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[Bookplate for J.G. Grieve by William Walker Alexander]
Black ink on cream paper. Border features two parallel thin black lines on the outside with a thicker black line for the inner border. The upper-right hand corner has a microscope in profile against a sun with radiant rays. The microscope sits on a striped platform that tapers down to a point. In the upper-left hand corner is an oil lamp with a burning flame sitting on the same striped, tapered platform. In the centre of the two images is a rectangle with an indented top half. A white border surrounds black and white stripes of inconsistent length. Printed, capitalized, serif black text is printed on top. Below is a scene of a desk in a corner. There are two paintings, one on each wall. The one on the left is a nature scene and the one on the right is a landscape with a house and natural elements. On the right of the second painting is a vertical calendar for December 1963 listing Sunday the 24th to Saturday the 30th. The desk has drawers on both sides and one in the centre, all with handles. On top of the desk in the foregrounded left side is a black telephone sitting face down in the retriever. Behind the phone is a tall, thin plant in a white, hour-glass shaped pot. Next to the plant is a lamp with a short, wide, curved shade. In the centre of the back of the desk are four books, spines facing out, between two bookends. To the right of the books is a tall, thin vase with a scalloped edge holding several leafy flowers. To the right of that vase, in the right corner of the desk, is an analogue clock set in an upright square. The clock is set to approximately 4:05. Foregrounded in the right corner of the front of the desk is a book open to the title page. Across the bottom of the bookplate is a banner with curled ribbon ends. On the banner is stylized gothic font. Below the banner is a decorative row of leaves. In the bottom left hand corner is a small white patch with initials printed in black ink. Handwritten note in pencil on the verso.
[Bookplate for Gerald E. Hart by Edwin Cox & Co.]
Multicoloured ink on cream paper. Leaves with three pointed leaves adorn the corner of a brick pattern background. The leaves and brick are a pale green. There is an elaborate image printed on top of the pale green pattern. The bricks form an arch shape in the top centre to surround an elaborate multicoloured, painted arch. The arch is brown, gold, and black with ‘X’ decorations and borders. The arch surrounds a multicolour stained glass window, at the forefront of which sits a monk writing in a book. The stained glass window features a central circular decoration with three red circular borders surrounding three yellow circles, in the center of which are yellow flowers with three petals and green accents. In the outer spaces between the circles are rounded triangular lined insertions. At the very center of the three circles is a three ringed circle. To the bottom left and right of the circle decoration are more teardrop shaped sections with tapered bottoms. They each features yellow flowers with stems. Below the right floral decoration are two more similarly shaped sections with a swirling ribbon in each atop a blue crosshatch background. The arch connects to a Romanesque pillar on either side. The arch connects to an elaborately decorated bench, which has a golden floral motif. A bearded monk sits on the bench in floor-length yellow robes. The monk faces the right, where there is a desk. The desk is decorated on the side with ‘X’ decorations. Atop the desk is an open book that the monk is writing on. Below the desk is a decorative bird with a long, curved neck and floral elements extending from its back. The bird is accented with gold. To the right of the bird, partly reaching up to the top of the desk, are two rolled up pieces of paper. The floor consists of two thin platforms with green accents. A smaller rectangle is below with a gold crosshatch pattern. Text in the style of medieval manuscripts is printed atop. The first letter of each word is more stylized and in red font ; the rest of the text is blue. A thin ledge extends from the bottom of that rectangle. It tapers down to a more narrow line with two small pointed feet at the left and right sides. In that small section is a repeating geometric pattern in gold on a brown background. Below the entire image is small, red, capitalized, sans-serif font.
[Bookplate for Claude Lamont Wheeler by C. Collmen]
Printed in black on white or cream paper. In the upper left corner of the bookplate appear the words 'NULLA DIES SINE / LINEA' followed by four upward pointing arrows or crosses. To the right in the upper center of the bookplate appears a framed portrait of a horned figure (the devil?). The center of the bookplate shows the caricatured figure of a man sitting at a roll top desk. His tall wooden chair leaves his feet dangling above the ground. The man holds a lit cigar in his left hand and quill pen in his right hand. The desk, the wastepaper basket to the right of it, and the floor around it are littered with sheets of paper. Several books, as well as an owl and a human skull sit on the top of the desk. To the left, an over-sized pair of scissors leans against the man's chair. To the right of the desk appears the name of the illustrator, C. Collmen(?). Below the illustration appears a white bordered box with the words 'Ex Libris,' below which appears the name of the owner.
