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1. [Bookplate by William Walker Alexander] [Bookplate by William Walker Alexander] Black ink on cream paper. Depiction of a sloped road, an inn, and Brock’s Monument, a 56-metre column dedicated to Major General Sir Isaac Brock, a Canadian war hero from the War of 1812.

2. [Bookplate for David Russell Jack] [Bookplate for David Russell Jack] Black ink on cream paper with shiny surface. The crest features an armoured arm clutching a sword extending from a crest-wreath. Below is an esquires helm, from which extends mantling on either side. The mantling is light on top and darkens to black at the bottom. The shield is has a chevron with thin, horizontal, black lines. Above the chevron, the shield is charged with two crescent moons with the points facing upwards. Below the chevron, the shield is charged with the same arm from the crest, in this case tilted 90 degrees so that the arm is horizontal. While the crest arm holds a straight sword, the shield arm is holding a sword with a curved blade. Below the shield, the motto is printed in capitalized, black, block serif font on a curling ribbon. Underneath the motto, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in larger, black, sentence case cursive font. A second line features the date printed in smaller, thin, stylized black font.

3. [Bookplate for J. I. Frank Anthes] [Bookplate for J. I. Frank Anthes] In red and black ink on cream or white paper, the bookplate consists of a red double border surrounding black text.

4. [Bookplate for Saul Globus] [Bookplate for Saul Globus] This bookplate features an airplane circling around an abstract structure against a dark sky.
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