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[Bookplate for Ecole Modele Jacques-Cartier by John Henry Walker]
Black ink on cream paper. An insignia tops the bookplate, featuring a radiant cross and open book above a beaver and surrounded by maple leaves. Included is a banner with a motto. Below, the name of the school and a pre-formatted prize text is printed in two fonts. The class, date, name of the recipient and signature of the principal are handwritten in black ink. An ornate scrolled border surrounds the text and insignia. The printer is listed at the bottom.
[Bookplate for Ecole Normale Jacques-Cartier and Joseph Denis by John Henry Walker]
An insignia tops the bookplate, featuring a radiant cross and open book above a beaver and surrounded by maple leaves. Included is a banner with a motto. Below, the name of the school and a pre-formatted prize text is printed in three fonts. The class, date, name of the recipient and signature of the principal are handwritten in black ink. A border surrounds the text and insignia. The entire plate is printed in black ink. The paper includes a watermark.
[Bookplate for Lacombe Vincent by Carles Imprint Editor]
Pictorial bookplate. An illustrated border surrounds text in the center. Angels are on the top right and left hand corners. The left side angel holds a wreath in one hand and the right side angel holds a book in one hand. The angels also hold a banner that stretches between them with the name of the awarding organization on it. Below the angels is a border of morning glories. The plants meet at the bottom center of the plate, growing from beneath a pile of books and a globe. Four fonts used for the text, with spaces for hand-written annotations naming the prize recipient.
[Bookplate for Dunham Ladies’ College]
Grey ink on cream paper. It features a border, double-lined. Within border, at the top, sits the title of the college in Germanic lettering. Directly beneath this title sits a curlicue line (centred), followed by the purpose and date that the plate was issued. Within the bottom half of the plate is four information lines, for prize recipient, donor, recipient, and principal signature. All of these information lines contain handwritten responses in faded black ink.
[Bookbinder's Ticket]
In black ink on white paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a border made up of joined circles surrounding black text of various sizes and fonts. The word 'Carswell' begins with a decorative letter 'C'. A decorative element in the shape of a water drop or a flame is found in the lower middle of the bookbinder's ticket.
[Bookplate for William Brophy]
In black ink on white or cream paper, the bookplate consists of an architectural, Egyptian-themed border with lotus flowers all around, a Sphinx in the lower right, and Egyptian wall art in the lower left. Below the school name and above the location is a monogram made of the letters CSV. Five fonts used for the text, with spaces for hand-written annotations naming the prize recipient.
[Bookplate for High School of Quebec]
Printed in black ink on blue paper, the book plate features a decorative border around the text.
[Bookplate for Les Religieuses de Sœurs des Saints Noms de Jésus et Marie]
The pre-formatted plate for awards is printed in black ink and multiple fonts, and filled in with a single hand. Above the text sits a cross entwined in daffodils with the motto of the religious order on scrolls above and below the cross, all encircled with a border. The text and insignia are enclosed in a thick, detailed decorative border.
[Bookplate for Catholic Commercial Academy of Montreal, Wm Price, and U. E. Archambault by Geo. E. Desbarats]
Black ink on white paper. The border of the bookplate comprises three layers: the outermost is an abstract floral motif on the four corners ; secondly is a geometric pattern of triangles ; the innermost layer is a plain line. Curlicues surround the words “Catholic” and “of Montreal.” The bookplate is a pre-printed form with space for the prize name, winner, year and date to be filled out.
[Bookplate for David King by B.]
Pictorial bookplate. A floral border (in blue, red, and gold) surrounds the bookplate text. At the bottom are both the creator's initial "B" and publishing information (Ludgate Circus House, H.V. Capsey, London, E.C.4).
[Bookplate for William Morgan by J. F. McCardell]
Pictorial bookplate. Surrounding the text is an ornate border with ivy vines and a crest. An angel and shield are at the centre of the crest. The shield has a chevron adorned with three bees. The rest of the shield is decorated with ploughs and a cross. An inscription surrounds the crest and reads: "Cantuariensis 1853 Sigillum Provincia." At the bottom of the crest is a ribbon with "libr, prov, aour" written on it. At the bottom right is "J.F. McCardelt, Delt." and on the bottom left is "Lake and East lith. Ch. Ch."
[Bookplate for Eliza Ann Taylor and Michael B. Kunze]
Colour ink on white paper. Gold outer border. Inner border is floral pattern on pink background. Text box at centre right.
[Bookplate for Jessie Craig]
Black ink on white paper. Text surrounded by thin border. Handwriting in blue ink.
[Bookplate for Hillfield School]
In green ink. This textual print consists of letterpress type and handwritten script. There is a straight wreath crested by a boar's head, above a banner with Latin motto, at the top of the print.
[Bookplate for Hope Holmested by Thoreau MacDonald]
This bookplate's design features a rising/setting sun on the horizon line of a body of water. Hovering above the water is an angel with hands in prayer, surrounded by several pairs of feathered wings. Stars appear in the heavens above and a fully risen sun or holy light glows from behind the angel's wings.
[Bookseller's Ticket for W. C. Chewett and Company]
In black ink on white or yellow paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a double border surrounding black text.
In blue ink on white paper, the bookplate consists of different fonts and pre-printed lines for information to be filled in by hand.
[Bookplate for Frank McIver]
Ornate border surrounding the text, all in black ink on tan paper with some pink staining. Manuscript notes in brownish ink.
[Bookplate for High School of Quebec]
Printed in black ink on cream paper, a simple geometric border of diamonds surrounds the text printed in multiple fonts.
[Bookplate for B. Hallé by L. P.]
Black ink on white paper. Thin, double-lined black border with rounded corners surrounds the bookplate. The background is filled in with vertical thin black stripes. At the top of the bookplate is printed capitalized sans-serif block text filled with horizontal black stripes. Some of the text is obscured by the top of a feather quill, which extends from the top right corner down to the bottom left corner. On top of the center of the quill is an open scroll with the top and bottom ends still rolled. The bookplate creator’s initials are printed in black sans-serif font on the curl of the paper at the top of the scroll. Cursive sentence case black font is printed on the scroll. The bottom of the scroll just grazes the bookplate author’s name, which is printed in the same large sans-serif block font with the horizontal stripes that is used for the text at the top of the bookplate.
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