[Bookplate for Stanley Harrod]
Black ink on cream paper. The bookplate features an elaborate border. A thin black line outlines a thick black and white design featuring repeating white floral motifs in diamond shapes on a black background. A thin white border separates the border from the internal image. The image features a monk writing at a desk. The monk is in white clothes and the wooden desk and chair are black. The desk has a special stand for writing. Above the monk to the left is a window with the shutters open, showing several buildings, one of which is a tall tower, outside. There are trees amongst the buildings and a large fluffy cloud behind the tower. Inside the room, directly above the monk, are several bookshelves attached to the wall. There is some pottery on the top shelf and three rows of books, spines facing out, below. To the top right of the monk is another window with the shutters closed. The shutters appear wooden with round circles cut out of them. The walls and floors of the room are also wooden. On the floor to the right of the desk is a closed book. Below this image, surrounded by a thin white border, is a white rectangle with capitalized, black, serif font printed in it. The words are separated by centered black dots. Between this rectangle and the larger overall border are white, curling ribbons.
[Bookplate for Robie Lewis Reid]
The bookplate has below a banner with a quote from the Canterbury Tales an image of a writing desk backed by a number of books both lined up vertically, aslant and open on the desk. A banner crosses the upper portion of the image that states "EX LIBRIS", between these two words is a round shield made by a belt on which is written "PRO VIRTUTE". Within this shield is the image of a hand holding an open book on top of a braided wreath. Below the writing desk is a rectangular plate with the name "Robie Lewis Reid".
[Bookplate for Lesslie M. Sweetnam by F. F. H.]
Printed in black ink on white or cream paper, the bookplate shows a figure reading a book while sitting at a roll top desk with his / her back facing the viewer. The desk is flanked on either side by full bookcases and is topped by a reading lamp, additional books, and a small picture frame. Two framed objects hang on the wall above the desk.
[Bookplate by James Gourlay Gray]
Metallic brown black ink on cream paper. Border of two thin black lines with floral and leafy decorative features on the left and right sides. Latin script printed at the top of the bookplate in capitalized font with curling serif. An inner border surrounds two images. The top image has a black background with four white shining stars in the background. In the centre is a half circle strip with curled sends over marbled colouring, all of which surrounds sheet music. On top of the sheet music is a small harp-like instrument with horns protruding from it. At the top of the heart is a candle holder with smoke swirling from the top. On the outer left-hand side of the half-circle decoration is a reclining woman styled like a classical status in a draping dress. She is holding a pan flute in her right hand. On the right hand side, another similarly styled woman is reclining and holding a paint easel with several brushes in her left hand. Both women are barefooted. The bottom image has a thick marbled border. Within the border is a curlicue decoration, in the centre of which is an image of a work desk. There is a photograph hanging on the wall behind the desk. The desk itself is quite cluttered and features many photographs, papers, and books. The walls have decorative wall paper and there are various wall hangings. Below that section are two horizontal strips of different decorations. The top stripe has a dark snake like curving pattern, the borders of which are decorated with stylized, pointed lines. Thin white stripes are at the top and bottom of the horizontal strip. A row of small white dots separates this pattern from the next strip, which is a series of floral leaves curling in a line to meet at the centre. Below that, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in capitalized serif font with extra stylizing on the “A”s.
[Bookplate by G. P. V. Akrigg]
Created using black ink on white paper (glue painted on back). The image is of a desk facing a window with two panes (each divided into eight sections) opening onto a view of an inlet and three mountains. A totem pole is behind the sinister pane. Drawn curtains are on both the sinister and dexter sides of the window. Above the window is a ribbon inscribed with "ALL LEARNING BUT AN ART TO LIVE WELL." On the desk, from left to right, is a painter's palette with two paint brushes, an open book, a ruler, ink well, fountain pen, pencils, card catalogue drawer, index card, small closed book, and a bust of Shakespeare. Below the bust are inscribed the initials "G.P.V.A."
[Bookplate for John William Griffin by Leslie Victor Smith]
Black ink on white paper. Perforated edges with round corners surround the bookplate. The bookplate is surrounded by an incomplete border of two black lines that do not connect at the top. There are spaced out diamond shapes on the border with black circular centres. At the top, the border folds into triangles at the left and right corners. Each corner has a square flower with four petals and one leaf with a darker background. The border frames an image with a rounded pointed top. The image shows a desk with a window looking onto a moving steam engine. At the top of the image is a circle with a white border. In the centre on a gray background is a griffin rampant on a crest-wreath. The steam engine is outside the window in the centre of the bookplate with steam pouring out. The window has vertical and horizontal stripes with black circles at the intersections of the stripes. There is a curtain on either side of the window. Nothing sits on the window ledge, but on the desk in front is half of a lamp with a decorative, bell-shaped shade, eight books with different spine designs, an ink pot with a feather quill in it, and a workspace with several papers on it. Below the image is a black rectangle with capitalized white font. At the centre of the top and bottom of the rectangle is a slight downward facing point. Below the bottom point in black ink are the initials of the creator and the year of creation.
