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[Bookseller's Tickets for Samuel Carsley]
1) In dark blue ink on white paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a field of dark blue ink with a thin white / reserved-out border surrounding white text.
2) In gold metallic ink on red glossy paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a simple gold border surrounding gold text.
[Bookplate for Sisterhood of St. John the Divine]
A bird encircled by the convent's motto with the name of the convent library written above and below.
[Bookplate for J. H. Hagarty]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features an armoured arm holding on to a sabre. The arm is coming out of a crest-wreath. The shield is argent with a sable chief. The chief is charged with three white birds trussed. The bottom section of the shield is argent and charged with a tall, leafy tree. The tree has three roots extending out. Below the shield, the motto is printed on a curling ribbon in capitalized, block, sans serif white letters. Below the motto, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in large, black, sentence case, cursive font.
[Bookplate for Victoria University]
Black ink on tan paper. Victoria University coat of arms and motto at top. Text covers rest of page.
[Bookplate for Montreal & District Brotherhood Federation, W. Bourdeu, S James United Brotherhood, and T. B. Macaulay]
Black ink on white paper. A border consisting of a thick black line with thinner black lines surrounds the bookplate. At the top of the bookplate, there is a circular decoration with a black border. Inside the border is a plain section with rounded edges on the outer rim. Inside that section is a thick black circle with text printed in capitalized, sans serif white font. A thin white border separates the thick black section from an image of a black and white globe with cross sections. In the middle of the globe, a circle shows two hands with black sleeves shaking. Above the hands is a sun with beams. Below the hands, letters are printed in capitalized, sans serif block letters with a black border. Underneath the circular design, font is printed in capitalized, serif, black, font. On the next line is a dotted line. Below the dotted line is the same font in a smaller size followed by another dotted line. The same font, but larger, is printed on the next line. In the next line the font is smaller and then larger and smaller again in the subsequent two lines. Below these lines, text is printed in bold, black, small sans serif font. Underneath this line, text is printed in small, sentence case, black, serif font and is followed by a dotted line.
[Bookplate for British Columbia Library and Archives]
Black ink on white paper. All text in scrolls above and below coat of arms of British Columbia.
[Bookplate for University of British Columbia and Alice Ravenhill]
Black ink on white paper. The bookplate features a border consisting of several black lines with X designs in the corners. There is the University of British Columbia crest. The chief has a dark background and features an open book with its straps lying out. The university motto is printed in stylized black font on the book’s open pages. The bottom section of the map was alternating black and white lines. From the bottom of the shield is part of a sun with its rays extending upwards. The sun is charged with black dots. To the right of the shield is stylized gothic text in large, black font. Below it is text printed in smaller, cursive, black font. At the bottom of the bookplate is smaller text printed in the gothic, black font with dotted lines next to the words.
[Bookplate for John George Hodgins]
Black ink on white paper. The crest features a displayed black bird on a crest-wreath. At the top left of the bird, next to the tip of its wing, is a small radiating sun with a face in the middle. There is an esquire’s helm surrounded by dark, feathery mantling. The border of the shield is similarly elaborate. The shield is argent and charged with an argent cross with thin black border around each rectangular section. The shield is also charged with five black flowers that have five round petals and a circular black center. There is a flower in each corner of the shield and one in the center of the cross with a thin, black, square border. Below the shield, the motto is printed on a ribbon with curling, darkened ends. The motto is written in black, capitalized, serif font. Below the ribbon, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in black, sentence case, Gothic font.
[Bookplate for Vincent Massey and Alice Massey by Alexander Scott Carter]
Black ink on white paper. This coat of arms is described in great detail by the Royal Heraldry Society of Canada (RHSC), in their 'Members' Roll of Arms,' under the entry for the Rt. Hon. Charles Vincent Massey. They write: 'The arms argent [silver], on a chevron sable [black] between three lozenges of the last, each charged with a fleur de lis of the first, three stags' heads erased or [gold] ; on a canton azure [blue], a representation of the crest of Canada as an honourable augmentation. The crest out of an antique crown or, a bull's head sable, armed gold, charged on the neck with a lozenge argent, thereon a fleur de lis also sable.' This bookplate adheres to the design described above by the RHSC, though the 'honourable augmentation,' of the Canadian crest in dexter chief, does not appear in this escutcheon.
[Bookplate for Mudie's Select Library]
Black ink on yellow paper. Text surrounded by narrow, double, hexagonal border. Top has been slightly cut off.
[Bookplate for Booklovers' Library]
Blue ink on white paper. Thin border surrounds text.
[Bookplate for David Bond]
Bookplate design features a woodland scene, of a brook and foliage at foreground and trees at back. Bookplate text contained within banner at top.
[Bookplate for David Bond and Elizabeth Bond]
Bookplate design features an eagle in flight in foreground, with compass in background. Bookplate owner names at base.
[Bookplate for Robert Wilson Reford]
Bookplate executed in black ink on white paper and consists of text and a simple border.
[Bookplate for Sir Charles Tupper]
Crest is a dog (i.e. loyalty and guidance). Helm is a Baronets and Knights. On the shield at the middle chief are two boars (i.e. courage and savagery) ; at the fess point are three shells(i.e. water, love, St. James the Apostle, pilgrimage and travel).
[Bookplate for Ernest Fawcett by British Columbia Department of Education]
Executed in black ink, this pre-printed textual bookplate is framed by a triple-lined border. The dotted lines have been filled in by hand in what was originally black ink but which is now green where the ink bled into the paper.
[Bookplate for Alice Ravenhill]
Heraldic bookplate executed in black ink on white paper. The bookplate consists of a simple shield above which is a ribbon with the motto: "Candide et Constanter" (fairly and firmly).
[Bookplate by Colonist Lithography]
In black ink on cream paper. The top center contains the coat of arms, flanked by elaborate leafy scrollwork. In the center is text in multiple bold fonts identifying the book number and library number (with gray rectangles where these numbers were handwritten). The bottom third contains the small text rules. Surrounding everything are two thin borders, between which, on the bottom edge, is the name of the lithographer.
In black ink on thin, white paper with visible chain and laid lines, an elaborate border surrounds the institution name and number.
[Bookplate for Marjory Todd and John Todd]
In black ink on white paper, a border which includes images of a book, an hourglass, and a sundial surrounds a view of a garden which contains birds and a birdbath, flowers, and in the distance, trees and a trellis.
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