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[Bookplate for London Public Library and Art Museum]
This bookplate’s design features a depiction of the façade of the London, Canada, Mechanics’ Institute framed by two large maple trees. A banner above, labels the print as an ex-libris and a separate compartment below the building displays several books and the originating institution’s name.
[Bookplate for Gertrude Elliott by Rustcraft USA]
Blue, pink, yellow, gold, and black ink on cream paper. A knight in armour sits on horseback behind a black silhouette of city ; in the background is castle suspended in the clouds. A border of flowers and vines surrounds the image. 'Rustcraft USA' is written vertically in small type along edge of building, and near the horse's tail additional text appears to read "A74." There is a scroll at the bottom with the originator's name.
[Bookplate for Frank Louis Flight]
In light gray ink. A banner with the name of the owner and a small, circular, profile portrait are displayed on a background of vines. The stylized flora seems inspired by the late Nineteenth-century work of William Morris and others.
[Bookplate for E. W. Neville by Marjorie Sankey]
In black ink on yellow/brown paper. The elaborate façade of a building is held up by a large tree with many roots. The owner’s name is featured in the gate entrance. The thick paper features chain and laid lines.
[Bookplate for Lorne A. Pierce by Marjorie Sankey]
Printed in black ink on thick yellow/brown paper with visible chain and laid lines. The facade of a building entrance is supported and surrounded by a large tree. The owner's name appears in the otherwise blank doorway and two horizontal strips on the surrounding columns appear to be blacked out by hand.
[Bookplate for Coombe]
In black ink. This ex libris displays a sable (black) escutcheon with two bars, argent (silver). The coat of arms is charged with seven bees volant, three-over-three-over-one. The escutcheon is charged with a straight wreath and at the crest a demi-lion rampant. Around the neck of the lion is a coronet. Below the escutcheon appears a banner containing the originators Latin motto. The verso of the ex libris is faintly marbled.
[Bookplate for Gordon Lyman]
This bookplate's design features two men reading beside an aqueduct. A banner bearing the owner's name rests below the aqueduct.
[Bookplate for W. E. Gale by George Kuthan]
Printed in black and red ink on blue paper. The image includes a border in black ink surrounding the image of a ship in red ink and text in black ink. What appears to be a small letter 'K' in red ink is to the right of the ship.
[Bookplate for Henri Rainville]
This bookplate depicts a large, bespectacled rat, dressed in what appears to be eighteenth-century attire and displaying a prominent tail and whiskers. Facing away from the viewer, the rat is seated at a table in front of a window, through which the leaves of a tree can be seen. The rodent holds a quill pen and is poised to continue writing in a book that is propped open on the table with a second, closed volume.
[Bookplate for Arthur Richard Springett]
In black ink on white paper, this bookplate consists of a shield or escutcheon Gules (red) party per fess wavy with three crescents, two over one, Argent (silver). The closed, barred helm in profile toward the dexter half bears a crest of a displayed eagle upon a nowed snake in a figure eight and a straight wreath. The helm is surrounded by mantling. Below the escutcheon, a banner bears the motto 'MEMOR ET FIDELIS' [Latin: Mindful and Faithful].
[Bookplate for Collège de Saint-Laurent]
In black ink on white paper, at the top of this bookplate one finds a banner bearing the text “BIBLIOTHÈQUE DU COLLÈGE DE SAINT-LAURENT” [French: Library of Saint-Laurent College], below which sits the coat of arms of Quebec. The coat of arms consists of a shield or escutcheon Or (gold) on a fess Gules (red) between two fleurs de lis in chief Azure (blue), and a sprig of three leaves of maple slipped Vert (green) in base, a lion passant guardant Or (gold). A banner below the escutcheon bears the motto “JE ME SOUVIENS” [French: I Remember]. On either side of the coat of arms of Quebec are shining five-point stars. Below the coat of arms of Quebec on the left is the coat of arms of the Congregation of the Holy Cross. The coat of arms consists of a shield or escutcheon Azure (blue), charged with a Latin cross, Or (gold), surmounted by two anchors, saltier, Argent (silver). A banner below the escutcheon bears the motto “SPES UNICA” [Latin: Our Only Hope]. To the right of the coat of arms of the Congregation of the Holy Cross appear the words “EX LIBRIS.” Further to the right is a third coat of arms, likely the coat of arms of the Collège de Saint-Laurent. The coat of arms consists of a shield or escutcheon party per fess, first party per pale Azure (blue), charged with a Latin cross, Or (gold), surmounted by two anchors, saltier, Argent (silver) ; Gules (red), charged with a feather quill, Argent (silver) ; second Azure (blue), a pale Or (gold). A banner dividing the shield per fess bares the acronym “C. S. L.” A banner below the escutcheon bears the motto of the Collège de Saint-Laurent: “PALMA DE CRUCE” [Latin: Victory by the Cross]. Below the three coats of arms appears a beaver facing left below which rests two crossed branches of sugar maple tied with a ribbon. At the bottom of the bookplate appear the words “MONTRÉAL, CANADA.”.
[Bookplate for Lesslie M. Sweetnam by F. F. H.]
Printed in black ink on white or cream paper, the bookplate shows a figure reading a book while sitting at a roll top desk with his / her back facing the viewer. The desk is flanked on either side by full bookcases and is topped by a reading lamp, additional books, and a small picture frame. Two framed objects hang on the wall above the desk.
[Bookplate for Frederic Lumb Wanklyn]
In brown ink on white paper, a flying duck within a darkened circle is at the centre of the bookplate. It appears to be affixed to a post, on top of which there is a sign that reads 'Ex Libris F.L. Wanklyn.' The post is standing in a marsh.
[Bookplate for Claude Lamont Wheeler]
Printed in black ink on greenish gray paper, the bookplate consists of a two line border surrounding the name of the owner. In the lower left corner appears the word 'No.' followed by a dotted line for the addition of a hand-written number. The number '33' has been written in ink.
[Bookplate for Douglas Battersby]
In black ink on yellow paper, the bookplate consists of an ornate decorative border surrounding the text. The text is a Gothic typeface, except for the city. There are significant stains around the edges of the bookplate.
[Bookseller's Ticket for John Mercier McMullen]
In black ink on blue paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a triple border with decorative corners surrounding black text in roman and italic type. The bottom right corner of the bookseller's ticket has been ripped away and replaced with white paper.
[Bookplate for Baron de Hirsch Institute and Hebrew Benevolent Society]
All printed markings in blue ink, all manuscript notes in black ink. Thin lines form a vertical rectangle with three vertically-stacked cells. The top cell contains the name of the library. The middle cell contains the seal of the institute: two concentric rings with the name and dates of the institute surrounding the inner circle, which contains a Star of David surrounding some Hebrew text. The seal has been inverted, so that it appears as white markings in a blue square. The bottom cell contains a space for presentation notes. In the last cell and above the outermost frame are manuscript notes.
A lion rampant holding a stemmed (slipped) rose above the entwined letters G or C and H, through which is woven a banner with the Latin phrase. The bookplate is rendered in some kind of red ink, which is raised from the paper both from embossing (visible on the back) and a way that the ink itself is raised from the paper.
[Bookplate for Dunbar Browne Jr.]
A floral, somewhat art nouveau style border surrounding the text.
[Bookplate for Jas. Beaty]
In black ink. A decorative border with ornamentation in corners surrounds the text.
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