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[Bookplate for K. H. Ingalls by Ralph Fletcher Seymour]
A portrait bookplate with a multiple black fillet border surrounding the central images used in the bookplate. The bookplate has all 12 images of the zodiac held in small circles surrounding the periphery of the central image. At the top and bottom left and right hand corners of the image are images of vines. Central to the bookplate is the image of a wicker chair held in the bottom left hand corner next to several books sitting on a reading table. The chair is facing a brick fireplace against the far wall above which are the word "BIDE-A-WHILE". In front of the fireplace is a bear skin rug. A highbacked wooden bench with three books on it sits off on the adjacent wall to the left of the image. A similar bench sits to the right of the fireplace. A clock and several other knickknacks sit on the mantelpiece above the fireplace.
[Bookplate for Maxwell K. Heap]
There is an elaborate border on this bookplate beginning with a rolled barred fillet with fleur-de-lis at each corner. Within this border are three additional black fillets the middle one is slightly thicker with alternating black and white bars suggesting a rope like pattern. The central image is of a large book overlaying a lighted torch behind it. Birds wings sit below the book supporting it.
[Bookplate for H. R. N. Flyne by E. F.]
Pictorial bookplate. A man seated in a chair, reading and smoking, with piles of books (and a martini) around him. The artist's name and year are inscribed on one of the books in the lower right corner.
[Bookplate for Douglas Loney by Frits Jacobsen]
Medieval town square scene with three musicians with Medieval instruments (violin, hurdy-gurdy, and bagpipe) with shoppers and a dancer in the background. The artists' initials (FJ) are written on a building in the background and the artist's full name is in the bottom right corner.
[Bookplate for Herbert Spencer Stvdy]
Woman is Mnemosyne, personification of memory in Greek mythology, or Vigilanza / Vigilantia wearing a loose gown and with hair tresses. Holding oil-lamp in her left hand, and closed book in her right hand. Flanking the right side of Vigilantia is an olive tree. Behind the torso of Vigilantia is a shelf of books, and behind her head is a landscape with a castle overlooking a lake, surrounded by mountains, and a cloudy sky. Ex Libris part of image.
[Bookplate for Alice Ravenhill]
Heraldic bookplate executed in black ink on white paper. The bookplate consists of a simple shield above which is a ribbon with the motto: "Candide et Constanter" (fairly and firmly).
[Bookplate for Frank Noyce]
In the left corner of this pictorial bookplate are fox gloves behind which is a mountain range.
[Bookplate for A. W. Robertson]
This bookplate is executed in dark ink on white paper. It depicts a ship with a compass-rose in the lower left corner.
[Bookplate for Phyllis Pearce]
Executed with black ink on white paper, this bookplate depicts a swan with wings spread, as well as two small cygnets in the lower left corner.
[Bookplate for V. C. Scudamore]
A light in the upper left corner casts rays of light on the sillouette of a person reading.
[Bookplate for Leida Eerme and A. Lavdovsky by A. Lee]
In black and blue ink, an image of a butterfly in the centre, and a flower in the bottom right corner. Curving black lines border the four corners. Text is written vertically on the wings of the butterfly.
[Bookplate for Klara Weiss and J. E. Horvath]
Black and dark pink ink on tan paper. On the bottom left corner of the image there is an open book with pink flowers that continue in to ocean waves receding in the background.
[Bookplate for British Association for the Advancement of Science]
Red and black ink on white paper. Coat of arms at top. Quartered shield shows English rose, Scottish thistle, Irish clover and Canadian beaver. Text in a bordered circle around shield. Cursive text below. Contributors include British Association.
[Bookplate for L. Farkas and J. E. Horvath by K. J.]
Line drawing done in black ink on tan paper. Two plant pots with thorny vines at the at bottom of the image, one is standing and one is laying down. The vine from the standing pot, a rose vine, extends to the upper edge where it forms a frame around an open book with the letters A B C and children toys. The middle of the drawing displays a book with a rosary and flowers behind it. The text starts above the flowers, continues between the book and the plant pots, ending under the plant pots. A small round seal with the initals RS is displayed at the bottom left corner of te bookplate.
[Bookplate for Dezsgyessy Bottlik, Margit Bottlik, and J. E. Horvath]
Black ink on light grey inked background. A woman looks at rose that she holds on her right hand. She is wearing a long dress with a black bodice and bouffant white sleeves. The skirt has a flower pattern and the underskirt is white with a bottom ruffle. She sits on a sofa covered with big cushions with different patterns. One of the cushions comes out of the image frame. There is a window behind the figure with plant on the sill. The text boxes above and below the image are adorned with garlands. The artist seal with the initials RS is on the lower left corner.
[Bookplate for Margarete Voigt and Michael B. Kunze]
In black ink, an image of a young grecian woman wearing a flowing, pleated gown. In her arms, she holds a vase into which pours water from a hole in a wall. The wall is elaborately decorated, and contains what appears to be the image of an owl in the lower left corner. A heavy and elaborate frame borders the entire image.
[Bookplate for Margarethe Schwarzwald and J. E. Horvath]
This beautiful bookplate in black ink on thin brown paper presents us with a view of a village and a hill top castle through an opening in the trees. In the foreground is a stack of books, with one book open facing the observer, and a vase filled with flowers.
[Bookplate for Hudson's Bay Company and Gordon Elliott]
In purple ink, text within a round indented border.
[Bookplate for Charles S. Dixwell by G. M. McCall]
This heraldic bookplate consists of a tilted escutcheon, argent (silver) divided per chevron, gules (red). Within the escutcheon are charges, two over one, of fleur-de-lis. A steel helmet, closed, situated en profile dexter(denoting an esquire rank), sits upon the escutcheon, with a stylized cross within. Sitting upon the helmet is a clenched paw (possibly lion) grasping a bird claw with four talons. The escutcheon is surrounded by mantling with banners both above and below, 'EX LIBRIS' in the above banner (along with a small fleur-de-lis dividing the two words). The lower banner has owner name and place within. Entire image is surrounded by an elaborate rectangle border, with fleur-de-lis at each corner.
[Bookplate for David Stewart Erskine]
This bookplate consists of an escutcheon, quartered per cross, and contains an inescutcheon. The first quarter, azure (blue), contains three garbe, two over one. The second quarter is itself quartered per cross, first and fourth quarters, azure with an or (gold) riband and six cross crosslets fitchy sable (black) ; the second and third quarters are argent (silver), with a pale, sable. The third quarter of the escutcheon is also itself quartered per cross, first and fourth quarters, or, with a fess in checky (alternate squares of metal and fur), argent and azure ; the second and third quarters are azure, containing three garbe, two over one. The fourth quarter, argent, with six bars, gemelles (doubles), contains a lion rampant, sable and proper. The inescutcheon, gules (red) contains an eagle, displayed and proper, and a ray of sun issuing out of the dexter corner. Atop the escutcheon is the coronet of an earl, topped by a grated helmet (peer), dexter. Upon the helmet is a curved crest wreath and a dexter cubit arm holding a club. From either side of the crest flows elaborate mantling. The escutcheon is accompanied by two supporters. The dexter supporter is an ostrich, while the sinister supporter is a griffin. Below the escutcheon and the supporters is a banner containing the English motto.
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