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[Bookplate for Henry Forbes Angus by Jack Macdonald]
An art nouveau, pictorial bookplate using black ink on ivory paper. In the background is a sun with four series of rays alternating black and white. In front of the sun is a left hand holding a quarter-bound book with a floral statue on the cover (consisting of a circle of leaves encircling three white flowers with black centres, which are on top of a trunk). At both the dexter and sinister corners are black squares ; in the dexter square are the initials J / M.
[Bookplate for Edmond Bohy]
This bookplate features brown ink on thick, coated paper. The image is of a man, mouth open, wearing a feathered fedora and a shirt with a broad collar [perhaps a jester collar] within a border consisting of dots and lines.
[Bookplate for R. D. Stuart]
Consisting of a decorative border with the text of Swallowfield Farm sitting on a spear that is horizontal across the middle of the bookplate.
[Bookplate for Thomas Philip Earl de Gray]
This heraldic bookplate is elaborately engraved in Chippendale style. The escutcheon is counterchanged per fess, its primary quarterings (at top left and bottom right) consisting of a barry of six, argent (silver) and azure (blue). The quarter at mid-top is vert (green), divided per chevron, or (gold). The quarter is also charged with three stags statant, two over one. The top left quarter is argent (silver), with a saltier, azure. The quarter is also charged with a roundlet, argent. The bottom left quarter is a gyrony of eight pieces, or and sable (gold). The quarter at mid-bottom is argent, divided per fess, gules (red) with a fillet in the lower part, azure. The quarter is also charged with three rings, gules on both the upper and lower parts. The Chippendale escutcheon is surrounded by two detailed dragons, the dexter supporter with its tailed nowed. Above the escutcheon is a coronet of earl status, and below the shield with Latin motto within. The owner's name is surrounded with elaborate borderwork, in the same style of wreath surrounding the shield.
[Bookplate for Frances Mary Richardson Currer]
This heraldic bookplate consists of a stylized escutcheon, with a pale counterchanged per fess. Sections one and six are parted per cross, with quarters one and four sable (black), with a chief argent (silver), charged with three lions erased. Quarters two and three consists of a barry of eight ermine and azure (blue), with a chief azure, charged with a lion passant guardant. Section two is azure, with a simple bend or (gold), charged with two heads of a stag. Section three is azure, with a bend engrailed and or, charged with three martlets. Section four is ermine, with a cross engrailed and sable. Finally, section five is vert (green), with a bordure engrailed and or, charged with a stag's head. Below the entire escutcheon is bookplate owner's name.
[Bookplate for Kathleen Reit and Francis Reit]
This bookplate's design features a devil-like figure reading a book beneath a tree, by a brook.
[Bookplate for Frederick Starr]
Woodblock print consisting of six separate bookplate designs. From left to right, top to bottom, designs consist of: a turtle with a hair-like tail ; two storks amid foliage ; a Japanese chrysanthemum ; a traditional Japanese dragon ; small bird perched on a cherry tree branch ; a fish swimming in a stream. Each design has two Japanese characters at top right and bottom left.
[Bookplate for Frederick Starr]
Woodblock print consisting of six separate bookplate designs. From left to right, top to bottom, designs consist of: two butterflies in flight ; a single lobster a cherry tree branch in bloom ; two birds in flight around three stocks of bamboo two figures fan dancing ; three monkeys in the 'hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil' poses. Each design has two Japanese characters at top right and bottom left.
[Bookplate for Chs-Ed. Parrot]
Red ink on white paper. Consisting only of text, the owner's name and location are surrounded by a border. Exposure to water has cause the ink to smudge.
[Bookplate for Ecole polytechnique]
In black ink on thick pink paper with visible laid lines. Image includes a rectangular decorative border consisting of straight lines at the sides and more elaborate patterns in the corners surrounding 20 lines of text.
[Bookplate for Paul Gouin]
Black ink on cream paper. Border consisting of two thin black lines with solid black squares in the corners. Capitalized black serif-font written inside the border around an image. Image depicts a wooden house with a road in front. There are several clouds in the sky. There is a large tree in front of the side of the house, with the branches of another tree in the top right corner. The house has a wooden fence. In the foreground in the bottom right corner is grass.
[Bookplate for Stanley Harrod by S. Harrod]
Black ink on white paper. The bookplate image is surrounded by a border consisting of wide ribbons at the top and bottom wrapped around twisted rope on the left and right sides. The rope ends are knotted with three beaded and then frayed ends extending on each end of the rope. The top ribbon has printed, black, stylized gothic font in sentence case. Some text is separated by clusters of four diamonds. Inside the border is an image depicting a frigate with two masts and large sails billowing in the wind. Ribbons extend form the top of the sails. A smaller sail on a smaller mast is at the front of the ship. The ship is in an ocean with several waves. The bottom ribbon is more elaborated curling than the top ribbon. It has printed, black, stylized font in sentence case, but is smaller in size. Below the ribbon to the left and right is thin, sans-serif, capitalized font.
