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[Bookplates for Bell Telephone Company of Canada]
This bookplate is in two parts ' one to show who made the presentation, the other to show ownership by the library. Part 1 (upper): This bookplate is composed of black text, with a dotted line at the bottom on which to record the name of the presenter. Part 2 (lower): This bookplate is composed of black text, with a small form number in the upper right, the major text with parts bolded, and a grid below that for recording due dates. Both of these pieces have an unused full glue coating on the back.
[Bookplate for James De Carteret]
An ornate border surrounds the text. There is a smudged line of ink running diagonally from the centre bottom of the bookplate to the upper edge of the border.
Black on light gray paper, a decorative border surrounds text. Handwritten text at top and bottom.
[Bookplate for Castle Lending Library]
The name of the lending library is in large bold letters at the top of the bookplate, and underneath is listed the address, hours, and telephone number. Underneath this text block there is a thick black line, and a listing of the terms, time limit and renewal conditions. Underneath this is a single black line, the words 'Please Protect Your Book in Wet Weather' and another single black line. At the bottom of the bookplate is space for the library to stamp a return date.
[Bookplate for Lacombe Vincent by Carles Imprint Editor]
Pictorial bookplate. An illustrated border surrounds text in the center. Angels are on the top right and left hand corners. The left side angel holds a wreath in one hand and the right side angel holds a book in one hand. The angels also hold a banner that stretches between them with the name of the awarding organization on it. Below the angels is a border of morning glories. The plants meet at the bottom center of the plate, growing from beneath a pile of books and a globe. Four fonts used for the text, with spaces for hand-written annotations naming the prize recipient.
[Bookplate for Frechette's Library]
A decorative top and bottom border centers the text printed in black ink and multiple fonts.
[Bookplate for Goodwin's Limited]
A decorative border is printed in green ink. Inside at the top left is the Goodwin's script logo "G" on a maple leaf printed in green ink. Text is printed in black ink and three fonts, including the Goodwin's Limited logo script. There is a tear in the bottom right corner and a light "X" drawn across the plate in pencil.
[Bookplate for Dundas Public Library]
Black ink on brown paper. A border made up of pommy crosses houses the name of the library and its borrowing policies. The title of the library is printed in Germanic text, and beneath it is a double-lined, horizontal divider. In the bottom half of the plate is printed the borrowing policy.
[Bookplate for Dunham Ladies’ College]
Grey ink on cream paper. It features a border, double-lined. Within border, at the top, sits the title of the college in Germanic lettering. Directly beneath this title sits a curlicue line (centred), followed by the purpose and date that the plate was issued. Within the bottom half of the plate is four information lines, for prize recipient, donor, recipient, and principal signature. All of these information lines contain handwritten responses in faded black ink.
[Bookplate for Library of Diocesan Theological College]
Black ink on cream paper. In the upper-portion rests the Library of Diocesan Theological College seal. Within the oval-shaped seal are two shields (one in front of the other) with an anchor on the front of the more forward shield. Above the shield is a Western-style mitre. On the perimeter of the seal is Latin phrasing. Directly under the seal is an information line, followed by the title of the library and location city in English text. At the very bottom are two additional unfilled information lines.
[Bookplate for Government of Quebec]
Black ink on cream paper. A bust of a reindeer is printed above heraldic ribbon with French wording within it. Directly beneath is a second, larger heraldic ribbon containing text indicating presentation. On blank dotted lines is written the presenting institution and the date. At the bottom is a third heraldic ribbon with the receiving institute written within it in Germanic lettering.
[Bookplate for Ecole Normale Jacques-Cartier and Joseph Denis by John Henry Walker]
An insignia tops the bookplate, featuring a radiant cross and open book above a beaver and surrounded by maple leaves. Included is a banner with a motto. Below, the name of the school and a pre-formatted prize text is printed in three fonts. The class, date, name of the recipient and signature of the principal are handwritten in black ink. A border surrounds the text and insignia. The entire plate is printed in black ink. The paper includes a watermark.
[Bookplate for Fraser Institute]
Black ink on cream paper. A bust of a reindeer is printed above a heraldic ribbon with French wording within it. Directly beneath is a second, larger heraldic ribbon containing text indicating presentation. In the middle are several blank lines containing the entered name of the presenting institution and the date. At the bottom is a third heraldic ribbon with the receiving institute written within it in Germanic lettering.
[Bookplate for Hill’s Library]
Black ink on yellowing paper. Typewritten text in capital letters and bold followed by sentence case letters in varying serif font sizes. There is a thin line with stylized dots in the centre separating text. Below the line, text is written in large, capitalized, bold serif font. Below that is text written in bold, sentence case. Text is then written in non-bold capital letters. There is a thicker, stylized line with three dots in the centre separating text. Below the line is text written in capital sans serif font, followed by text in smaller, bold sans serif font. Further text is right aligned and written in italicized serif font. Text is then written in capital and sentence case serif font in multiple sizes with section separated by dots. Graphic of hand with index finger pointing right is next to capital, sans serif font. A squared squiggled line is below the finger graphic and above faded text in serif font. Below that is serif font in capital letters and then bold serif font in bold letters. That is separated from bold, capital, serif font with a squared, squiggled line. The following serif font is bold. Below that is larger, bolder serif-font. The following text is written in smaller sentence case and capitalized serif font. Below that is sentence case serif font, followed by larger sans serif font and then bold, capitalized, serif font. The last part of the text is written in sentence case serif font. Handwritten notes cover some of the typewritten text on the right side of the bookplate until approximately halfway down the bookplate. The bottom two corners of the bookplate have been cut off. The bookplate appears to be printed on top of a newspaper or magazine clipping, the recto of which is slightly visible through the bookplate. Black ink serif font text and some imagery are visible. The verso of the bookplate is clearly the other printed side of the magazine or newspaper with serif fonts in bold capital letters and non-bold sentence case letters. The recto of the original print is also slightly visible from the verso side.
