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[Bookbinder's Tickets]
1) In black ink on blue paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a decorative black border surrounding black text.
2) In black ink on yellow paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a decorative black border surrounding black text.
[Bookbinder's Tickets]
1) In black ink on cream paper, the ticket consists of an escutcheon with an elaborate base, bearing the name, services, and location of the company. A diadem bears the crest of a Gryphon salient armed, gules, holding an escutcheon Argent, a garter, gules. The escutcheon is surrounded by smoke-like dark shading and the whole is surrounded by a thin black border.
2) In black ink on light blue or gray paper, the ticket consists of an elaborate coin or medallion with trefoils in the four corners, bearing the name and services of the company. An escutcheon in the center of the medallion bears the address of the business. The blunted corners of the ticket result in an octagonal shape.
[Bookbinder's Tickets for Zephirin Chapeleau and J.M. Lamothe]
1) In black ink on gray paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a black decorative border surrounding black text.
2) In black ink on yellow paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a black decorative border surrounding black text.
[Bookseller's Tickets for Zephirin Chapeleau]
1) In black ink on green paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a thin black border surrounding black text.
2) In black ink on green paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a wavy black border surrounding black text.
3) In black ink on white paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a wavy black border surrounding black text.
4) In black ink on white paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a wavy black border surrounding black text.
[Bookbinder's Tickets for Joseph Fortier]
1) In dark blue ink on white paper, the bookbinder's ticket is in the shape of a closed book, with the spine on the left and text on the font cover. The front cover of the book is a field of blue with text and design elements in white / reversed-out text. A white field with blue text in the lower half of the book cover provides space for a handwritten reorder number.
2) In black ink on pink paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a thin black border surrounding black text.
[Bookseller's Tickets for Samuel Carsley]
1) In dark blue ink on white paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a field of dark blue ink with a thin white / reserved-out border surrounding white text.
2) In gold metallic ink on red glossy paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a simple gold border surrounding gold text.
[Bookseller's Tickets for Chapman's Book Store]
1) In metallic gold ink on black glossy paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of plain text with no border or decoration.
2) In metallic gold ink on black matte paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a gold border surrounding gold text.
[Bookseller's Tickets for Charles-Odilon Beauchemin]
1) In orange ink on white paper, the booksellers' ticket consists of an orange and white border surrounding white text on an orange field.
2) In red-orange ink on white paper, the booksellers' ticket consists of a red-orange and white border surrounding white text on a red-orange field.
3) In black ink on green paper, the booksellers' ticket consists of a black link border surrounding black text.
4) In black ink on green paper, the booksellers' ticket consists of a black decorative border surrounding black text.
5) In black ink on yellow paper, the booksellers' ticket consists of a black border in the likeness of an open book surrounding black text on the open spread of the book.
6) In black ink on white paper, the booksellers' ticket consists of a black decorative border with maple leaves in the four corners, surrounding an oval border containing the booksellers' name, surrounding the booksellers' address on an illustration of a scroll at the center.
7) The gold metallic, embossed booksellers' ticket consists of a maple leaf surrounded by laurel branches at the center of the ticket. Text and an outer border surround the center image.
[Bookseller's Tickets for W. Drysdale]
1) Printed in black ink on bright green paper the diamond-shaped booksellers ticket features a line border surrounding the name (first line), services offered (second line), street address (third line) and city (fourth line) of the company.
2) Printed in black ink on white paper the diamond-shaped booksellers ticket features a line border surrounding the name (first line), services offered (second and third line), and city (fourth line) of the company. Small leaf designs in each of the four corners.
3) Printed in dark blue ink on white or cream paper the booksellers ticket features a thick border surrounding the name (first-third lines), services offered (fourth-sixth lines), street address (seventh line) and city (eighth line) of the company.
4) Printed in black ink on bright orange paper the diamond-shaped booksellers ticket features a two-line border surrounding the name (first line), street address (second line) and city (third line) of the company. Decorative wavy lines above the first and second lines and below the third line.
