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[Bookplate for Dr. Bruggaier and Michael B. Kunze]
In black ink, the greater part of the area of the image is taken up by a large capital E, which forms the 'e' in 'ex libris'. Within the upper and lower horizontals of the E is an image of a cross on a triangular shape, which symbolizes a steeple. Surrounding the upper part of the cross are lines which indicate light radiating from the cross.
Image shows both the recto and verso of the sample bookplate sheet produced by the Globe Wernicke Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio. The sheet contains two sample bookplates. The one on the left, in colour, shows two white swans on a water-lily spotted lake. On the distant shoreline, one can see among the green foliage the rooftop and chimney of a home. The image is framed by an oval floral border on a yellow and white background. The second sample bookplate, on the right, shows a pirate on a beach, either burying treasure or digging it up. On the pale blue water of the horizon, a ship sits in wait. The sample bookplate sheet is divided into four sections by perforated lines. The recto also includes a mail order form for more sample bookplates and a booklet on "The World's Best Books". The verso includes the reverse of the mail order form, complete with place for a stamp, and also an advertisement for Globe-Wernicke bookcases.
[Bookplate for Lipot Kecskemeti and J. E. Horvath]
In brown ink, this elaborate bookplate depicts an artistic representation of the light of ten candles radiating through what appears to be the shape of the ten commandment tablets. The light energy streams up between a floral arrangement of roses and another flower through an encircled Star of David and into the heavens represented by stars and a cresent moon.
[Bookplate for Arnin Neuensundschen]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of a round wreathed textual area in the centre. Behind it is a hearth-type frame with a ring hanger on the left and right side. There is a curtain strung up through the left ring, across and through to the right ring. At the centre-top of the image is the face of an angel. At the base of the image is a globe, partially covered by a clothe, and next to it are a book and a bust.
[Bookplate for Robert Cochrane Barclay]
This bookplate consists of a gules (red) escutcheon with an argent (silver) chevron. On it are three cross formy, two over one. Atop the shield is a helmet in profile, beaver down, topped by a crest wreath on which is a sword, or possibly a dagger. From the sides of the helmet flows elaborate mantling which curls up towards the sword and down to the base of the shield. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Macdonald Bridges]
This bookplate consists of an argent escutcheon divided by a sable (black) cross. At the centre of the cross is a small lion's head. Atop the three-pointed shield is a small crest wreath on which rests a voyageur-type human figure, couped. Above the image is a banner containing the French motto. Below the shield is a tree, or bush, which grows up both sides of the shield, resembling heraldic mantling.
[Bookplate for Winifred Baker]
This bookplate, black ink on ivory paper, consists of a number of books standing up right on a flat surface. In front of the standing books is a book left open, and a candle stick with candle alight. From the candle's flame, light radiates out in all directions. Running along the left border are a series of vertical lines of varying widths, and along the right border are a series of ten small symbols.
[Bookplate for Lieve Van Kerkhove and Martin Jackson]
In black ink, this pictorial contemporary bookplate consists of a nude female, seated in a wood boat which is too small relative to her size. The nude's knees are up, her legs spread open, and her feet and buttocks rest on the outer edges of the craft (only her left foot and left buttock are visible). Extending from inside the boat upwards into the air, and held by the nude's right hand, is a larger-than-life fountain pen. The nude's left arm descends behind her raised knee, and emerges from behind the left buttock as a hand holding the stem of a rose ; the hand and rose appearing somewhat disconnected from the rest of the body. Resting between her legs, seen as almost emerging from the pubic region, is a cat with upraised tail and paws which rest on the bow of the boat. Below the cat, on the port side of the boat is an image of a lyre. In the turbulent river which surrounds the boat, one can see additional rose blossoms floating on the surface of the water. In the background, there is an automobile crossing a stone bridge and a large stone church with steeples on the left. One can see a flock of birds flying above the church's western steeple. In the background on the right, one can see the church's cemetery.
[Bookplate for William Smith]
This bookplate, in black ink, contains an escutcheon, gules (red), with a chevron, ermine (white powdered fur with black tufts), and is charged with two crescents over one garbe. Above the escutcheon is a dexter closed helmet, which is crested by a curved wreath and an eagle's head, erased, with a crown around its neck. From the helmet flows very elaborate mantling which flows out and down to the base of the escutcheon. Above the crest is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Catherine Aishton]
In black ink. A rectangle. Celtic dog knot-work on the top, bottom, and left sides of a box with the text in it. Between "EX LIBRIS" and "CATHERINE AISHToN" is a boxed line of more Celtic dog knot-work.
[Bookplate for George Roe Lockwood]
Black ink on white paper. The image depicts two figures in a living room or study. The young woman wears an off-the-shoulder dress with a shawl and is leaning toward the older male with a fan in hand. The older male sits with his feet tucked up in the chair and an open book in his lap.
[Bookplate for Montreal Library for Boys and Girls]
Dark brown ink on light brown paper. An image of a young boy and girl in a library with many books open and on the floor. The young girl reaches up to pull down a book from the top shelf while the boy sits cross-legged on the floor reading.
[Bookplate for Montreal Children's Library]
Dark brown ink on brown paper. An image of a young boy and girl in a library with many books open and on the floor. The young girl reaches up to pull down a book from the top shelf while the boy sits cross-legged on the floor reading.
[Bookplate for James Bruce MacKinnon]
Black ink. A straight wreath is charged with a boar's head, erased, holding a deer's shank bone in its mouth. Below the boar's head waves a banner containing the MacKinnon family motto.
[Bookplate for Henry Mott by J. E. H. MacDonald]
Black ink. Azure (blue) escutcheon charged with a argent (silver) crescent. Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath, an eight-point star and the originator's name. Below a waving banner displays the originator's Latin motto. All of the elements cited above are framed by a shield shaped border. Additionally, the paper is cut at skewed angles, causing the image to appear lopsided.
[Bookplate for E. W. Neville by Marjorie Sankey]
In black ink on yellow/brown paper. The elaborate façade of a building is held up by a large tree with many roots. The owner’s name is featured in the gate entrance. The thick paper features chain and laid lines.
[Bookplate for New Brunswick Legislative Library]
A slim rectangular border surrounds floral mantling. The mantling surrounds a shield with a lymphad over water on a chief, with a lion passant guardant over a background gules (red). Above the shield is a crown.
[Bookplate for Park Lending Library]
Created in black ink on white paper. A simple border with a braided pattern frames the text.
[Bookplate by F.A.C.]
The bookplate depicts a lakeside scene in which a hotel is set among trees at the edge of the water. Prominent hills also give a sense of the surrounding landscape. This picturesque scene is framed by a border of trees. Amongst the leaves at the top of image is a scroll that reads 'Ex-Libris.' At the bottom of the image, an open book displays the words 'Rogers Rock.'.
[Bookplate for Arthur Richard Springett]
In black ink on white paper, this bookplate consists of a shield or escutcheon Gules (red) party per fess wavy with three crescents, two over one, Argent (silver). The closed, barred helm in profile toward the dexter half bears a crest of a displayed eagle upon a nowed snake in a figure eight and a straight wreath. The helm is surrounded by mantling. Below the escutcheon, a banner bears the motto 'MEMOR ET FIDELIS' [Latin: Mindful and Faithful].
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