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[Bookplate for Dorothy Maclaren Hepton by William Walker Alexander]
Brown ink on cream paper. A plain border with a thin brown outline on the outside and thick brown outline on the inside. The image in the center of the bookplate is surrounded by a decorative background. The background has brown dots overlaid with thin white leaves on a stem. The stems curl around the left and right sides of the image. The image in the center is surrounded by a border comprised of three petaled leaves. At the top, bottom, left, and right of the border are two crossed strips covering the leaves. A dark inner border separates the decorative leaves from the center image. The image itself depicts two women sitting in an ancient Grecian scene. There is a building with arches in the left background. Next to the building, right behind the women is a large, shaded column. The foregrounded woman is sitting on a platform. Behind her is a small bowl of flowers. The same flowers decorate her dark hair in a floral crown. She is wearing a flowing white dress with a jewelry band around her right arm, which is holding onto her knees. At her feet is a lyre perched against another ledge. Behind the lyre is a dark, three-legged vessel with smoke pouring from it. There are some bushes behind the vessel and a plain horizon with a dark landscape and a pale sky. To the left of the vessel is a woman either standing or on her knees ; her legs are blocked from view by the sitting woman. The woman is playing a wind instrument, potentially an aulos. Her hair is in a half bun and half down. The ribbons in her hair are also flowing behind her head. Curling ribbons extend from below the image’s bottom border. A thicker ribbon rolls out below the ribbon. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in capitalized, serif font. Each word in the owner’s name is printed on its own line, with each line becoming increasingly indented. Two daisy flowers on stems are printed to the left of the last word in the owner’s name.
[Bookplate for H. P.]
Pictorial bookplate created with black ink on white paper. At the centre of the bookplate is the monogram HP behind which text is written. A wreathe surrounds the text.
[Bookplate for Herbert Spencer Stvdy]
Woman is Mnemosyne, personification of memory in Greek mythology, or Vigilanza / Vigilantia wearing a loose gown and with hair tresses. Holding oil-lamp in her left hand, and closed book in her right hand. Flanking the right side of Vigilantia is an olive tree. Behind the torso of Vigilantia is a shelf of books, and behind her head is a landscape with a castle overlooking a lake, surrounded by mountains, and a cloudy sky. Ex Libris part of image.
[Bookplate for Lieve Van Kerkhove and Martin Jackson]
In black ink, this pictorial contemporary bookplate consists of a nude female, seated in a wood boat which is too small relative to her size. The nude's knees are up, her legs spread open, and her feet and buttocks rest on the outer edges of the craft (only her left foot and left buttock are visible). Extending from inside the boat upwards into the air, and held by the nude's right hand, is a larger-than-life fountain pen. The nude's left arm descends behind her raised knee, and emerges from behind the left buttock as a hand holding the stem of a rose ; the hand and rose appearing somewhat disconnected from the rest of the body. Resting between her legs, seen as almost emerging from the pubic region, is a cat with upraised tail and paws which rest on the bow of the boat. Below the cat, on the port side of the boat is an image of a lyre. In the turbulent river which surrounds the boat, one can see additional rose blossoms floating on the surface of the water. In the background, there is an automobile crossing a stone bridge and a large stone church with steeples on the left. One can see a flock of birds flying above the church's western steeple. In the background on the right, one can see the church's cemetery.
[Bookplate for Norman H. Friedman by A. G. Racey]
Brown ink on cream paper. A man is seated in a wing chair by the fire, wearing slippers and reading a book ; his face is not visible but his pipe pokes out from behind the chair. A fire is roaring in a brick fireplace behind him, with a bust labeled 'Kipling' on the mantelpiece ; the mantel is inscribed with the words 'Be a reader but not a book keeper' with initials below the quote that appear to read A.G.A. In the foreground, there are piles of books and manuscripts and a small dog.
[Bookplate for Alex Watters]
Printed in black ink on cream or tan paper the book plate features a bare-chested female figure in an art deco style holding a foil in her right hand and wiping the blade with a cloth in her left hand. Behind the figure's head is a sun burst design. The figure wears an elaborate headpiece as well as an involved crescent moon necklace and a flowered sarong. To the left of the figure, the words 'Tis / DEATH / To / KEEP' appear vertically. To the right of the figure appear the words 'EX / LIBRIS' horizontally and the words 'ALEX / WATTERS' vertically.
