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[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A black frame surrounding the image and the head and foot statements includes a yellow straw horse with a blue saddle, and red reigns and banner.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
An image of a Japanese woman with a kimono and obi with a circular bowl shaped hat on her head.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
An image of an orange cowl surrounding a face. There is a Japanese Kanji Character drawn below the face amongst the cowl. The image is of a classical figure from Japanese mythology. The myth is of a hermit who goes to a cave and does not move for many years causing his limbs to whither until only a head remains. A grey border outlines the figure and the text. The face is facing towards the right.
[Bookplate for Sir Charles Cockerell]
Armorial bookplate. The shield is divided in half to show the arms of both the husband and wife. The left shield, representing the husband, is divided into six sections two of which portray roosters, between which is a face surrounded by leaves. Above the top rooster is a crescent signifying the second son. The middle section is argent (silver or white) with two chevrons. The top chevron is adorned with three flowers and at the top and bottom of the chevron are three eagle heads ; the bottom chevron is adorned with three roundlets and above and below the chevron are three flowers or leaves. Between the chevrons and at the centre of the six sections is a small shield with a left hand facing palm-out. The top right corner shows two lion heads and a bend adorned with three fleur-de-lis. On the bottom left corner is a lion. The second shield shows two lions passant guardant on a black background with an or border. Above the shield is a wreathed helm facing forward with a raised visor therein signifying barony or knighthood. Above the helm is a crescent and crowned tiger head. On both sides of the shield are angelic supporters each carrying a flag staff (adorned with the sun and crescent moon) as well as palm/laurel fronds (on which birds are perched). The figures are adorned in robes decorated with fleur-de-lis and their chests are imprinted with crosses.
[Bookplate for City of Halifax and Citizens’ Free Library]
Black and blue ink on cream paper. A coat of arms for the city of Halifax is printed in the upper-portion of the plate in blue ink. Within this coat of arms stands a sailor on the left, with his hand placed on the crest containing a Belted Kingfisher on a grassy mound. Directly above the crest is a masoned Sable containing a sprig of mayflower. To the right is a fisherman holding a codfish by its head. Both figures and the crest are standing upon heraldic ribbon containing Latin phrasing within it. This portion is followed by the title of the library in Germanic lettering and the name of the town in cursive.
[Bookplate for J. H. Gill]
Black ink on brown paper. Decorated arch at top is inscribed with school motto. Within the arch we see the gable and roof of the school. Below this is text enclosed by decorated border. Lamb in a circle at very bottom.
[Bookplate for City of Halifax and Citizens’ Free Library]
Black ink on cream paper. A coat of arms for the city of Halifax is printed in the upper-portion of the plate. Within this coat of arms stands a sailor on the left, with his hand placed on the crest containing a Belted Kingfisher on a grassy mound. Directly above the crest is a masoned Sable containing a sprig of mayflower. To the right is a fisherman holding a codfish by its head. Both figures and the crest are standing upon heraldic ribbon containing Latin phrasing within it. This portion is followed by the title of the library and three sections with horizontal dotted entries lines for entering the class, book, and accession number. In the lower right corner is a handwritten note in pencil.
[Bookplate for Jos-N. Chaussé M.D.]
Black ink on cream paper. An oval border with decoration at the top and bottom surrounds an illustration of a naked female figure whose arms are turning into tree branches, referencing Daphne of Greek mythology. The women’s tree branch arms extend beyond the oval border. She is looking to her left with a laurel crown on other head tied with ribbons while her long black hair flows past her right shoulder. A long, curling ribbon wraps around her back upper body, across her torso, and then back around her legs. Text is printed on the ribbon in bold, black, capitalized, serif font. The woman stands with her ankles crossed and is wearing strappy open-toe flat shoes. She stands in front of an open book. In the top left corner of the left page are initials printed in capitalized, stylized, block font. The woman also stands atop of a closed book, with its pages facing the viewer. In the bottom left and right corners of the bookplate, text is printed in various stylized black fonts.
[Bookplate for Alfred C. Harmsworth]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a crest-wreath with a knight’s right arm extended and bent at the elbow. The arm is armoured with a point at the elbow and circular decorations on the rest of the arm. The hand clutches a sword that has gone through a small lion’s head from the chin through to the crown. The lion has whiskers, but no mane. Below the crest, the bookplate owner’s name is written in black, sentence case, gothic font.
[Bookplate for W. Carleill-Hall]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a person’s head in profile facing the left. The person is wearing chain mail, but no helmet and is atop a crest-wreath. Below the crest-wreath is another crest with a gentlemen and esquire helm and elaborate black and white curling mantling extending out horizontally, as well as down the sides of the shield. The shield is divided per pale. The dexter side is argent with a sable chevron. It is charged with three black birds trussed, two over one. The chevron is charged with three white flowers with six petals and line decorations in the middle. The sinister side is sable and charged with three white demi-lions. At the base of the shield is a ribbon with a flat central base and ends that extend up like a V to the left and right. On that central base is printed, black, capitalized, sans serif text. Below the ribbon, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in black, sentence case, cursive text.
[Bookplate for James Scott Howard]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a ship’s steering wheel with stringy foliage extending from the left and leafy foliage extending from the right atop a crest-wreath. Shield is sable and party per fess. Top section is charged with a white cross in the center with a fleur-de-lis on either side. The bottom section is charged with a white ship steering wheel that is identical to the one in the crest. The motto is printed on curling ribbon below the shield in capitalized, serif, white block font with black outline. Below the motto, the bookplate owner’s name Is printed in sentence case, black, serif font.
