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[Bookplate for Baron de Hirsch Institute and Hebrew Benevolent Society]
This bookplate is in two parts: One to show ownership by the library, the other to show who made the presentation of the book to the library. 1) In black ink on white or cream paper. The bookplate consists of lines for recording location information, the seal of the institute [two concentric rings with the name and dates of the institute surrounding the inner circle, which contains a Star of David surrounding some Hebrew text], and other lines for noting the number and receipt date of the book surrounding the library name.
2) In black ink on white or cream paper, the bookplate consists of a thin border surrounding black text.
[Bookplate for Annie M. Angus by Lionel Haweis]
A combination of textual and pictorial bookplate created with black ink on ivory paper. Image consists of a stained glass background framed (from inside out) in a thin light frame, dark medium frame, and a light ribbon frame. A candlestick with a large lit candle is overlaid with a large stylised letter A. Midway on the candlestick rests an open book, which overlays the monogrammed A. On the left page of the book is a stylised letter A and on the right page of the book is the letter M. At the bottom of the image is a shelf of books.
[Bookplate for John Peter Braselmann]
Pictorial bookplate created using black ink on white paper. The image portrays a scholar seated in front of a bookshelf, reading a large book. The border consists of open and closed books and two lit candles at the top right and left corners.
[Bookplate for MacDougall]
The bookplate design consists of an elaborate border (1 CM thick) with urns, winged angel heads, and flourishes.
[Bookplate for Alice Ravenhill]
Heraldic bookplate executed in black ink on white paper. The bookplate consists of a simple shield above which is a ribbon with the motto: "Candide et Constanter" (fairly and firmly).
[Bookplate for Robert Wilson Reford]
Bookplate executed in black ink on white paper and consists of text and a simple border.
[Bookplate for A. W. Robertson]
This bookplate consists of a pictorial image of men in a rowboat in the foreground with the image of a large sailboat in the background. Between the two primary images is the shape of a whale, the ocean, and three small rowboats. It is designed to replicate the style of stained glass, and is therefore divided into sections which are executed in varying colours such as blue, green, yellow, brown, and purple. Each section is delineated in black ink and is bordered in black ink. The bookplate is on white paper.
[Bookplate for Emil Eerme and A. Lavdovsky by Z. Dolatowski]
In black and yellow ink, image consists of an assortment of traffic signs grouped together, five of which are coloured in yellow.
[Bookplate for Imperial Order Daughters of the Empire]
Purple ink on white paper. Seal of IODE at top. Text below. Border consists of three fine lines at top and bottom and a single fine line at the sides.
Black ink on white paper. Shield consists of yellow (or) cards on a black (sable) field. Crest is a hand holding a yellow card. Motto in scroll below arms.
[Bookplate for Arnin Neuensundschen]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of a round wreathed textual area in the centre. Behind it is a hearth-type frame with a ring hanger on the left and right side. There is a curtain strung up through the left ring, across and through to the right ring. At the centre-top of the image is the face of an angel. At the base of the image is a globe, partially covered by a clothe, and next to it are a book and a bust.
[Bookplate for Atkinson]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of a pheon (an arrow with a flat barbed head, thrown from a cross bow) proper atop a straight wreath, which sits upon a strung curtain.
[Bookplate for John Buckler]
In black ink on thin paper, this bookplate consists of an erased sable (black) dragon with three bezants (or [gold] roundlets) and two barrulets, or, atop a straight wreath. Above the erased dragon is a banner containing the latin motto.
[Bookplate for George R. Alexander]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an or (gold) escutcheon with a galley at its centre. A galley is an ancient vessel propelled by oars, and is frequently used in the heraldry of naval officers. Also on the escutcheon are three cross crosslets fitchy sable -- one in dexter chief, one in sinister chief, and one in precise middle base. Atop the escutcheon is a half-visored helm in profile. Within the helm, one can see what appears to be the face of a cat. The helm is topped by a crest wreath and a horse's head, proper, couped and gules (red). From the helm flows extensive or and gules mantling. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the latin motto.
[Bookplate for J. H. Ainsworth by T. E.]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon divided per pale. The gules (red) dexter of the shield contains a small crescent at precise middle chief, and three battle axes argent (silver), two over one. The battle axe is an ancient military weapon, and placed on a shield represents a mark of prowess. The argent sinister of the shield contains a gules canton at dexter chief. The canton contains a talbot's head, erased. The sinister side of the shield also contains a chevron, ermines (a fur represented by white spots on a black field). Atop the escutcheon is the helm, grated and in profile. The helm is topped by a straight crest wreath and an armored figure holding a battle axe in his dexter hand. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the latin motto.
[Bookplate for Edward J. C. Atterbury]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon divided per fess. The chief is in vair, a fur tinture, and the base is divided paly, or (gold) and sable (black).The escutcheon is bordered by an elaborate frame and is topped by a straight crest wreath and a chaplet (an ancient ornament for the head, given to knights for acts of courtesy). Both sides of the escutcheon are adoned with mantling and a banner, containing the latin motto, hangs along its base.
[Bookplate for John Bebb]
This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, azure (blue), with an or (gold) embattled fess. The fess contains two cross crosslets. On the azure surface of the escutcheon are three crescents, two over one. The escutcheon is bordered by an elaborate frame and topped by a visored helm in profile. Atop the helm is a crest wreath and an unicorn's head, couped and horned. From the helm flows extensive mantling. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the latin motto.
[Bookplate for Robert Cochrane Barclay]
This bookplate consists of a gules (red) escutcheon with an argent (silver) chevron. On it are three cross formy, two over one. Atop the shield is a helmet in profile, beaver down, topped by a crest wreath on which is a sword, or possibly a dagger. From the sides of the helmet flows elaborate mantling which curls up towards the sword and down to the base of the shield. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for DeLancey H. Barclay]
This bookplate consists of a gules (red) escutcheon with an or (gold) chevron. On it are three cross formy, two over one. Raised above the shield is a straight crest wreath mounted by a dagger. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Bateman by Orlando Jewitt]
This bookplate consists of an or (gold) escutcheon, on which are three etoile topped crescents, two over one. There is also an additional smaller crescent located at the precise middle chief of the escutcheon. According to heraldic symbolism, the crescent represents the second son. On top of the shield is a helmet in profile, beaver open. Atop the helmet is a curved crest wreath and another etoile topped crescent. The crest also includes a vol (set of wings), erect, and mantling which pours down the sides of the shield. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto. The image and text are framed by a thin single line border.
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