[Bookplate for Gabrielle Labelle]
Black ink on cream paper. The border consists of two black lines on the left and right-hand sides. At the base of each side are black decorative spiraling lines. The top and bottom portion of the border are more elaborate. These borders are thicker with a thin black line on either side and a thick black line in the center. The border is wavy with the lines slanting on either side towards the center of the border. On the top and bottom center of the border is a small half circle decorated with black stripes. In the upper righthand corner of the bookplate is text printed in a stylized serif, capitalized, black font. In the middle of the bookplate is a drawing of a woman sitting at a tall desk reading an open book. The desk is narrow and tall with cupboard at the back. The cupboard is round at the top and the doors are decorated with simple slanted lines. The woman has her hair up and is wearing a dress with puffed sleeves decorated with a simple flower. The skirt of the dress is extremely large and round. The skirt extends out across the entire bottom half of the bookplate. Part of the skirt is decorated with stylized spiral lines and a flower. At the base of the skirt, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in a stylized cursive, black, sentence case font.
[Bookplate for George Macaulay Booth]
This is a pictorial bookplate created with black ink on white paper. In the foreground are cobblestones and an open doorway. On the left of the doorway is a desk with a lit candle and an open book on it and in the middle of the doorway is a sundial. Outside of the doorway are rolling hills with two paths: one leading to a village and the other to a bay with two boats on it. A sun sets/rises over the bay. At the bottom is a Latin inscription framed with two roses that reads: "Nec temere nec timide [neither rashly nor timidly] / Dulce Periculum [danger is sweet]." Two animals are portrayed on the right and left sides of the inscription.
[Bookplate for F. H. Herrington by L. C. D.]
This bookplate's design features a learned Christian monk interrupted from his work, pausing, he looks outside of the frame at some unknown distraction. His desk is situated outside under a tree and the sun sets or rises behind him on the horizon. The brown tint to the monk's habit may indicate an affiliation with the Franciscan order or may merely be a design decision on the part of the artist.
[Bookplate for William Greig]
Black ink on yellow cardstock. The central image is of a tonsured, hooded monk writing at desk covered with open books and papers. The monk sits facing to the left, holds a stylus with his right hand and grasps his chin with his left hand. The image is framed in a thin double-line border with curled corners on the right side. The left side of the border is decorated with an ornate pattern of stylized, scrolled leaves. The text is written above and below the image of the monk in Gothic font.
[Bookplate for William Alfred Howard by W. A. Howard]
Black ink on off-white paper. The image shows a corner of an office or study. A wooden armchair is pulled out from a desk with a table lamp and open books, which face a multipaned window. To the left is a fireplace with a framed picture above it and a floor-to-ceiling built-in bookcase.
[Bookplate for Harry Hereford by J. B. C.]
Printed in black ink on cream coloured paper. The image depicts the surface of a writing credenza which has a small drawer with a twisted handle on its front edge. The surface of the desk holds a closed vellum-bound book. To the left of the book is a small pile of stamped, addressed letters and a single candlestick with a lit candle. To the right of the book sits an inkwell with a quill pen resting in it. The entire scene is framed by two line borders ; the interior line is thicker than the exterior one.
[Bookplate for Harry E. Jones]
Shiny texturized black ink is raised off the white paper. An elaborate border surrounds the central image. The border has two thin black lines on the outside and then has a series of repeating leafy floral shapes. The floral design is quite pointed and recurs in square sections all around the border. At each corner the design points out towards the corner. The inside of the border is surrounded by a thick black line. At the top of the border, an unfurled banner that is wider than the border sites atop of it. Text is printed in capitalized, block serif font. Below the ribbon, within the borders, is a picture of two monks looking at a large book with text and illustrations. One monk is standing in shadow, his back illuminated by the sunlight streaming in from a window outside the frame on the right side of the bookplate. At the forefront is a seated monk, also with his back to the sun, who is holding the book open while the other monk points at a section. The monk is sitting in a wooden chair with small cutout designs on the back. The table is also wooden and is covered with other books and a feather quill in an inkwell. In front of the desk, a large book with a decorative cover rests against the table leg. To the left of the book is a plain vase. At the base of the image, atop the lower portion of the border, is another ribbon featuring text printed in black, sentence case, serif font.
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