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[Bookseller's Ticket for James Bain]
In black ink on white paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a serpentine black border with decorative elements in the four corners surrounding black text in roman and italic type.
[Bookbinder's Tickets for Joseph Fortier]
1) In dark blue ink on white paper, the bookbinder's ticket is in the shape of a closed book, with the spine on the left and text on the font cover. The front cover of the book is a field of blue with text and design elements in white / reversed-out text. A white field with blue text in the lower half of the book cover provides space for a handwritten reorder number.
2) In black ink on pink paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a thin black border surrounding black text.
[Bookbinder's Tickets]
1) In black ink on cream paper, the ticket consists of an escutcheon with an elaborate base, bearing the name, services, and location of the company. A diadem bears the crest of a Gryphon salient armed, gules, holding an escutcheon Argent, a garter, gules. The escutcheon is surrounded by smoke-like dark shading and the whole is surrounded by a thin black border.
2) In black ink on light blue or gray paper, the ticket consists of an elaborate coin or medallion with trefoils in the four corners, bearing the name and services of the company. An escutcheon in the center of the medallion bears the address of the business. The blunted corners of the ticket result in an octagonal shape.
[Bookseller's Ticket for Campbell Bryson]
Printed in black ink on pink paper, this bookplate has an ornate scalloped border surrounding the text, which is has eight distinct fonts.
[Bookplate for Jas Christison]
The text is surrounded by a patterned border.
[Bookplate for James Henry Browning]
Centered text with multiple fonts in black ink.
[Bookplate for Goodwin's Limited]
A decorative border is printed in green ink. Inside at the top left is the Goodwin's script logo "G" on a maple leaf printed in green ink. Text is printed in black ink and three fonts, including the Goodwin's Limited logo script. There is a tear in the bottom right corner and a light "X" drawn across the plate in pencil.
[Bookplate for J. G. Hearle]
The bookplate features a red field with cream and brown borders and text in cream with a black shadow.
[Bookplate for Hill’s Lending Library]
Black ink on yellow pink paper with clipped corners. Capitalized serif-font followed with by a line of stylized bold block lettering with decorative serifs. Next line contains smaller bold serif font in sentence case. Text is then separated by a thin, centered line. Subsequent text written in capitalized, bold, sans-serif font. Below that is smaller, capitalized serif font that is then written in sentence case in the second half of the line. The next four lines use quotation marks to indicate repeat content with some sentence case serif font additions. There is then a line with some capitalized and some sentence case serif font, followed by the same four line pattern of quotation marks and sentence case font. Below that is a line of sentence case serif font. The next line uses capital letters for emphasis followed by sentence case serif font. There is a line of capitalized serif font followed by larger, sentence case bold serif font. The text is separated by a thin centered line. Below the line are capital letters in serif font followed by larger capitalization font in bold, then smaller non-bold capitalized text, then larger bold capitalized text. A shorter thin line separates the text. Below the line are four lines of sentence case serif font. Next is a line in capitalized serif font followed by a smaller, bold line of capitalized serif font. The last line is written in smaller, sentence case, serif font.
[Bookplate for Catholic Commercial Academy of Montreal, Wm Price, and U. E. Archambault by Geo. E. Desbarats]
Black ink on white paper. The border of the bookplate comprises three layers: the outermost is an abstract floral motif on the four corners ; secondly is a geometric pattern of triangles ; the innermost layer is a plain line. Curlicues surround the words “Catholic” and “of Montreal.” The bookplate is a pre-printed form with space for the prize name, winner, year and date to be filled out.
[Bookplate for Thomas Murray Esq., University of Toronto Library, and Champlain Society]
Black ink on white paper. Text is surrounded by a thin black border. There is a line of gothic, black font, below which is smaller, capitalized, sans serif font. Two thin black lines separate that text from more lines of black text, some of which is typewritten. Below one thin black lines is smaller, serif, black text.
[Bookplate for Pratt Institute Free Library]
Black ink on white paper. Fine border surrounds text. Partial words in pink rubber stamp ink at bottom.
[Bookplate for J. E. Horvath]
Brown ink on cream paper. Cupboard with an array of ceramic pieces including candle sticks, jugs, bowls and figurines. The text box is centered infront of the cupboard and shield with a tea pot appears on top of the tex box.
[Bookplate for Barclays Bank]
Black ink on white paper. Border and paper have indented corners. Text in shield-shaped area. Shield at topf of plate shows eagle displayed with three crowns across its wing span.
[Bookbinder's Ticket for G.A. Roedde Ltd.]
Blue ink on white paper. Decorative border surrounds text.
In purple ink, this is a textual book owner's stamp.
[Bookplate for Point Grey Lending Library]
In blue ink, this is a textual book owner's stamp ' Point Grey Lending Library'.
[Bookplate for Rainald Knightley]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon, quartered. The first and fourth quadrants are ermine (white powdered fur with black tufts), and the second and third quadrants are paly, or (gold) and gules (red). At the precise middle chief is an inescutcheon, argent (silver), containing a sinister hand, gules. The gules hand, known as the hand of Ulster, symbolizes the hounour of a baronet. The crest is composed of a tilted dexter helmet, a curved wreath, and a stag head, dexter and couped. The escutcheon is supported by an eagle or falcon on each side. The escutcheon and its supporters are framed by a border with flowers. The entire image, including text, is placed within a larger circular border, azure (blue).
[Bookplate for William Molesworth]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of an annexed escutcheon, vair (argent [silver] and azure [blue]), with a martlet at the honour point ; and an inescutcheon, argent with a sinister hand, couped and gules (red) at the fess point. Baronets of the United Kingdom bear the red hand of Ulster. The escutcheon's bordure is gules, and contains eight cross crosslets, or (gold), three over two over three. Atop the escutcheon is a helmet of a baronet, front facing with beaver open. The helmet is crested by a curved wreath and a a sinister arm, vambraced, and holding a cross crosslet, or. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Garnet Joseph Wolseley by Charles William Sherborn]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with a talbot passant, gules (red), and a mullet above at centre chief. The escutcheon is supported by a wolf, rampant clutching swords at dexter and sinister. The escutcheon is set within a garter-like setting, from which various military medals hang. Above the escutcheon is a viscount coronet, sans the cap, with a grated helmet at three-quarters, further delineating the rank of viscount. Upon the helmet rests a ducal coronet, which is charged with a wolf's head. Behind the wolf is a small banner with first Latin motto within (the family motto of Wolseley of Wolseley, Co. Stafford, Barts.), and below the supporters and escutcheon is a second banner, with second Latin motto within (the family motto of Wolseley of Mount Wolseley, Co. Carlow, Barts.), along with a larger banner with bookplate owner's name and title. Elaborate mantling radiates from the helmet, and the entire bookplate is encased in a ribbed border.
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