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1. [Bookplate by F.A.C.] [Bookplate by F.A.C.] The bookplate depicts a lakeside scene in which a hotel is set among trees at the edge of the water. Prominent hills also give a sense of the surrounding landscape. This picturesque scene is framed by a border of trees. Amongst the leaves at the top of image is a scroll that reads 'Ex-Libris.' At the bottom of the image, an open book displays the words 'Rogers Rock.'.

2. [Bookplate by William Walker Alexander] [Bookplate by William Walker Alexander] Black ink on cream paper, depicting a man holding a book and sitting beneath a large tree, with more trees in the background.

3. [Bookplate for Anne Marie Smith] [Bookplate for Anne Marie Smith] Landscape scene of a solitary pine tree in standing erect among tall grass in the foreground, and white mountains against a grey cloudy sky in the background. Scene is bordered by a pillar on each side. A decorative symbol of an owl with outstretched wings is at the base of the scene.

4. [Bookplate for Arch. F. R. Kozaka] [Bookplate for Arch. F. R. Kozaka] Pictorial bookplate. The bookplate portrays a landscape with either haystacks or large rocks in the foreground and rolling hills in the background.

5. [Bookplate for Barbara J. Marston by Suzanne Dodson] [Bookplate for Barbara J. Marston by Suzanne Dodson] The bookplate pictures a young female backpacker in mountainous surroundings.

6. [Bookplate for Charles Fyfe by R. P.] [Bookplate for Charles Fyfe by R. P.] Bookplate printed in black ink, with a purple/blue ink, rubber-stamped annotation. This ex-libris depicts a woman reading to a young boy on a park or garden bench. The idyllic landscape behind them features a lake with two swans swimming in it. Further in the distance is a forest with the silhouettes of two figures standing among the trees and large dramatic clounds sweeping by in the background.

7. [Bookplate for Cornelia de Rozsnyayn-Prielle and J. E. Horvath] [Bookplate for Cornelia de Rozsnyayn-Prielle and J. E. Horvath] In red ink on brown paper, this bookplate presents us with a garden scene showing a young amorous couple coming down a pathway. In the background, we see a garden retreat, a fence and gate, and a water fountain. In the foreground is a bench, on which lie a lyre, an open book, a stem and flowers, and what appears to be a floral wreath or possibly a scarf. On the right are steps leading off the page on which sit a stone sphinx.

8. [Bookplate for D. Benzie by Stanley Harrod] [Bookplate for D. Benzie by Stanley Harrod] In black ink. Decorative border surrounding an etched picture of a man standing on a cliff with his hand on a piece of equipment holding a bag overlooking water, a city skyline, and mountains hiding the sun. Below the picture is a box with the text.

9. [Bookplate for David Bond] [Bookplate for David Bond] Bookplate design features a woodland scene, of a brook and foliage at foreground and trees at back. Bookplate text contained within banner at top.

10. [Bookplate for Dorothy Maclaren Hepton by William Walker Alexander] [Bookplate for Dorothy Maclaren Hepton by William Walker Alexander] Brown ink on cream paper. A plain border with a thin brown outline on the outside and thick brown outline on the inside. The image in the center of the bookplate is surrounded by a decorative background. The background has brown dots overlaid with thin white leaves on a stem. The stems curl around the left and right sides of the image. The image in the center is surrounded by a border comprised of three petaled leaves. At the top, bottom, left, and right of the border are two crossed strips covering the leaves. A dark inner border separates the decorative leaves from the center image. The image itself depicts two women sitting in an ancient Grecian scene. There is a building with arches in the left background. Next to the building, right behind the women is a large, shaded column. The foregrounded woman is sitting on a platform. Behind her is a small bowl of flowers. The same flowers decorate her dark hair in a floral crown. She is wearing a flowing white dress with a jewelry band around her right arm, which is holding onto her knees. At her feet is a lyre perched against another ledge. Behind the lyre is a dark, three-legged vessel with smoke pouring from it. There are some bushes behind the vessel and a plain horizon with a dark landscape and a pale sky. To the left of the vessel is a woman either standing or on her knees ; her legs are blocked from view by the sitting woman. The woman is playing a wind instrument, potentially an aulos. Her hair is in a half bun and half down. The ribbons in her hair are also flowing behind her head. Curling ribbons extend from below the image’s bottom border. A thicker ribbon rolls out below the ribbon. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in capitalized, serif font. Each word in the owner’s name is printed on its own line, with each line becoming increasingly indented. Two daisy flowers on stems are printed to the left of the last word in the owner’s name.

