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1. [Bookplate for M. Nazapen] [Bookplate for M. Nazapen] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with three mullets at fess point and a crescent below, held aloft by two cubit arms. The escutcheon is supported by lions, positioned rampant guardant at both dexter and sinister. Above the escutcheon is a helmet, positioned at a direct front view with a grated helm. Upon the helmet is a ducal coronet, from which three large plumes extend, along with elaborate mantling. Above the mantling and supporters are two crests: at dexter, a straight wreath is charged with an arm embowed with armour, clutching a scimitar. At sinister, a straight wreath is charged with arm embowed, clutching a Scottish flag. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
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