[Bookplate for D. Girouard]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features right arm bent at elbow holding the top half of a spear on crest-wreath. Shield has sable and argent stripes, charged with three two-pointed flags two speckled sable on argent flags over one argent flag facing left. The top two flags are speckled, sable on argent, and the bottom flag is argent. Below the shield, the motto is printed in capital letters on ribbon with curling ends. Name typewritten in cursive sentence font.
[Bookplate for Robert A. Harrison]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a demi-lion rampant on the top part of a castle tower. The lion is wearing a crown and holding a floral wreath in its paws. There is a gentlemen and esquire’s helm surrounded by elaborately curling sable and argent mantling that extends out to each side and tapers down to the base of the bookplate. Shield is sable and charged with three demi-lions rampant, two over one. The lions are wearing crowns. The motto is below the shield printed in capitalized block white letters on a banner with curling ends. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in black, gothic sentence-case font at the bottom of the bookplate.
[Bookplate for C. Gordonsmith]
Printed in black ink, the bookplate features a harbor scene including a town waterfront, ships, sailboats and row boats. The Union Jack can be found in the corner of the flags off the stern of the two ships in the foreground. A banner identifies the location, and a gothic font is used to identify the owner of the book. A maple leaf is depicted at the bottom right. Pictorial.
[Bookplate for Glazebrook]
Black ink on cream paper. Design has some heraldic features. At the top of the bookplate is a banner featuring black, serif, capitalized font. The banner sits atop a stylized castle with multiple towers and a circular wall. Behind the castle to the left and right extend wing-like features. In front of the castle is a shield argent with sable dots charged with a sable lion passant. Shield has a sable chief charged with three argent fleurs-des-lis. Armorial helm with mantling is topped with a sable demi-lion rampant wearing a crown atop a crest-wreath. The bottom of the bookplate features a rectangle designed to look like stylized wooden panels. It features large, capitalized, bold black serif font. The words are separated with floral decorations, each of a varying design. The first flower is found with six more pointed petals, a black centre, and two leaves. The second flower is smaller and rounder, but of similar design to the previous one also with two leaves. The last floral decoration looks like a maple leaf with a simple stem.
[Bookplate for Stanley Harrod]
Sepia ink on cream paper. A sketched front of a sailboat with three large sails is at the top of the image. Ribbons swirls around the ship’s sails as if in the wind. The sailboat is emerging from a cloud-like section that extends out into other images. A rounded horizontal oval shape with large, round extensions at the top left and top right corners surround the other image. There is a thick, round border surrounding the shape. On the left side, a naked woman is leaning backwards onto a mythical creature with a human-like fish head and a coiling snake body. The creature is lying on the border, with wide eyes looking at the back of the woman. The woman was long hair in a ponytail and is looking downwards. Her right arm extends backwards towards the creature and, similarly, her right knee is bent. Her left leg extends out to stand on part of the border. Behind her left foot, a piece of seaweed like foliage drapes off of the border. In the upper right hand corner are two naked women. One is holding onto the upper part of the border and looks down onto the other woman, who is reclining on the border. The woman on top appears to be a mythical creature with long, footless legs that twirl around the other woman and border. The woman has her hair in a ponytail. The woman on the bottom has darker hair and has her left knee bent, her right arm lying on the leg of the other woman, and her left arm raised in potential defense against the other woman. In the middle of the shape is a head portrait of Leonardo da Vinci as an old man. He is bald on top with long white hair and a long white beard. Underneath his beard, the name Leonardo is written in fine, sentence case cursive. Extending from behind Leonardo’s beard are paint brushes and other artist’s tools, crisscrossed. Below the image is a small circle, text written in larger, sentence case cursive, another small circle, and more text in the same font.
[Bookplate for William Griffin and Florence Griffin by Leslie Victor Smith]
Brown ink on cream paper. The bookplate has a perforated border with rounded corners. At the top left and right corners are flowers with four square petals and five leaves extending below. The floral decorations are quite simple, featuring only small lines. Between the two flowers is curling text in sentence case followed by five leaves with stems curling to the left and the tip of the leaves curling to the right. In the centre of the bookplate an open book. The book has enforced corners and a clasp on the cover. On the open left page is a griffin rampant on a crest-wreath. On the open right page is a cat sitting on a crest wreath. A link from a chain extends from the base of the book’s spine to attach to a sign with a thick white border. Atop a speckled background is capitalized and lower case font with stylized serif accents. Two links of chain are attached to this sign from below in the left and right corners. Between the chains are stylized curling, accents meeting in a decorative feature in the centre with a leaf extending downwards. Text is printed on the left and right hand side of the leaf. There is a handwritten note in pencil in the bottom right hand corner.
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