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[Bookplate for Dezsgyessy Bottlik, Margit Bottlik, and J. E. Horvath]
Black ink on light grey inked background. A woman looks at rose that she holds on her right hand. She is wearing a long dress with a black bodice and bouffant white sleeves. The skirt has a flower pattern and the underskirt is white with a bottom ruffle. She sits on a sofa covered with big cushions with different patterns. One of the cushions comes out of the image frame. There is a window behind the figure with plant on the sill. The text boxes above and below the image are adorned with garlands. The artist seal with the initials RS is on the lower left corner.
[Bookplate for Rozsnyay and J. E. Horvath]
Grey ink on buff paper. This bookplate depicts a monkey holding with feet and hands the scuplture of standing monkey. The figures in this high contrast image are created by large blank areas and using the grey inked areas for the background and dark details. Two block of text, also in negative, are located at the top and bottom of the image.
[Bookplate for Geoffrey Christian and Michael B. Kunze]
This image portrays, in black ink, on white paper, three books, one open and two lying stacked on their sides in front of the open book. In front of the three books is a large black inkwell containing a quill. The inkwell sits upon a manuscript. The manuscript has a seal on it. The image is set on a black background, with a curved top.
[Bookplate for Dr. Bruggaier and Michael B. Kunze]
In black ink, the greater part of the area of the image is taken up by a large capital E, which forms the 'e' in 'ex libris'. Within the upper and lower horizontals of the E is an image of a cross on a triangular shape, which symbolizes a steeple. Surrounding the upper part of the cross are lines which indicate light radiating from the cross.
[Bookplate for Marianne Schmidt and Michael B. Kunze]
In red ink, an image of a flower arrangement with six large blooms in a decorated vase. The image is framed by a red border.
[Bookplate for Familie Mezler and Michael B. Kunze]
In black ink, an unusual heraldic symbol with a helmet in the centre of the image. Protruding from the top of the helm are what appear to be two horns. Between the horns is the figure of a woman whose hands grasp the horns. From both side of the helm, and from below, flows extensive mantling flowing out and down framing another image of a woman, identical to the first, except that her skirt is now visible.
[Bookplate for Gerhard Haubold and Michael B. Kunze]
Image of three ichthus (a symbol of two intersecting arcs that represent a fish) that meet at the centre. The text fills the space in north, south-west, and south-east parts of the image.
[Bookplate for Georgian Club and Michael B. Kunze by Beatrice J. Ennie]
This image portrays, in black ink, on white paper, a young woman, clothed in Victorian fashion including headpiece. She is reading a book which is resting on the back of a chair. Upon the seat of the chair are two closed books. To the woman's left is a grandfather clock, and on the floor, at the base of the clock are two more closed books. The entire image, including the text, is bordered by a picture frame.
[Bookplate for Karl Hermann and Michael B. Kunze]
In black ink on white coated paper, an image of a farmer's field. A farmer strolls away from the observer spreading seed from a side-bag. In the distance is what appears to be a town and a church steeple which is framed by radiating sunlight. In the sky above is a bird, possibly a dove. To the right of the field is a road lined with narrow trees and farmhouse situated at the base of a hill, on which possibly sits a castle. In the foreground is a piece of farming equipment and foliage frames the german expression "Und Erliches fiel aut ein gutes Land". The entire image is framed by a shaded border, rounded at the top.
[Bookplate for Joseph Berreth and Michael B. Kunze]
In black ink, an image of a knoll, on top of which are two leafless trees and a lamp centered between them. In the background is a cloud that frames the image.
[Bookplate for University of British Columbia Library]
Grey and black ink on white paper. Negative image of the UBC Main Library with the clocktower in the foreground. Text appears in and below image.
Image shows both the recto and verso of the sample bookplate sheet produced by the Globe Wernicke Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio. The sheet contains two sample bookplates. The one on the left, in colour, shows two white swans on a water-lily spotted lake. On the distant shoreline, one can see among the green foliage the rooftop and chimney of a home. The image is framed by an oval floral border on a yellow and white background. The second sample bookplate, on the right, shows a pirate on a beach, either burying treasure or digging it up. On the pale blue water of the horizon, a ship sits in wait. The sample bookplate sheet is divided into four sections by perforated lines. The recto also includes a mail order form for more sample bookplates and a booklet on "The World's Best Books". The verso includes the reverse of the mail order form, complete with place for a stamp, and also an advertisement for Globe-Wernicke bookcases.
[Bookplate for Ágoston Tamás-György and J. E. Horvath by K. M. S.]
This bookplate uses some architectural features to create a grid with nine cells. The centre of the image has a panel with the ownership information. The top of this panel serves as the floor for two figures practicing fencing that are framed with an arch. This arch is supported on two square boxes at the top corners of the image. There is a flower vase on top and books inside each box. Similar boxes with apple branches mark the bottom corners. The spaces between these boxes are supported by columns that flank two sportive figures, a hockey player on the left and a hunter on the right. In the bottom central area a small row boat sits in water.
[Bookplate for Arnin Neuensundschen]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of a round wreathed textual area in the centre. Behind it is a hearth-type frame with a ring hanger on the left and right side. There is a curtain strung up through the left ring, across and through to the right ring. At the centre-top of the image is the face of an angel. At the base of the image is a globe, partially covered by a clothe, and next to it are a book and a bust.
[Bookplate for Joseph Bewley]
This non-traditional heraldic bookplate consists of a tilted argent (silver) escutcheon with a sable (black) chevron. On the escutcheon are three bird heads, erased, two over one. Atop the shield is an unusually large helmet in profile, topped by a twig with leaves, a crest wreath, and a stag head, erased. From the helmet flows mantling. Above and below the image are banners containing the text. The image and banners are set upon a designed background and framed by a double border.
[Bookplate for Jeanie Lea Southwick and Frederick Starr]
Colour woodblock print. Image of a Japanese Shinto shrine, a Torii gate, overlooking landscape and a mountain, presumably Mount Fuji. Bookplate image and texts contained within a bamboo border, with bookplate text at top and bottom.
[Bookplate for Frederick Starr]
Colour woodblock print in two blocks. In green and red ink. Image of the top half of a woman, nude. Bookplate text above image.
[Bookplate for Frederick Starr]
Colour woodblock print. In blue, red, and black ink. Image of a crescent moon and stars. Stylistic pattern in background and Japanese text beneath image. Artists' mark on bottom left in red.
[Bookplate for Montreal Library for Boys and Girls]
Dark brown ink on light brown paper. An image of a young boy and girl in a library with many books open and on the floor. The young girl reaches up to pull down a book from the top shelf while the boy sits cross-legged on the floor reading.
[Bookplate for Kennedy McIlwraith]
Black ink on white paper. The image depicts the main entrance to University College at the University of Toronto.
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