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[Bookbinder's Tickets for Zephirin Chapeleau and J.M. Lamothe]
1) In black ink on gray paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a black decorative border surrounding black text.
2) In black ink on yellow paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a black decorative border surrounding black text.
[Bookplate by F.A.C.]
The bookplate depicts a lakeside scene in which a hotel is set among trees at the edge of the water. Prominent hills also give a sense of the surrounding landscape. This picturesque scene is framed by a border of trees. Amongst the leaves at the top of image is a scroll that reads 'Ex-Libris.' At the bottom of the image, an open book displays the words 'Rogers Rock.'.
[Bookplate by Francis Adams Sc.]
In black ink. Escutcheon parted per cross. First quarter, or, a lion, gules, rampant. Second quarter, argent, an arm embowed fessways holding an axe shaped like a cross formy. Third quarter, argent, a lymphad, sails furled, on water. Fourth quarter, argent, a fish on water. Shield supporters, two horse-like beasts with short tails, combatant. Helm, a diadem topped with a lion, couped. Below the escutcheon is a banner with mantling containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate by Herbert Raine]
In black ink on paper with visible fibers and laid lines. Etched image includes recessed borders and boxes surrounding the stylized initials, H R, the name, 'HERBERT RAINE,' and two mirrored images of seahorses.
[Bookplate for Albert Prince by Dempsey and Carroll]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided per cross, with quarters one and four also divided per cross. Within quarters one and four, the sub-quarters one and four are gules (red), charged with three lions passant guardant (for England). Sub-quarter two is or (gold), with a tressure-flory-counter -flory, charged with a lion rampant (for Scotland). Subquarter three is azure (blue), charged with a harp decorated with harpy figure features, stringed (for Ireland). The entire escutcheon is charged with a bar dovetailed, or a label, a cadency mark indicating being the eldest son (during his father's lifetime). Quarters two and three have a barry of ten, or and sable (black), with a bend in the shape of a ducal crown (without the cap). Surrounding the escutcheon is a garter, with first French motto within. Above the escutcheon is a royal crown. Supporting the escutcheon at dexter is a lion guardant, charged with a label. At sinister is a unicorn rampant, also charged with a label, as well as a royal crown without the cap as a collar. Below the escutcheon is a ribbon, with second German motto within. The entire achievement is surrounded by very fine lines, giving the impression of shadow.
[Bookplate for Alex Thistlethwayte]
In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon or (gold), a bend azure (blue), charged with three pheons of the field. The rococo vegetative mantling around the upper part of the escutcheon includes a straight wreath charged with a demi-lion. The lion is holding a pheon and situated above a peer helmet. Below the escutcheon several cherubs drink, trumpet and hold aloft an ermine trimmed cloak. The cloak serves as a backdrop for a framed compartment displaying the originator's name.
[Bookplate for Alfred C. Harmsworth]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a crest-wreath with a knight’s right arm extended and bent at the elbow. The arm is armoured with a point at the elbow and circular decorations on the rest of the arm. The hand clutches a sword that has gone through a small lion’s head from the chin through to the crown. The lion has whiskers, but no mane. Below the crest, the bookplate owner’s name is written in black, sentence case, gothic font.
[Bookplate for Alice Ravenhill]
Heraldic bookplate executed in black ink on white paper. The bookplate consists of a simple shield above which is a ribbon with the motto: "Candide et Constanter" (fairly and firmly).
[Bookplate for Almeric Hugh Paget]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, sable (black), charged with a cross, argent (silver), between four eagles displayed. The cross is charged with five lions passant guardant. Above the escutcheon is a capless-crown denoting baron status, and above the crown is a peer helmet, positioned three-quarters, with mantling radiation from it and surrounding the escutcheon. Above the helmet is a straight wreath, charged with a heraldic tyger, rampant. At dexter and sinister are two men, each holding a flag charged with a cross patee. Below the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto within. Below entire arms is another banner, with bookplate owner's name and title.
[Bookplate for Arthur Phelips Hoskyns]
In black ink, this bookplate contains a crest with dexter rooster's head, erased or (gold), comb and wattle gules (red), and three roundlets pellet (black) on neck.