5) Printed in black ink on light pink paper the diamond-shaped booksellers ticket features a two-line border surrounding the name (first line), street address (second line) and city (third line) of the company. Decorative wavy lines above the first and second lines and below the third line.
6) Printed in black ink on white paper the diamond-shaped booksellers ticket features a line border surrounding the name (first line), services offered (second line), street address (third line) and city (fourth line) of the company.
[Bookbinder's Tickets for Marjory Todd and John Todd]
1) Printed in black ink on bright yellow paper the bookbinders ticket features a two line border surrounding the name (first line) and location (second line) of the company.
2) Printed in black ink on yellow paper features a border made up of alternating double-s, or section, symbols and double dagger symbols with asterisks in the four corners. The border surrounds the name (first line), services offered (second and third lines) and location (fourth line) of the company.
[Bookplate for Academie Marie-Rose]
A cross entwined in daffodils with the name of the religious order on a scroll above the cross ; scroll below the cross is inscribed with the school's motto. The name of the school is at the base of the plate.
[Bookplate for Dunbar Browne]
A floral, somewhat art nouveau style border surrounding the text.
[Bookplate for Alfred P. S. Dubord]
A simple border surrounds the text. In the year “1856” the six is clearly written in black ink. A dashed line separates the first two lines of text from the last line of text.
A simple border surrounds the text. On the top left is the crest of Cercle La Salle. It shows a shield divided in three: at the top is a lit oil lamp, on the bottom left are three vertical fleur-de-lis and at the bottom right is a cross over top of a crossed pen and sword. A banner over the top of the crest contains the name of the organization and one at the bottom contains the motto. Maple branches present a wreath at the bottom.
A stylized floral border surrounds the text, which is written in several different fonts and is found in the middle of the bookplate. The word 'Catholic' is written in a curly font with the words 'Circulating Library' printed in Gothic below. The book number is printed underneath, and there is a line dividing the upper part of the text from the middle, which lists the library rules. Below the library rules is another line, and below this is a hand symbol which points to further information on the library hours. The cost of subscription is given in cents, dating this bookplate after 1858, the year in which currency decimalization came into force in Canada.
[Bookplate for Edward Hilton Chaloner by Rust Craft Publishers]
A thin border surrounds the text ; the top of the border is in the shape of a bookshelf with curved backing. Depicted on it are several books, with one open in the middle. A candle sits in front of the open book. At the bottom left and right corners of the border are images of the globe. The bottom line of the border contains oak leaves and acorns in the centre. The creator of the bookplate is listed as Rust Craft, Boston U. S. A.
[Bookplate for Baron de Hirsch Institute and Hebrew Benevolent Society]
All printed markings in blue ink and all manuscript notes in black ink. Thin lines form a vertical rectangle with three vertically-stacked cells. The top cell contains the name of the library. The middle cell contains the seal of the institute: two concentric rings with the name and dates of the institute surrounding the inner circle, which contains a Star of David surrounding some Hebrew text. The bottom cell contains a space for presentation notes. In the last cell and above the outermost frame are manuscript notes.
[Bookplate for Baron de Hirsch Institute and Hebrew Benevolent Society]
All printed markings in blue ink, all manuscript notes in black ink. Thin lines form a vertical rectangle with three vertically-stacked cells. The top cell contains the name of the library. The middle cell contains the seal of the institute: two concentric rings with the name and dates of the institute surrounding the inner circle, which contains a Star of David surrounding some Hebrew text. The seal has been inverted, so that it appears as white markings in a blue square. The bottom cell contains a space for presentation notes. In the last cell and above the outermost frame are manuscript notes.
[Bookplate for Robert Smart]
An armorial bookplate printed in black ink on white paper. A bird displayed, wings inverted, couped with thistle in beak, with a crest wreath, argent and vert (silver and green). Beneath that is a shield, party per pale, erminois and argent. The dexter side, erminois, per chevron azure (blue) with three chess rooks, gules (red). The dexter side, argent, per fess, gules, with two diamonds, sable (black).
[Bookplate for St. Catherine Street Baptist Church]
An ornate border surrounds the text, printed in black ink on pink paper.
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