11. [Bookplate for E. Bernulf Clegg] [Bookplate for E. Bernulf Clegg] A landscape shaped bookplate with a rectangular frame of vines surrounding the outside of the image and creating a frame. There are eight images of flowers, both closed and opened, flowing around the frame are regular intervals. Only black and the regular paper color is used in the image.

12. [Bookplate for Ecole polytechnique] [Bookplate for Ecole polytechnique] In black ink on thick pink paper with visible laid lines. Image includes a rectangular decorative border consisting of straight lines at the sides and more elaborate patterns in the corners surrounding 20 lines of text.

13. [Bookplate for Edmund Murton Walker by Thoreau MacDonald] [Bookplate for Edmund Murton Walker by Thoreau MacDonald] In black ink on white paper, a dragonfly is flying past some large rocks next to a body of water, likely a river. In the background is a forest of tall evergreen trees.

14. [Bookplate for Elizabeth Rogers] [Bookplate for Elizabeth Rogers] This bookplate is executed in black ink on crème paper, and is rife with heraldic and pictorial imagery denoting peace, freedom, and benevolence. The center image is one of peace, as it contains a great tree spreading its branches over meadows and pastures under the rays of a setting or rising sun. This is flanked by standards bearing roses. The heraldic imagery is placed above the scene of peace, as if resting on the tree. A shield in the center contains a mullet over purple in the lower half, and roses over black in the upper half. It is topped by a closed helmet out of which springs what is most likely a fox. Underneath the image of peace are three French military medals for providing aid in times of war.

15. [Bookplate for Ellen A. Hoffman by Walter J. Phillips] [Bookplate for Ellen A. Hoffman by Walter J. Phillips] This wood-engraved bookplate's design is based from on a view near Lake Louise in Banff, Alberta. It features a running stream, grass, and trees. Bookplate image is surrounded by a stylized border, which features the grass of parnassus, which is also featured in the foreground of the scene. Bookplate is printed in black ink, on very thin paper.

16. [Bookplate for Emil Eerme and A. Lavdovsky by O. Kubse] [Bookplate for Emil Eerme and A. Lavdovsky by O. Kubse] In black ink, watercolour style scene of hills and trees reflected on the surface of a lake. Solid right side and bottom border, and rounded, soft left and top border. Text written vertically along right side border.

17. [Bookplate for Frank Noyce] [Bookplate for Frank Noyce] In the left corner of this pictorial bookplate are fox gloves behind which is a mountain range.

18. [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] [Bookplate for Frederick Starr] Colour woodblock print in four blocks. In blue, red, green and black ink. Image of a Japanese woman overlooking landscape--foliage and a mountain--with a lantern hanging above. Japanese woman in traditional dress.

19. [Bookplate for G. L. L. Davies] [Bookplate for G. L. L. Davies] The central image is bordered from the outside moving inwards by a black frame surrounding a white frame, surrounding a black frame surrounding a white frame, surrounding a single black fillet containing the central image. The central image is of two leafless trees standing to either side of a view until a series of three hills. In the distance is a black sun rising with black and white rays coming from it towards the top of the image. The entire image is bordered by two banners at the top and bottom which are separated from the main image by a single black fillet.

20. [Bookplate for George H. Fensom by Thoreau MacDonald] [Bookplate for George H. Fensom by Thoreau MacDonald] In black ink. Landscape featuring a cabin overlooking a lake.
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