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[Bookplate for Charles Alan Crawley]
The armorial begins with a bird (possibly a crane) facing dexter and armed with a small argent X. It stands on a small upraised mound separated from the top of a healm by a wreath. The helm is closed and also facing to the dexter. It stands above an ermine shield. The shield begins with an ermine chief with a bend across it holding three comets. The dexter chief and sinister chief positions are occupied by marlets. The honor point has two cranes, one at the dexter and one at the sinister points. The fess point is covered with an argent banner with a pair of crosses at the sinister and dexter point and an argent X at the center point. The base of the shield has a crane in the center point. Below the shield is a banner with the latin motto: "ESSE QUAM VIDERI". This translates to mean: "To be rather than to seem."
[Bookplate for Point Grey Lending Library]
In blue ink, this is a textual book owner's stamp ' Point Grey Lending Library'.
[Bookplate for Ferdinand I Czar of Bulgaria]
In black ink, this complex bookplate contains an escutcheon divided quarterly ; the first and fourth quadrants contain a lion, salient and crowned (it is unclear what colour these quadrants would be due to the printing process) ; the second quadrant, argent (silver) contains two pallets, likely sable (black), and a sable chief charged with two crowns, argent, possibly signifying eastern or celestial crowns ; and the third quadrant, argent, contains two manche facing one another, with arms and hands emerging, together holding a crown. At the fess point is an inescutcheon, which bears the coat of arms of Saxony ; barry of ten pieces, or (gold) and sable, with a garter (vert), floral invection on sinister side. The escutcheon is crested by a royal crown framed by a circular halo. The escutcheon is supported by two lions, wearing royal crowns, each also framed by a circular halo. From around the waist of each lion descends a collar which meets at the nombril point below the escutcheon ; from this point hangs the Grand Cross Of The Order Of Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius. At either side of the order is a banner containing the originator's designation. Above the crest and supporters are two sets of fleur-de-lis, two over one, signifying the House of Bourbon ; and an additional banner.
[Bookplate for Oeuvre des Bons Livres de Montreal]
Printed in black ink on blue paper, an intricate border evocative of a tabernacle and constructed of fountains, geometric repeating patterns, and a cross surrounds the text.
[Bookplate for Convent of the Sacred Heart]
Black ink on white paper. Fine black border surrounds text.
[Bookplate for William Tufts Brigham]
This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with long stemmed flowers and a softly invected saltier, vert (green). Three flower stems, layered below the saltier, rise from the earth at middle base. At the honour point appears an open blossom, and on either side of the fess point are closed blossoms. The shield is crested by a diadem decorated with feathers. The Latin motto appears on the saltier, written from dexter chief to sinister base.
[Bookplate for Benjamin Morris]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon, gules (red), charged with two identical swords, crossed at the fess point, and a sheaf or garb of wheat located at the nombril point. The escutcheon has a decorative bordure, and is crested by a dexter helmet, closed, with elaborate mantling flowing outward from either side. Above the helmet is a curved crest wreath and a "savage" head and bust. In heraldry, the "savage" is a symbol of wildness and purity. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for William Molesworth]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of an annexed escutcheon, vair (argent [silver] and azure [blue]), with a martlet at the honour point ; and an inescutcheon, argent with a sinister hand, couped and gules (red) at the fess point. Baronets of the United Kingdom bear the red hand of Ulster. The escutcheon's bordure is gules, and contains eight cross crosslets, or (gold), three over two over three. Atop the escutcheon is a helmet of a baronet, front facing with beaver open. The helmet is crested by a curved wreath and a a sinister arm, vambraced, and holding a cross crosslet, or. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Howard]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a lion statant guardant standing on a circular platform wrapped in a pointed ribbon decorated with four diamonds. Shield features sable and argent stripes. There is an argent bend featuring a decorative smaller shield that has several geometric borders with a demi-lion rampant in the center. The shield is charged with six crosses, three on each side of the bend. The crosses peter to a thin point at the bottom and the other parts of the cross divide into miniature cross shapes. The shield has dexter and sinister supporters, both lions rampant. The bases of the lions’ neck are decorated with a star. The lions are standing on a curling ribbon that features the motto, printed in capitalized sans serif font. Below the motto is the name of the bookplate owner printed in stylized gothic sentence-case font. Four squiggly arrows point towards the text from each side.
[Bookplate for Hall by J. T. Ralph]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a crane standing on one foot facing to the left with one claw curled. It is standing on a patch of grass atop a crest wreath. The shield is divided per pale. The left-hand side is further divided with a chief. The smaller top section features sable stripes and is charged with three five point stars each decorated with shading. The bottom section is argent and charged with a sable chevron engrailed. The section is also charged with three black lion heads erased, two over one. The right-hand side also has sable stripes and is charged with Three white flowers, two over one. The bottom flower is larger than the top two flowers. The flowers have very round petals. The center of the flower is an open circle and straight lines extend out to the round petals. Below the shield is a motto printed on a black and white striped banner shaped like a V. The ends of the banner have circular cut outs. Below the motto is a similar, larger ribbon with the name of the bookplate owner printed in large, block font. The last three letters are smaller and in white with black shading. The first latter is printed on a small, white shield in a black striped larger black letter with black shading. At the bottom point of the shield is printed the bookplate’s creator’s name and place in small, black, serif, sentence case font.
