Durham were formerly princes of the Palatinate of Durham, this mitre has the unique distinction of also including a ducal coronet which provides for greater heraldic distinction. The bookplate is in letterpress with handwritten inserts.
[Bookplate for Lachlan Gibb]
In black ink. This bookplate's design features an escutcheon with or (gold), azure (blue), and sable (black) designs, parted per cross and charged at the fess point with an additional coat of arms. The escutcheon is outlined by an ornate border and situated in the center of a rectangular frame, divided into quadrants. These sections feature a domed building, topped with a cross, a ship, three battle-axes and three beavers, respectively. The originator's Latin motto and name appear along the base of the frame. Above the rectangular design are two straight wreaths charged with a dexter arm vambraced couped, holding aloft a battle-axe and an eagle bearing a tilting spear.
[Bookplate for James Fielding Sweeny]
At the top center of the bookplate is a mitre with a crosier on the left side and a banner on the right side. Below that is a crest with argent (silver) background, divided by per pale ; on the sinister side, a mitre and key are crossed, with a coronet, two books, and a dove, holding an olive branch. On the dexter side, two battle axes crossed above two boars, rampant, counterpassant. Beneath that is another crest, divided per pale. The sinister side has an argent background and two battle axes, crossed, above two boars, rampant, counterpassant. On the dexter side, is a lion, rampant. At the base of the bookplate is an alley of columns.
[Bookplate for Parker]
Black ink on cream paper. Within a thin, single-line border sits a lancet arch with a coat of arms at the top. Floating above the coat of arms is a Western-style miter. Within the arch, the name of the reading room and details on the specific book loan is printed.
[Bookplate for Henry James Grasett]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features bow loaded with arrow aimed to the left. Feathers stretch outwards on either side of the base of the bow on a crest-wreath. Shield is argent and sable per saltire, divided with a sable cross. Top and bottom quarters are argent charged with a plant with round top and brush head. Feathery leaves appear at either side of the base. Top feature has two sable stylized decorations featuring roundels three over two atop three lines connected at the top that separate outwards at the bottom. Four of the same decorations are featured in the bottom quarter. Left and right quarters are sable charged with five point stars and a stylized design element similar to those in the top and bottom quarters, but thicker and in argent. The shield is surrounded by a stylized border decorated with various curls. Below the shield, the motto is written in capitalized block letters on ribbon with elaborately curled blackening ends.
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