[Bookplate for Arthur Richard Springett]
In black ink on white paper, this bookplate consists of a shield or escutcheon Gules (red) party per fess wavy with three crescents, two over one, Argent (silver). The closed, barred helm in profile toward the dexter half bears a crest of a displayed eagle upon a nowed snake in a figure eight and a straight wreath. The helm is surrounded by mantling. Below the escutcheon, a banner bears the motto 'MEMOR ET FIDELIS' [Latin: Mindful and Faithful].
[Bookplate for Augustus Langdon]
This heraldic bookplate is printed on medium weight green paper and consists of a straight wreath charged with a cubit arm of a beast clutching a battle axe. Around the crest is a garter, with latin motto within.
[Bookplate for Barbara Joyce Chandler]
In dark blue ink on light blue paper. Primary bookplate design consists of a ship crested upon waves, with three figures within. The figures are young girls, two reading books and the other holding a book. Beneath the waves is bookplate text, with small illustrations of a castle, knight and fish.
[Bookplate for Baron de Hirsch Institute and Hebrew Benevolent Society]
This bookplate is in two parts: One to show ownership by the library, the other to show who made the presentation of the book to the library. 1) In black ink on white or cream paper. The bookplate consists of lines for recording location information, the seal of the institute [two concentric rings with the name and dates of the institute surrounding the inner circle, which contains a Star of David surrounding some Hebrew text], and other lines for noting the number and receipt date of the book surrounding the library name.
2) In black ink on white or cream paper, the bookplate consists of a thin border surrounding black text.
[Bookplate for Basil Thomas Woodd by Benjamin Warwick]
In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, parted per pale. The first pale is parted per quarter. Quarters one and four, gules (red), are charged with three demi-Hercules, two over one. Quarters two and three, sable (black), are charged with gryphons rampant, segreant. The second pale is parted per quarter. Quarters one and four, or (gold), charged with a lion rampant, sable, on a chief, gules, in the middle part a fillet, dovetailed, argent (silver). Quarters two and three, azure (blue), are charged with a fleur-de-lis. The escutcheon is set upon a backdrop of concentric circles. The inner circle is decorated with vine-like patterns. Within the outer circle, the originator's Latin motto "non nobis" appears. Below the concentric circles, the creator's signature and address, Benjn. Warwick 124 Regent Street appear. Above the circle is a peer helmet, surrounded by vegetative mantling, and atop the helmet is a straight wreath charged with a demi-figure of Hercules. (Bernard Burke considers the Hercules figures to be woodmen holding a club over their right shoulders or savages, depending upon the source consulted).
[Bookplate for Basil Woodd Smith]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of an ovular garter as bordure around the originator's name. The Latin motto is present on the garter.
[Bookplate for Bateman by Orlando Jewitt]
This bookplate consists of an or (gold) escutcheon, on which are three etoile topped crescents, two over one. There is also an additional smaller crescent located at the precise middle chief of the escutcheon. According to heraldic symbolism, the crescent represents the second son. On top of the shield is a helmet in profile, beaver open. Atop the helmet is a curved crest wreath and another etoile topped crescent. The crest also includes a vol (set of wings), erect, and mantling which pours down the sides of the shield. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto. The image and text are framed by a thin single line border.
[Bookplate for Benjamin Gott]
In black ink. Escutcheon inside a garter on which is the Latin motto. Inescutcheon parted per bend, argent [white], charged with two roses on either side of a lion, passant ; coticed, argent, and charged with three tufts of ermine each, sable [black].Two layer bordure, countercharged, argent and sable. Above the escutcheon is a curved crest wreath on which is a demi-gryphon, displayed.
[Bookplate for British Association for the Advancement of Science]
Red and black ink on white paper. Coat of arms at top. Quartered shield shows English rose, Scottish thistle, Irish clover and Canadian beaver. Text in a bordered circle around shield. Cursive text below. Contributors include British Association.
[Bookplate for Caleb Whitehorn by William Henshaw]
In black ink. Decorative escutcheon parted per chevron, fleury-counterfleury, argent (silver) and sable (black), one escallop. Above chevron, argent, with two towers, sable. Above the escutcheon is a straight crest wreath topped with five spears, entwined. Escutcheon surrounded with flowered mantling.
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