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1. [Bookplate for A. W. Robertson] [Bookplate for A. W. Robertson] This bookplate consists of a pictorial image of men in a rowboat in the foreground with the image of a large sailboat in the background. Between the two primary images is the shape of a whale, the ocean, and three small rowboats. It is designed to replicate the style of stained glass, and is therefore divided into sections which are executed in varying colours such as blue, green, yellow, brown, and purple. Each section is delineated in black ink and is bordered in black ink. The bookplate is on white paper.

2. [Bookplate for A. W. Robertson] [Bookplate for A. W. Robertson] This bookplate is executed in dark ink on white paper. It depicts a ship with a compass-rose in the lower left corner.

3. [Bookplate for John Ross Robertson] [Bookplate for John Ross Robertson] Geometric/art nouveau trim. The traditional Masonic symbol of a rounded square and compass against a rectangle.
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