[Bookplate for John William Griffin by Leslie Victor Smith]
Black ink on white paper. Perforated edges with round corners surround the bookplate. The bookplate is surrounded by an incomplete border of two black lines that do not connect at the top. There are spaced out diamond shapes on the border with black circular centres. At the top, the border folds into triangles at the left and right corners. Each corner has a square flower with four petals and one leaf with a darker background. The border frames an image with a rounded pointed top. The image shows a desk with a window looking onto a moving steam engine. At the top of the image is a circle with a white border. In the centre on a gray background is a griffin rampant on a crest-wreath. The steam engine is outside the window in the centre of the bookplate with steam pouring out. The window has vertical and horizontal stripes with black circles at the intersections of the stripes. There is a curtain on either side of the window. Nothing sits on the window ledge, but on the desk in front is half of a lamp with a decorative, bell-shaped shade, eight books with different spine designs, an ink pot with a feather quill in it, and a workspace with several papers on it. Below the image is a black rectangle with capitalized white font. At the centre of the top and bottom of the rectangle is a slight downward facing point. Below the bottom point in black ink are the initials of the creator and the year of creation.
[Bookplate for G. P. Girdwood]
Oval-shaped circular border with legend containing a motto printed in capital block letters across the top half. Bottom half of the border has shading, decorate circles, and a decorative end. Border made to look like a ribbon, one end of which loops over the bottom of the oval. End of the ribbon has thin borders, circular decorations, and almost tapers to a point with decorative curls at the end. In the center of the oval is a demi-lion rampant guardant. In its right paw, the lion holds a tree with round foliage at the top and sprawling roots at its base. Below the image is text written in stylized sentence-case serif font.
[Bookplate for George Kerr]
Grey ink on green-grey paper. The bookplate is in the shape of a rectangle with rounded corners and a bulging circle in the center. The top portion of the bookplate features a half circle basic graphic of the sun on the horizon. The design is created using simple lines. Surrounding this image are half circles of various sizes with thick borders on the outside and several thinner inner borders on the inside. The circle shape in the center has a thick border decorated with two thick black lines that are intersected by plain crisscrosses three times each on the left and right-hand sides. There are some decorative shapes at the top of the circle, forming a small point. Below those shapes text is printed in capitalized, block, grey letters. The center of the circle depicts a man in a wig and robe reading a large book. The spine of the book and face of the man are facing the viewer. The background of the image is comprised of thin, black, horizontal lines. The bookplate owner’s name is printed below the image in large, capitalized, block serif grey font. Decorative shapes like the one at the top of the circle extend from the bottom as well, forming a larger point. The base of the bookplate is decorated with various rounded shapes, in both oblong and tear drop shape, filled with thinner black lines. A plain section extends from the bottom left and right corners up to the middle of the bookplate, meeting the text at the base of the central circle. In these sections are printed mottos in smaller, capitalized, sans-serif font.
[Bookplate for Blythe Eagles by A. W.]
Armorial bookplate created with black ink on white paper. In the precise middle chief is an eagle (created in a First Nations' design) clutching a fish. A purpure chevron with three dogwood flowers is also portrayed. Three university shields are featured: University of Toronto (dexter chief), Yale University (sinister chief), University of British Columbia (nombril point). Below the University of British Columbia's crest are two aulns (single pieces of wheat).
[Bookplate for Sir Charles Tupper]
Crest is a dog (i.e. loyalty and guidance). Helm is a Baronets and Knights. On the shield at the middle chief are two boars (i.e. courage and savagery) ; at the fess point are three shells(i.e. water, love, St. James the Apostle, pilgrimage and travel).
[Bookplate for S. C. Lunsford by Frits Jacobsen]
The Dominion Building is depicted, which is located in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, and provincially designated a heritage building.
[Bookplate for Frederic Markham Tindall]
CREST is a DEMI-LION that appears SEJANT ERECT, and COUPED. HELM is a Gentlemen and Esquires. On the SHEILD, at the FESS POINT is three WHEAT-SHEAFS OR GARBS (i.e. agriculture and Jesus as the Bread of Life).
[Bookplate for Emil Eerme and A. Lavdovsky by A. Gastmans]
In black ink, abstract image of what appears to be a highway interchange network surrounded by a sketched triangle. The triangle forms the point of an arrow shape, and the text appears on its tail. There appears to be signature (possibly of the artist), but it is unreadable.
[Bookplate for Alexandri Barbaro]
This elaborately decorated bookplate consists of an argent (silver) escutcheon with a gules (red) annulet at the fess point, or centre. The annulet is often the mark of the fifth son. Atop the shield is a diadem or ducal coronet. On either side of the shield are flags and branches, and on the right is a horn. The bookplate is double-framed, first on the interior with a rectangular chaplet, and then on the exterior edge with a double line.
[Bookplate for William Arnold Bromfield by William West]
In black ink, a belt/garter provides the border. Within is a demi-lion atop a curved crest wreath. In its paws is a sword, with point severed. The belt contains the French motto.
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