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[Bookbinder's Tickets]
1) In black ink on cream paper, the ticket consists of an escutcheon with an elaborate base, bearing the name, services, and location of the company. A diadem bears the crest of a Gryphon salient armed, gules, holding an escutcheon Argent, a garter, gules. The escutcheon is surrounded by smoke-like dark shading and the whole is surrounded by a thin black border.
2) In black ink on light blue or gray paper, the ticket consists of an elaborate coin or medallion with trefoils in the four corners, bearing the name and services of the company. An escutcheon in the center of the medallion bears the address of the business. The blunted corners of the ticket result in an octagonal shape.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
The image is a box image of two houses, one, the lower house angling towards the lower left, overlapping the other which stands in the center of the page. The first house is coloured in beige and has writing within it. The second image has a brown colored background and a black outline of a horse is contained within it.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
The image is of a brown and white stripped wooden toy boar. There are blue hooves and nose, as well as white tusks, a red mouth and ear, and white eyes. The boar is facing towards the left and the rear portion of the boar is in the right forefront.
[Bookplate by F.A.C.]
The bookplate depicts a lakeside scene in which a hotel is set among trees at the edge of the water. Prominent hills also give a sense of the surrounding landscape. This picturesque scene is framed by a border of trees. Amongst the leaves at the top of image is a scroll that reads 'Ex-Libris.' At the bottom of the image, an open book displays the words 'Rogers Rock.'.
[Bookplate by James Gourlay Gray]
Metallic brown black ink on cream paper. Border of two thin black lines with floral and leafy decorative features on the left and right sides. Latin script printed at the top of the bookplate in capitalized font with curling serif. An inner border surrounds two images. The top image has a black background with four white shining stars in the background. In the centre is a half circle strip with curled sends over marbled colouring, all of which surrounds sheet music. On top of the sheet music is a small harp-like instrument with horns protruding from it. At the top of the heart is a candle holder with smoke swirling from the top. On the outer left-hand side of the half-circle decoration is a reclining woman styled like a classical status in a draping dress. She is holding a pan flute in her right hand. On the right hand side, another similarly styled woman is reclining and holding a paint easel with several brushes in her left hand. Both women are barefooted. The bottom image has a thick marbled border. Within the border is a curlicue decoration, in the centre of which is an image of a work desk. There is a photograph hanging on the wall behind the desk. The desk itself is quite cluttered and features many photographs, papers, and books. The walls have decorative wall paper and there are various wall hangings. Below that section are two horizontal strips of different decorations. The top stripe has a dark snake like curving pattern, the borders of which are decorated with stylized, pointed lines. Thin white stripes are at the top and bottom of the horizontal strip. A row of small white dots separates this pattern from the next strip, which is a series of floral leaves curling in a line to meet at the centre. Below that, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in capitalized serif font with extra stylizing on the “A”s.
[Bookplate for Alfred C. Harmsworth]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a crest-wreath with a knight’s right arm extended and bent at the elbow. The arm is armoured with a point at the elbow and circular decorations on the rest of the arm. The hand clutches a sword that has gone through a small lion’s head from the chin through to the crown. The lion has whiskers, but no mane. Below the crest, the bookplate owner’s name is written in black, sentence case, gothic font.
[Bookplate for Alfred Hawksworth]
Red ink on cream colored paper. A thin border in an alternating pattern of three-leaf clovers (trefoil) with a stem and simple curlicues. Border houses the name and number of the bookplate.
[Bookplate for Alfred P. S. Dubord]
A simple border surrounds the text. In the year “1856” the six is clearly written in black ink. A dashed line separates the first two lines of text from the last line of text.
[Bookplate for Alma Bryner and Cyril Bryner]
This bookplate portrays, in black ink on white paper, two easy chairs in front of a fireplace. Two figures are seated in the chairs (with only their feet showing) reading books.
[Bookplate for Alton Goldbloom]
Black and gold ink on cream paper. Art deco stylized capitalized font printed a top an image of a baby emerging from the torso up out of a gold, three-petal flower. Black stripes of alternating thick and thin width appear behind the baby. The vertical stem of the flower has a gold centre and two leaves, one on each side of the stem, that are half black and half gold. The stem expands in width at the base and capitalized font is written in the non-printed space at the black base. Black ink capitalized font is written below.