[Bookplate for L. Emile Grothé by Aimé Dufesne]
Black ink on white paper. Border has white outlines, shaded for a three-dimensional effect and is filled in with thin black lines. The top and bottom sides of the border indent in the middle with squared corners. The left and right sides of the border indent in the middle with rounded corners. The top half of the bookplate has diagonal black lines extending wider from the centre. The top left corner features a person wearing a feathered headdress and a sash holding arrows in their left hand and a bow in their right hand. They are standing on a decorative ledge connected to the border and sitting atop of an elaborate curlicue. The right corner has the same curlicue and ledge and a person in a long coat and striped hat holding a pouch stands atop it. Between the two figures is an open book. The bottom of the top half of the bookplate contains half a round map of the world surrounded by a thick border of the same style as the overall bookplate border. The owner’s motto is written across the map’s border in thin, capitalized, sans-serif font. A rectangular border of the same design sits in the centre of the bookplate. The top of the border features large, captitalized, serif block font. The font is white with a black background and white stripes surrounding that background. On either side of that text are half circle decorations in a vertical stack between two thin white borders. The centre of the rectangle within the borders has a grey background with capitalized, sans-serif block font printed on top. The font is black with a white outline and dark shading. Two shields hang below the rectangle on the left and right side. The shield on the left is argent with sable dots per fess. The top third of the crest is charged with two fleurs-des-lis. The central portion of the crest, featuring sable and argent stripes. is charged with a lion passant guardant. The bottom third of the crest is charged with three maple leaves with connected stems. The shield on the right is per pale consisting of sable and argent stripes and argent with sable dots. The left side is charged with two lions passant that are argent with sable dots. The right side is charged with a lion sejant erect and eight hearts, each of which are sable and argent striped. Between the two crests, hanging from the central rectangular feature, is a checkered black rectangle with white borders on the left, right, and bottom sides. White curlicues extend from the left and right sides. Similar curlicues, leafy decoration, and black strip adorned with small circles extend from the bottom of the rectangle. The background of the bottom half of the bookplate not covered with other decorative features has the same black stripes as the top half. In the bottom left and right corners of the bookplate are four books each, spines facing out. Next to the books on the left is a black inkwell with two feather quills in it. Next to the inkwell is a beehive on a wooden platform surrounded by five bees. On the right of the beehive is an oil lamp with a bright flame burning. Outside the bottom border, inside the indent, the bookplate creator’s name and date of creation is printed in thin, black, sentence-case, serif font.
[Bookplate for Montreal & District Brotherhood Federation, W. Bourdeu, S James United Brotherhood, and T. B. Macaulay]
Black ink on white paper. A border consisting of a thick black line with thinner black lines surrounds the bookplate. At the top of the bookplate, there is a circular decoration with a black border. Inside the border is a plain section with rounded edges on the outer rim. Inside that section is a thick black circle with text printed in capitalized, sans serif white font. A thin white border separates the thick black section from an image of a black and white globe with cross sections. In the middle of the globe, a circle shows two hands with black sleeves shaking. Above the hands is a sun with beams. Below the hands, letters are printed in capitalized, sans serif block letters with a black border. Underneath the circular design, font is printed in capitalized, serif, black, font. On the next line is a dotted line. Below the dotted line is the same font in a smaller size followed by another dotted line. The same font, but larger, is printed on the next line. In the next line the font is smaller and then larger and smaller again in the subsequent two lines. Below these lines, text is printed in bold, black, small sans serif font. Underneath this line, text is printed in small, sentence case, black, serif font and is followed by a dotted line.
[Bookplate for Hopital Général d’Ottawa]
Black ink on cream paper. The bookplate features a border consisting of thick, black wavy lines with arrows on the ends of each line pointing towards the corner. Each corner has three diamonds shaped in a triangle. Inside the border, there is a circular image with a border of two interwoven black wavy lines. Inside that border is capitalized text printed in bold, black, sans serif front. In the center of the circle is a cross coming out of the ground wrapped in vines. Above and below the cross are two ribbons with mottos printed in capitalized, black, sans serif front. At the bottom of the bookplate, outside of the circular design, but inside the first border, is text printed in capitalized, black, serif font.
[Bookplate for University of British Columbia and Alice Ravenhill]
Black ink on white paper. The bookplate features a border consisting of several black lines with X designs in the corners. There is the University of British Columbia crest. The chief has a dark background and features an open book with its straps lying out. The university motto is printed in stylized black font on the book’s open pages. The bottom section of the map was alternating black and white lines. From the bottom of the shield is part of a sun with its rays extending upwards. The sun is charged with black dots. To the right of the shield is stylized gothic text in large, black font. Below it is text printed in smaller, cursive, black font. At the bottom of the bookplate is smaller text printed in the gothic, black font with dotted lines next to the words.
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