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1. [Bookbinder's Ticket] [Bookbinder's Ticket] In black ink on white paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a border made up of joined circles surrounding black text of various sizes and fonts. The word 'Carswell' begins with a decorative letter 'C'. A decorative element in the shape of a water drop or a flame is found in the lower middle of the bookbinder's ticket.

2. [Bookplate for B. E. Hutchinson] [Bookplate for B. E. Hutchinson] Black ink on white paper. The bookplate has two sections. The first section has thick borders on the left and right with white outlines. The top border is like a shelf with a slightly shorter, darker section below a longer, paler section. Within the frame is a picture of a house built on the shore of a river. The river is foregrounded at the bottom of the frame. The cliff is rocky with a few trees on it. The house is large and has a brick chimney on the right side. Behind the house are several taller trees. Below that image is a shelf-like structure. The top and bottom shelves are supported by Grecian-style columns. A row of books is shelved in between the two columns. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in black, capitalized, serif font. Each letter is printed on a spine of a book so the name is off kilter when the books are slanted. In front of the shelved books is an open book propped up on a closed book.
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