[Bookplate for Peter Edward Hicks]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a stag head. The stag has large antlers and has a leafy wreath around its chest. The stag sits on a crest-wreath. The shield has sable stripes and is charged with three white fleurs-de-lis, two over one. The shield is divided per fess. The dividing section is curved and argent with sable stripes. The motto is printed on a curling ribbon in capitalized, serif, black font. The words are separated by black dots. Below the motto, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in large, black, sentence case, cursive font.
[Bookplate for Henry James Grasett]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features bow loaded with arrow aimed to the left. Feathers stretch outwards on either side of the base of the bow on a crest-wreath. Shield is argent and sable per saltire, divided with a sable cross. Top and bottom quarters are argent charged with a plant with round top and brush head. Feathery leaves appear at either side of the base. Top feature has two sable stylized decorations featuring roundels three over two atop three lines connected at the top that separate outwards at the bottom. Four of the same decorations are featured in the bottom quarter. Left and right quarters are sable charged with five point stars and a stylized design element similar to those in the top and bottom quarters, but thicker and in argent. The shield is surrounded by a stylized border decorated with various curls. Below the shield, the motto is written in capitalized block letters on ribbon with elaborately curled blackening ends.
[Bookplate for Gamble Geddes]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features half a fish hauriant showing a fin, gills, and a head with teeth atop a crest-wreath. Sable shield charged with three of the aforementioned fish heads two over one and an argent insecutcheon. There is a ribbon-like banner with the motto below the shield with curling ends. Each side of the ribbon is angled towards a downward point. On the left side is text in capitalized black serif-font. The right side of the ribbon overlaps the left and has text in the same font. Below the motto, the owner’s name is written in curling sentence-case font.
[Bookplate for Charles Theodore Hart]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features the head of a stag in profile on a crest-wreath. The shield is pointed at the top left, top right, and bottom corners. The bottom of the shield curves to a central point. The shield is argent with a sable chevron charged with two stars on the top left and top right sides. The stars are white with black shading and a black circle in the center. Below the chevron the shield is charged with a springing stag. Below the shield the motto is printed on a ribbon in capitalized, serif font. Underneath the motto is the bookplate owner’s name in curling, italicized font.
[Bookplate for A. C. Jones by Clare Victor Dwiggins]
Black ink on cream paper. The border of the bookplate consists of intertwined thorny and leafy vines with thicker leaves in the corners. The top left and right corners also feature rose-like flowers. Near the top of the border, vines extend from the left and right sides towards the center of the bookplate design. Capitalized, black, whimsical font is at the top of the bookplate. Dots surround some of the words and some letters are looping or intertwined. In the center of the bookplate, a tall, thin, beautiful woman in a whimsical fluted dress stands atop a closed book. The woman’s hair is done up and decorated with flowers. Flowers also decorate the top of the dress, the bottom of which features a spiral pattern. The dress is cinched at the waist with a belt and similarly cinched around the thighs with a large ribbon tied in a bow. The bottom of the dress extends outwards and there is a lacey layer underneath. The woman is wearing slip-on high heels with bows on the front. Next to the large book the woman is standing on are two books, one small one in front of the book sitting on its side. The other book is standing upright and is behind the large book. The woman is bending towards a small, naked cherub with a single curl atop its head and feathery wings. The cherub is standing in front of a book open and standing on its pages with the spine up. The cherub is also holding an open book and looking smilingly up at the woman. Behind the woman, the bookplate creator’s name is printed in curling, capitalized, black font. At the bottom of the bookplate, the owner’s name is printed in black, gothic, sentence case font.
[Bookplate for E. J. Hodgson]
Black ink on cream paper. The crest features a bird perched on a crest-wreath. The bird has elaborate head and tail feathers and is holding a leafy branch in its beak. Curling, leafy mantling surrounds the shield, which is divided per chevron engrailed. The top portion of the shield is argent with sable dots and charged with two trussed sable striped birds. The bottom portion of the shield is sable striped and is charged with a trussed argent bird with sable dots. Below the shield, the motto is printed on a ribbon with curling ends. The mottos is written in black, capitalized, sans serif font. The last s in “SPES” has been thickened by hand. Below the motto, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in black, sentence case, stylized gothic font with curling spirals.
[Bookplate for Jonathon H. Magor]
Black ink on white coated paper. This bookplate depicts the couped head of a greyhound with two collars above a straight wreath.
[Bookplate for George E. Longley by Francis Adams Sc.]
Black ink on white paper with cropped corners. The crest features an arm grasping a dagger. The blade of the dagger has pierced the head of a bearded man that resembles a lion head. The arm is atop a crest-wreath. The wreath sits on a flower with a round center and 5 petals. To strips extend out of the flower across the front and back of a ribbon, connecting to the top of the shield. The ribbon extends straight out with curling ends. The motto is printed on the ribbon in black, capitalized, serif font. Shield is ermine with a black bend. Bend charged with three cheetah heads. Underneath the shield, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in elaborate gothic block font. The first letter of each part of the name is outlined with a black border, while the remaining letters are printed in black. Swirling lines and dots embellish the text. Below the name, a location is printed in smaller, sentence case, black serif font. Underneath this text is another swirling line with several dots, to the right of which text is printed in capitalized block serif letters with black outlines. In the bottom left of the bookplate, the creator’s name is printed in small, black, sentence case, serif font.
[Bookplate for Barclays Bank]
Black ink on white paper. Border and paper have indented corners. Text in shield-shaped area. Shield at topf of plate shows eagle displayed with three crowns across its wing span.
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