[Bookplate for Stanley Harrod]
Sepia ink on cream paper. A sketched front of a sailboat with three large sails is at the top of the image. Ribbons swirls around the ship’s sails as if in the wind. The sailboat is emerging from a cloud-like section that extends out into other images. A rounded horizontal oval shape with large, round extensions at the top left and top right corners surround the other image. There is a thick, round border surrounding the shape. On the left side, a naked woman is leaning backwards onto a mythical creature with a human-like fish head and a coiling snake body. The creature is lying on the border, with wide eyes looking at the back of the woman. The woman was long hair in a ponytail and is looking downwards. Her right arm extends backwards towards the creature and, similarly, her right knee is bent. Her left leg extends out to stand on part of the border. Behind her left foot, a piece of seaweed like foliage drapes off of the border. In the upper right hand corner are two naked women. One is holding onto the upper part of the border and looks down onto the other woman, who is reclining on the border. The woman on top appears to be a mythical creature with long, footless legs that twirl around the other woman and border. The woman has her hair in a ponytail. The woman on the bottom has darker hair and has her left knee bent, her right arm lying on the leg of the other woman, and her left arm raised in potential defense against the other woman. In the middle of the shape is a head portrait of Leonardo da Vinci as an old man. He is bald on top with long white hair and a long white beard. Underneath his beard, the name Leonardo is written in fine, sentence case cursive. Extending from behind Leonardo’s beard are paint brushes and other artist’s tools, crisscrossed. Below the image is a small circle, text written in larger, sentence case cursive, another small circle, and more text in the same font.
[Bookplate for A. C. Jones by Clare Victor Dwiggins]
Black ink on cream paper. The border of the bookplate consists of intertwined thorny and leafy vines with thicker leaves in the corners. The top left and right corners also feature rose-like flowers. Near the top of the border, vines extend from the left and right sides towards the center of the bookplate design. Capitalized, black, whimsical font is at the top of the bookplate. Dots surround some of the words and some letters are looping or intertwined. In the center of the bookplate, a tall, thin, beautiful woman in a whimsical fluted dress stands atop a closed book. The woman’s hair is done up and decorated with flowers. Flowers also decorate the top of the dress, the bottom of which features a spiral pattern. The dress is cinched at the waist with a belt and similarly cinched around the thighs with a large ribbon tied in a bow. The bottom of the dress extends outwards and there is a lacey layer underneath. The woman is wearing slip-on high heels with bows on the front. Next to the large book the woman is standing on are two books, one small one in front of the book sitting on its side. The other book is standing upright and is behind the large book. The woman is bending towards a small, naked cherub with a single curl atop its head and feathery wings. The cherub is standing in front of a book open and standing on its pages with the spine up. The cherub is also holding an open book and looking smilingly up at the woman. Behind the woman, the bookplate creator’s name is printed in curling, capitalized, black font. At the bottom of the bookplate, the owner’s name is printed in black, gothic, sentence case font.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
The central image is of a wooden brown Japanese fan with grey paper. The image on the surface of the fan is of several curled lines suggesting possibly jellyfish with several bubbles around them. A blue fish is following behind them. The paper fan has irregular jagged edges. The fan is oriented with the outward side of it facing towards the upper left.
[Bookplate by G. P. V. Akrigg]
Created using black ink on white paper (glue painted on back). The image is of a desk facing a window with two panes (each divided into eight sections) opening onto a view of an inlet and three mountains. A totem pole is behind the sinister pane. Drawn curtains are on both the sinister and dexter sides of the window. Above the window is a ribbon inscribed with "ALL LEARNING BUT AN ART TO LIVE WELL." On the desk, from left to right, is a painter's palette with two paint brushes, an open book, a ruler, ink well, fountain pen, pencils, card catalogue drawer, index card, small closed book, and a bust of Shakespeare. Below the bust are inscribed the initials "G.P.V.A."
