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[Bookplate for Elora Mechanics’ Institute]
Black ink on cream paper. A stylized border surrounds text in multiple fonts, including a Gothic title. A number is handwritten at the top of the plate in pencil.
[Bookplate for Dunham Methodist Sunday School]
Black ink on cream paper. A thin, vine-like border houses the text. No content lies outside of this border. Inside, the name of the school library is centered in the upper portion. A fillable number section is located in the central portion, with the number 216 erased out and the number 56 written to the right of it in blue ink. Beneath this section is a small printed hand icon pointing towards a note instructing the user of the library usage policy. In the portion of this note for the librarian to write the number of days until it’s due is written the number 14 in pencil.
[Bookplate for Joint Board of Theological Colleges]
Black ink on cream paper. An ornate banned frame with leaf sprigs houses the text. At the bottom of the frame, the letters MTD are incorporated amid a sprig. The outside of the frame is decorated with a repeating leaf pattern. The corners of the frame are four shields. The top left tablet shield is dotted (gold) and charged with an undecipherable center object. An open book sits atop the shield. The top right tablet shield is horizontally lined (azure) and charged with a downward facing bird (dove) at the chief and an open book at the base. A tree sits atop the shield. The bottom left Norman pointed shield is horizontally lined (azure) with a cross (argent). It is charged with an open book with writing over the center of the cross. A coronet sits atop the shield. The bottom right spade shield is blank (argent) and is charged with an anchor. A mitre sits atop the shield.
[Bookplate for Drysdale’s Lending Library by W. Drysdale & Co.]
Black ink on cream paper. An ornate border surrounds text printed in multiple fonts. The book number is left blank.
Black ink on cream paper. An ornate border with curlicues in each corner houses the title, location, and loan policies of the library. Between the city and the loan policy is a vertical dividing line with a curlicue in the centre.
[Bookplate for Evans Bros.]
Black ink on cream paper. At the top of the bookplate sits the title and address of the library. Beneath this is a header for the library rules, written in Germanic font. Beneath this section sits a horizontal dividing line, followed by the five individual rules and policies. This section is divided into two columns. On the left are headers for each type of rule or policy, and on the right sits the body of each. Between the two columns is a vertical dividing line.
[Bookplate for Hôpital Gènèral Québec]
Black ink on cream paper. Border made of thin solid lines. Inside the solid black line border is a thin dotted line border. The corners feature stylized decorations that are wing-like with circular additions on three sides. Each decoration also features a full or half-circle element facing the center of the bookplate. The name of the hospital is written in larger, capitalized, bold font, with the location being in slightly smaller font. There is a squiggled line beneath the hospital name. Below the line are three areas with dotted lines to be filled in. Names of the fields are written in italicized sentence case font. One handwritten note in the number section.
[Bookplate for P. Gagnon]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a beaver lying on a crest-wreath. There are maple leaf branches extending from both sides of the beaver. The beaver is surrounded by a half-circle border with the motto in black, capitalized sans-serif font written across the arc. The shield is divided per fess, with the top half being further divided per pale and the upper left hand portion is divided into three horizontal sections. The topmost left hand section is argent with sable dots charged with two fleurs-de-lis. The middle left hand section is argent with sable stripes charged with a lion passant. The bottom left hand section is argent with sable dots charged with three maple leaves connected at the stem. The upper right hand side is argent charged with two pieces of equipment, one atop the other, and a pair of scissors below. The equipment has a small curved bottom with two long, curving handles on top with a spike pointing through the lower end of the handles. Below the top half is a thin black banner with white capitalized sans-serif text. Below the banner is an image of a natural forest and coastal landscape with a ship with two tall masts in the water. On the coast, there are people, possible colonizers, interacting. A large cross has been erected on the coast on the right hand side of the image. The dexter supporter and sinister supporter are moose standing a curling ribbon with text in capitalized black sans-serif font.
[Bookplate for Alfred C. Harmsworth]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a crest-wreath with a knight’s right arm extended and bent at the elbow. The arm is armoured with a point at the elbow and circular decorations on the rest of the arm. The hand clutches a sword that has gone through a small lion’s head from the chin through to the crown. The lion has whiskers, but no mane. Below the crest, the bookplate owner’s name is written in black, sentence case, gothic font.
[Bookplate for D. Girouard]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features right arm bent at elbow holding the top half of a spear on crest-wreath. Shield has sable and argent stripes, charged with three two-pointed flags two speckled sable on argent flags over one argent flag facing left. The top two flags are speckled, sable on argent, and the bottom flag is argent. Below the shield, the motto is printed in capital letters on ribbon with curling ends. Name typewritten in cursive sentence font.
[Bookplate for William Greening and Cornelia Greening by A. N. Macdonald]
Black ink on cream paper. Elaborately decorated frame surrounds three round images, two small ones atop a larger, oval one. The border has a shelf-like appearance with the top featuring a series of curling, heart-shaped decorations with a large, spiraling curlicue extending to the left and right. The very centre of the top element features a leaf-like decoration pointing upwards. The top half of the sides of the border features symmetrical leafy curlicue decorations that extend downwards with a pseudo-fleurs-de-lis to a line of elaborate floral decorations. The large oval image extends to the sides of the borders and below the oval are decorations on both the left and right sides. The left side features a tennis racket entwined in leafy decoration. The right side contains golf clubs in the same leafy decoration. Leafy decoration also surround the two small images inside the border, which are connected by two wrapping ribbons in the centre. The image on the left features an explorer holding a walking stick and wearing a hat looking out onto a nature landscape. The landscape includes water and a mountain topped with clouds. The image on the right contains a road curving to the right. The right side of the road features foliage, including several palm trees. The large, central image shows a house with some of its garden in the foreground. The forefront of the image is a simple lawn, followed by several small trees on the left with plants in barrels, a table, and several chairs on the right. Between the trees and chairs is a path leading further into the garden and towards the house. The house is quite large and has at least two stories and a sheltered porch. Towards the other end of the house and garden are taller trees. Below the images is a rectangular box with a border. The border consists of two thin white lines with a darker centre between them. The centre of the rectangle contains text written in capitalized serif font in varying sizes. Below the rectangle, the artist’s name and date of creation is written in small, sentence-case serif font. Handwritten note in pencil on the back.
