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[Bookplate for Robie Lewis Reid]
The bookplate has below a banner with a quote from the Canterbury Tales an image of a writing desk backed by a number of books both lined up vertically, aslant and open on the desk. A banner crosses the upper portion of the image that states "EX LIBRIS", between these two words is a round shield made by a belt on which is written "PRO VIRTUTE". Within this shield is the image of a hand holding an open book on top of a braided wreath. Below the writing desk is a rectangular plate with the name "Robie Lewis Reid".
[Bookplate for Lewis Harcourt]
There are several black fillets separating the top and bottom banners from the central and side images present on the bookplate. The sidebars of the bookplate have vines trailing down the die. The central image is an armorial. The image begins with a peacock symbolizing renewal or resurrection standing on top of a coronet on top of a closed helm facing dexter. The helm surmounts a shield leaning from the dexter chief to the sinister base. Both the helm and the shield are surrounded by mantling on either sides. The shield is a gules field with two bars of or. This bookplate belonged to Baron Lewis Harcourt of Nuneham who was an important administrator within the British government during the early decades of the 20th century.
[Bookplate for John Lewis]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided per cross. Quarters one and four are gules (red), charged with an arm clutching a fasces and two mullets on either side. Quarters two and three are gules with a saltier, argent (silver), charged with four cinque foil. Above the escutcheon rests a crest of a griffin head upon a straight wreath. The escutcheon is bordered by stylized mantling, and below, the owner's name.
[Bookplate for Lewis Hutchens by Don Wier]
This bookplate's design features a devil looking upwards and leaning against a book. He seems to point towards the bookplate originator's name with his left-hand, while holding a fountain pen in the crook of his other arm. Stylistically, this ex-libris appears to have originated in the early part of the 20th-century.
[Bookplate for Lewis]
Brown ink on cream paper. Crest features a dog’s head on a crest-wreath. Below the crest is an esquires helm with elaborate mantling extending out in multiple layers. The shield is divided with a horizontal black line in the center. Above the line, the shield is charged with three dogs, the same breed featured in the crest. Below the line, the shield is charged with a single flower with five round petals and a black center. Underneath the shield, a motto is printed in capitalized, block serif black font on a horizontal ribbon with curling ends and a bend in the center. Below the motto, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in large, black, stylized gothic block font in sentence case.
[Bookplate for Lewis]
Brown ink on cream paper. Crest features a dog’s head on a crest-wreath. Below the crest is an esquires helm with elaborate mantling extending out in multiple layers. The shield is divided with a horizontal black line in the center. Above the line, the shield is charged with three dogs, the same breed featured in the crest. Below the line, the shield is charged with a single flower with five round petals and a black center. Underneath the shield, a motto is printed in capitalized, block serif black font on a horizontal ribbon with curling ends and a bend in the center. Below the motto, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in large, black, stylized gothic block font in sentence case.
[Bookplate for Gertrude Elliott by Rustcraft USA]
Blue, pink, yellow, gold, and black ink on cream paper. A knight in armour sits on horseback behind a black silhouette of city ; in the background is castle suspended in the clouds. A border of flowers and vines surrounds the image. 'Rustcraft USA' is written vertically in small type along edge of building, and near the horse's tail additional text appears to read "A74." There is a scroll at the bottom with the originator's name.
[Bookplate for Henry Augustus Sims]
In red ink on white paper, a border that contains red and black text and black decorative designs. Within the border, in black ink, there is an angled Escutcheon parted per pale. The dexter side is gules (red), containing a chevronel or (gold) with two mullets of six points, pierced, in chief, and one battle axe in base. The sinister side is quartered per cross by a cross argent (silver), with the dexter chief and sinister base quarters in azure (blue) and the sinister chief and dexter base quarters in gules. In each quarter save the sinister base there is a pheon proper. Above the Esctucheon, the mantling is topped by a wreath, from which a lion emerges, holding a battle axe. Below the Escutcheon is a banner bearing the motto, 'Ferio Tego.'.