[Bookplate for Amelia Alexis Alvey by Eva Alvey Richards]
This is a pictorial bookplate created using brown ink on thick ivory paper. A nude female, portrayed kneeling on a pedestal, gazing down at an open book. A lamp is in nude's right hand and a caduceus (symbolising medicine) is in her left hand. Hanging from the caduceus is a scroll of music with legible musical notation. Placed in front of the nude is a large open book with objects placed on the left page. These objects (from left to right) consist of: an empty retort (symbolising chemistry), a round beaker, a small closed book, a microscope (representing biology), a beaker, and a test tube. A ribbon is tucked in the right pages of the book and reads "Ex Libris." Another ribbon below the book reads "Amelia Alexis Alvey." At the front of the pedestal are four heraldic shields. From left to right are: An argent shield with a eagle displayed, tongue protruding. On the chest of the eagle is a quartered per cross shield with the first and the sinister base are argent and the sinister chief and dexter base are black. Behind the shield is a palm. The next shield is argent with a fleur-de-lis ; below this shield are two irises. The next shield is argent with a beaver on it, around the shield are maple leaves. The final shield is argent with an eagle displayed clutching in its dexter talon palm leaves and in its sinister talon three arrows. Below the shield is a single rose.
[Bookplate for Ivan Glen Campbell]
The central image is a portrait shaped frame with banners along the top and bottom of the frame. Between the banners and contained by the frame is the central image of an open book behind a metal lamp with a black shade shedding light onto the book and everything else in the image. In front of the lamp on the left side is an ink jar and spare nibs and on the right is an ashtray and smouldering cigarette with the smoke drifting upwards and surrounding the lamp and book from above. While the two banners have statements within them the lower one also has four maple leaves, 2 on the right, and 2 on the left.
[Bookplate for Maxwell K. Heap]
There is an elaborate border on this bookplate beginning with a rolled barred fillet with fleur-de-lis at each corner. Within this border are three additional black fillets the middle one is slightly thicker with alternating black and white bars suggesting a rope like pattern. The central image is of a large book overlaying a lighted torch behind it. Birds wings sit below the book supporting it.
[Bookplate for University of British Columbia]
Picture of letter A (perhaps taken from a children's alphabet book) with a boy behind the letter on the dexter side. The boy is wearing overalls and a hat and is standing on a patch of grass.
[Bookplate for R. Mackay Fripp by H. A. W.]
Within a multi-lined border is a depiction of crumbled Greek architecture, with fallen columns in the foreground. The name of the originator is written on a banner at the bottom of the frame, and below that is a small heraldic shield with a bull. The motto is written on a small banner that passes behind the shield.
[Bookplate for MacMahon by L. R.]
A series of buildings are portrayed. In the foreground are rooftops and a chimney stack behind which is a circular building with columns. In the background are a series of low-rises and two high-rises.
[Bookplate for Frank Noyce]
In the left corner of this pictorial bookplate are fox gloves behind which is a mountain range.
[Bookplate for R. D. Morrison]
A shirtless hangman standing on scaffolding with one hand points at a noose and in the other holds a book. Behind him is a tree stump with an axe in it and in the background there is a crowd and a castle on a hilltop.
[Bookplate for Francis Marion Smith by Warren Stannard]
The "crest" is the profile of a blacksmith from the waist up holding with outstretched arms a hammer and tongs is before an anvil. Below the blacksmith is the text Ex Libris on a ribbon. A laurel wreath acts as supporters for the shield. On the shield, a printing press appears on the dexter side ; a cube with human faces and bold letters appears on the sinister chief ; and an anatomical human heart appears on the middle base. At the base of the shield, and behind it, a burst appears.
[Bookplate for Wallace Wilson and Ethel Wilson]
Executed in green ink on a white background, this bookplate depicts a peaceful scene of nature redolent of British Columbia. In the foreground is an evergreen tree behind which birds soar in the distance over mountains. Below the mountains is a forest that frames a lake. Overlooking the lake is a cabin emitting smoke from its roof, while in the lake's center is a fishing boat with two occupants. The text is placed beneath this scene and is framed in each of its four corners by an open book and scroll at the top, and closed books at the bottom.
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