[Bookplate for Hill’s Library]
Black ink on cream paper. Handwritten notes across at the top of the bookplate in the center and right corner. Typewritten bold capital letters in serif font followed by smaller non-bold letters. The line below features bold font in sentence case. A thin black line with a thicker rectangle in the middle separates text. Text below the line is large, capital, bold font. The following line is in smaller sentence case. The next line of text is in capital, non-bold font. A thin line with two small diamonds and one large diamond in the center separate the text. Below the line is italicized capital sans serif font. Underneath that is smaller, bold sans serif font. Lending periods written on the right side of the bookplate in italicized sentence case serif font. Below that is capitalized font separated with ellipses from monetary amounts, each of which is separated by 6 dots. Text below, written in sentence case, follows the same pattern, followed by a line in sentence case serif font. Image of hand pointing an index figure to the right points to capitalized bold serif font. Below that is slightly smaller capitalized bold serif font. The following two lines of text are written in sentence case, with some use of bold letters for emphasis. Next are two lines of serif font in capital letters and a larger font size, followed by font in sentence case. The next line of text is in bold capital letters. Below that is larger, bold serif stylized font, followed by smaller non-bold capital lettering. The next five lines contain small sentence case serif font with use of bold letters for emphasis. Below that is bold, capitalized sans serif font, followed by a line that is initially non-bold, capitalized, serif font and then switches to bold, capitalized, sans serif font. The last two lines are written in non-bold sentence case serif font. All text is center-aligned.
[Bookplate for Fraser Institute]
Black ink on cream paper. In the top-right corner sits a dotted horizontal line. Beneath this rests a circular crest for the library. Along the outer rim of the crest is the name and city of the library ; in the center is a bust of a reindeer is printed above heraldic ribbon with French wording within it. Four maple leaves are also within this inner-portion of the crest. Beneath the crest are three additional doted lines, containing two hand-written notes.
[Bookplate for Library of Diocesan Theological College]
Black ink on cream paper. In the upper-portion rests the Library of Diocesan Theological College seal. Within the oval-shaped seal are two shields (one in front of the other) with an anchor on the front of the more forward shield. Above the shield is a Western-style mitre. On the perimeter of the seal is Latin phrasing. Directly under the seal is an information line, followed by the title of the library and location city in English text. At the very bottom are two additional unfilled information lines.
[Bookplate for Iser Steiman M.D. by A. N. T.]
Black ink on cream paper. Man, no shoes, chest bare, book hugged against torso with left arm, while right arm holds open a book held at eye level. Sunlight illuminates the man. Deciduous tree in foreground. Hills in background.
[Bookplate for King Edward VI Grammar School]
Black ink on cream paper. Supporters are a lion rampant on the left side and a dragon on the right. Shield is quartered. Three fleur de lis in the upper left and lower right hand corners and three lions passant, guardant in the upper right and lower left hand corners. Belt with motto surrounds shield. Above is the crown of the king of England. Text appears in a bordered area below.
[Bookplate for F. W. R. Johnston]
Black ink on cream paper. The border of the bookplate is decorated with black and white checkers with a thin white line on the side of the border. In the center of the bookplate is a modernized heraldic design. The background of the center of the bookplate is black with small white dots. Text is printed at the top of the bookplate in white block letters. In the middle of the bookplate is a crest-wreath from which extends a knight’s armoured arm holding a sword that is printed on top of the block lettering. There is a black eight-pointed star with a hole in the middle on the knight’s elbow. The motto is printed on a ribbon that extends up along the left side of the knight’s arm and then cuts across and starts curling down on the right side of the arm, extending out horizontally on the right side and curling back up again. Capitalized, black, serif font is printed on three parts of the ribbon. The part of the ribbon that curls up on the right side has a black stem with leaves on it. The ribbon has a border of two, thin black lines. Below the crest-wreath is a chunkier scroll with curling ends on all sides. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in capitalized, curling, black, serif font. The last name is larger than the first initials. Below the same is a stylized white and black infinity symbol. Within the borders, in the bottom right corner, there is a small white circle with a white cross in the center.
[Bookplate for Herbert Fairbairn Gardiner]
Black ink on cream paper. Thin black border surrounds the text and image on the bookplate. At the top of the bookplate, within the border, is printed black gothic text. Below the text is a portrait photograph of the bookplate owner showing a balding white man with a large moustache in a black suit with a white shirt and bow tie. The photograph has a thin black border. Below the photograph is large, black, sentence case font. Underneath this text is the same font in a smaller size.
[Bookplate for McIntosh Art Gallery by Leslie Victor Smith]
Black ink on cream paper. White ivy border over stippled black background. Names of John Gordon McIntosh and Wilhelmina Morris McIntosh inscribed on facing pages of book, behind which is a lit torch whose rays span out from the center of the plate. The text of the plate is on a scroll which is woven around a lyre, a symbol of harmony.
[Bookplate for Parker]
Black ink on cream paper. Within a thin, single-line border sits a lancet arch with a coat of arms at the top. Floating above the coat of arms is a Western-style miter. Within the arch, the name of the reading room and details on the specific book loan is printed.
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