[Bookplate for Gerald Lynham Porte Grant-Suttie]
In black ink on white paper, this bookplate consists of a shield Azure (blue), three eagles displayed two over one, a chief, Or (gold), a demi-lion rampant queue fourche. Issuing out of a Crown Vallary, the crest of a demi-lion rampant queue fourche and holding in the forepaws a star of seven points. Below the escutcheon, a banner bears the motto 'VINCIT QUI POSSE CREDIT' [Latin = He who believes that he can, succeeds].
[Bookplate for Brockville Library Association]
In black ink on grey or white paper, the bookplate consists of a decorative fan border surrounding black text.
[Bookplate for Brockville Library Association]
In black ink on beige or white paper, the bookplate consists of a decorative border surrounding black text.
[Bookplate for Brockville Library]
In black ink on white paper, the bookplate consists of a thin black border close to the edge of the paper, surrounding a title above a decorative rule or bar, below which is the main text in black ink.
[Bookplate for Brockville Public Library]
In black ink on white paper, the bookplate consists of the seal of Brockville, incorporating scenes of ships, trains, beehives, and a beaver, in the upper right corner and black text.
[Bookplate for Brockville Library]
In black ink on tan paper, the bookplate consists of a double zigzag border surrounding black text. The library name at the top is flanked by two rosettes and separated from the remaining text by a decorative rule.
[Bookplate for Pretre L. Bertrand]
An ornate border of foliage, flowers, ribbons, and musical instruments surrounds the text. Below the printed text is a manuscript note. The back of the bookplate is covered in marbling, presumably lifted from a book when the bookplate was removed.
[Bookplate for Paul Hahn by J. M.]
Black and blue ink on cream paper. The rectangular border consists of three black lines of decreasing thickness towards the center. In the top right corner is a small butterfly with outspread wings with some decoration. Below the butterfly is text in stylized, capitalized, black serif font. The bookplate owner’s name is printed below in slightly different stylized font in a larger size. Underneath the owner’s name is a larger butterfly with more elaborate outstretched wings. The text forms a single column in the left-hand side of the bookplate. To the right of the text is a bookshelf that appears to extend down to the bottom of the bookplate. Books are stacked in various ways on the shelf, spines facing out. In front of the bookshelf is a cello. The base of the cello sits in the bottom center of the bookplate and the neck extends up towards the top right-hand corner. At the top of the cello sits a butterfly, less elaborate than the others, that has been coloured in with blue ink. To the right of the cello is a tall object extending up along the bookshelf. A section of papers, potentially sheet music, in a folder in the bottom right corner. In the bottom left corner, the bookplate creator’s initials are printed in capitalized, black, serif font surrounded by a thin black border.
[Bookplate for Montreal & District Brotherhood Federation, W. Bourdeu, S James United Brotherhood, and T. B. Macaulay]
Black ink on white paper. A border consisting of a thick black line with thinner black lines surrounds the bookplate. At the top of the bookplate, there is a circular decoration with a black border. Inside the border is a plain section with rounded edges on the outer rim. Inside that section is a thick black circle with text printed in capitalized, sans serif white font. A thin white border separates the thick black section from an image of a black and white globe with cross sections. In the middle of the globe, a circle shows two hands with black sleeves shaking. Above the hands is a sun with beams. Below the hands, letters are printed in capitalized, sans serif block letters with a black border. Underneath the circular design, font is printed in capitalized, serif, black, font. On the next line is a dotted line. Below the dotted line is the same font in a smaller size followed by another dotted line. The same font, but larger, is printed on the next line. In the next line the font is smaller and then larger and smaller again in the subsequent two lines. Below these lines, text is printed in bold, black, small sans serif font. Underneath this line, text is printed in small, sentence case, black, serif font and is followed by a dotted line.
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