[Bookplate for Andrew Jack]
Black ink on yellow paper. An ornate border consists of two parts: an inner border of thick black line with rounded corners, outlined with thin black lines on each side and punctuated with evenly spaced scrolls ; an outer border of a repeated fan design with small pairs of circles between each fan. All four corners of the border have a trefoil on the inner edge and a diamond on the outer edge. Border houses the name, location, and date of the bookplate.
[Bookplate for B. Hallé by L. P.]
Black ink on white paper. Thin, double-lined black border with rounded corners surrounds the bookplate. The background is filled in with vertical thin black stripes. At the top of the bookplate is printed capitalized sans-serif block text filled with horizontal black stripes. Some of the text is obscured by the top of a feather quill, which extends from the top right corner down to the bottom left corner. On top of the center of the quill is an open scroll with the top and bottom ends still rolled. The bookplate creator’s initials are printed in black sans-serif font on the curl of the paper at the top of the scroll. Cursive sentence case black font is printed on the scroll. The bottom of the scroll just grazes the bookplate author’s name, which is printed in the same large sans-serif block font with the horizontal stripes that is used for the text at the top of the bookplate.
[Bookplate for Basil Thomas Woodd by Benjamin Warwick]
In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, parted per pale. The first pale is parted per quarter. Quarters one and four, gules (red), are charged with three demi-Hercules, two over one. Quarters two and three, sable (black), are charged with gryphons rampant, segreant. The second pale is parted per quarter. Quarters one and four, or (gold), charged with a lion rampant, sable, on a chief, gules, in the middle part a fillet, dovetailed, argent (silver). Quarters two and three, azure (blue), are charged with a fleur-de-lis. The escutcheon is set upon a backdrop of concentric circles. The inner circle is decorated with vine-like patterns. Within the outer circle, the originator's Latin motto "non nobis" appears. Below the concentric circles, the creator's signature and address, Benjn. Warwick 124 Regent Street appear. Above the circle is a peer helmet, surrounded by vegetative mantling, and atop the helmet is a straight wreath charged with a demi-figure of Hercules. (Bernard Burke considers the Hercules figures to be woodmen holding a club over their right shoulders or savages, depending upon the source consulted).
[Bookplate for Bibliotheque paroissiale de St. Henri]
Black ink on blue green paper. Thick line border with inner border comprised of thin lines. The borders are not connected at the corners. The library name is written in capital letters of different sizes and serif font styles. Sentence case serif font indicates the card number space. Handwritten notes in pencil in the card number section and on the verso of the bookplate.
[Bookplate for Burton’s Limited Circulating Library]
In black ink on tan paper. A simple border frames the text.
[Bookplate for Burton’s Limited Circulating Library]
In black ink on tan paper. A simple border frames the text.
[Bookplate for C. Gordonsmith]
Printed in brown ink, the bookplate depicts an interior room scene with a fire place and mantel, book shelf, and arm chair. Pictorial.
[Bookplate for Charles Theodore Hart]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features the head of a stag in profile on a crest-wreath. The shield is pointed at the top left, top right, and bottom corners. The bottom of the shield curves to a central point. The shield is argent with a sable chevron charged with two stars on the top left and top right sides. The stars are white with black shading and a black circle in the center. Below the chevron the shield is charged with a springing stag. Below the shield the motto is printed on a ribbon in capitalized, serif font. Underneath the motto is the bookplate owner’s name in curling, italicized font.
[Bookplate for D. Girouard]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features right arm bent at elbow holding the top half of a spear on crest-wreath. Shield has sable and argent stripes, charged with three two-pointed flags two speckled sable on argent flags over one argent flag facing left. The top two flags are speckled, sable on argent, and the bottom flag is argent. Below the shield, the motto is printed in capital letters on ribbon with curling ends. Name typewritten in cursive sentence font.
[Bookplate for David Finlay]
Black on cream paper ; A beaded border surrounds the name of the owner and the town.
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