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[Bookplate for James Macdonald]
Black ink on cream paper. Above the escutcheon sits a dexter hand, erased, holding a cross crosslet, gules (red), on a straight wreath. The escutcheon is divided per quarter. The quarterly field near dexter chief is or (gold) with a lion rampant, gules and near sinister chief, or, is a dexter hand, erased, holding cross crosslet, gules. The quarterly field near the sinister base displays a fish naiant on water, vert (green), and near the dexter base, or, is a lymphad in sable (black) and gules. The motto is written on a scroll above the crest.
[Bookplate for John A. Macdonald]
Black ink on cream paper. Above the escutcheon sits a dexter hand, erased, holding a cross crosslet, gules (red), on a vizored helm with mantling. Escutcheon is divided per quarter. The quarterly field near dexter chief is argent (silver) with a lion rampant, gules, and near sinister chief, or (gold), is a dexter hand, erased, holding cross crosslet, gules. The quarterly field near the sinister base displays a fish naiant on water, vert (green), and near the dexter base, argent, is a lymphad in sable (black), azure (blue), and gules.
[Bookplate for Hugh John Macdonald]
Black ink on white paper. Above the escutcheon on a straight wreath, sits a dexter hand, erased, holding a cross crosslet. Below the wreath a vizored helm with mantling appears. The escutcheon is divided per quarter. The quarterly field near dexter chief is argent (silver) with a lion rampant and near sinister chief, or (gold), is a dexter hand, erased, holding a cross crosslet, gules. The quarterly field near the sinister base displays a fish naiant on water, vert (green) and a lymphad in the dexter base, argent. Below the escutcheon is a banner displaying the originator's Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Michael B. Kunze]
Black ink on white paper. Oval shield. Right side displays knight's arm on a field azure and left side shows lion rampant on a field gules. Text surrounds shield inside a wider oval. Contributors include Menny.
[Bookplate for Michael B. Kunze by Koildan Beckmoun]
Black ink on white paper. Rough sketch of bearded man holding a book. Book displays owner's name.
[Bookplate for Henry Mott by J. E. H. MacDonald]
Black ink. Azure (blue) escutcheon charged with a argent (silver) crescent. Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath, an eight-point star and the originator's name. Below a waving banner displays the originator's Latin motto. All of the elements cited above are framed by a shield shaped border. Additionally, the paper is cut at skewed angles, causing the image to appear lopsided.
[Bookplate for Burton’s Limited Circulating Library]
In black ink on tan paper. A simple border frames the text.
[Bookplate for Burton’s Limited Circulating Library]
In black ink on tan paper. A simple border frames the text.
[Bookplate for John Eardley Wilmot]
In black ink. A marshalling of 12, this bookplate incorporates several notable charges, including two sets of eagle heads, erased, a leg erased, three garbes, a stag salient with hounds in pursuit, a scythe, three bugle-horns, three maiden's busts, three crosses-crosslet, three mullets and a lion rampant. The escutcheon is surrounded by an ornate, foliage border in the Chippendale style. It is crowned with a peer helmet, set upon a vegetative backdrop. The mantling supports two straight wreathes, charged with a demi-eagle, holding an escalop in its beak (dexter) and a stag courant (sinister). Among the many heraldic armorials depicted, this bookplate includes several identifiable familial crests. The originator's descendants, include, from dexter chief to sinister base, the Wilmot family in armorial one, the Eardley family in armorial three and the Marrow family in armorial seven. The Wilmot family armorial displays a sable (black) background parted per fess, or (gold), with three escalops on the fess, situated between three eagle heads, erased, two over one. The Eardley family armorial is argent (silver), with a chevron, azure (blue), charged with three garbes (sheaves of corn) and in canton gules (red) a fret, or. The Marrow family armorial is azure, parted per fess, or, engrailed, situated between three maiden's busts, two over one.
[Bookplate for R. J. A. Boreman]
In black ink. This bookplate displays a bespectacled man, presumably the originator, reading a book by candle-light. With no tonal variation, he is set-off against a black background, framed with a thin, asymmetrical, ornate border. Above the profile-portrait is the originator's name, and below, his Latin motto and a separate component in which a book number has been stamped in red.
[Bookplate for Eugene Charters and Stella Charters]
In black ink. This bookplate displays the silhouette of a large galleon in full sail. Below the ship is written ex-libris and the names of the originators. The nautical motif and text are framed by a flowering vine border. In each corner appears a small framed image including, an evergreen, an open-book, a seated dog and a pair of theatrical masks.
[Bookplate for Coombe]
In black ink. This ex libris displays a sable (black) escutcheon with two bars, argent (silver). The coat of arms is charged with seven bees volant, three-over-three-over-one. The escutcheon is charged with a straight wreath and at the crest a demi-lion rampant. Around the neck of the lion is a coronet. Below the escutcheon appears a banner containing the originators Latin motto. The verso of the ex libris is faintly marbled.
In blue ink on yellow paper. This bookplate displays a mounted trumpeter, suited in armour. Behind his right leg hangs a shield charged with what appears to be an eagle displayed. The equestrian is surrounded by a rectangular frame containing alternating vegetative designs and open books resting on book stands. Above the figure, within the frame appears the work ex-libris and below, in the base of the frame the institution name.
[Bookplate for Laurence A. Waldron by Waller]
In red ink. This bookplate displays a classical theme. A neoclassical urn, draped with a laurel garland serves as the back-drop for the escutcheon. The escutcheon, argent (silver), is charged with three bull's heads caboshed, situated two over one. Above the escutcheon is a straight wreath, charged with a heraldic tyger sejant. This component is encircled by the originator's Latin motto. The urn is set upon a pedestal with an oval background, framed by a garland. At the base, between the oval background and laurel garland frame, appears the name and location of the creator.
[Bookplate for L. Farkas and J. E. Horvath by K. J.]
Line drawing done in black ink on tan paper. Two plant pots with thorny vines at the at bottom of the image, one is standing and one is laying down. The vine from the standing pot, a rose vine, extends to the upper edge where it forms a frame around an open book with the letters A B C and children toys. The middle of the drawing displays a book with a rosary and flowers behind it. The text starts above the flowers, continues between the book and the plant pots, ending under the plant pots. A small round seal with the initals RS is displayed at the bottom left corner of te bookplate.
[Bookplate for Gairdner]
Printed in black ink on cream paper. In the centre of the bookplate, a family shield depicts an ‘X’ contained within a diamond, which is surrounded on all sides by eight trefoils with stems. At the top of the shield, a stylized iron helmet with a visor is framed on both sides by elaborate scrolling leaves. Above this, a demi-leopard is shown rampant (in profile, rearing, with its front paws in the air). Below the shield, a banner displays a motto in Latin.
[Bookplate for J. Rumsey]
Printed in black ink, a simple linear border with sparsely set flowers surrounds the text. The seal in the center of the bookplate displays an image of the Calvary Church.
[Bookplate for Cavalry Church]
Printed in black ink, an ornate border surrounds the text. The seal in the center of the bookplate displays an image of the Calvary Church.
[Bookplate by F.A.C.]
The bookplate depicts a lakeside scene in which a hotel is set among trees at the edge of the water. Prominent hills also give a sense of the surrounding landscape. This picturesque scene is framed by a border of trees. Amongst the leaves at the top of image is a scroll that reads 'Ex-Libris.' At the bottom of the image, an open book displays the words 'Rogers Rock.'.
[Bookplate for London Public Library and Art Museum]
This bookplate’s design features a depiction of the façade of the London, Canada, Mechanics’ Institute framed by two large maple trees. A banner above, labels the print as an ex-libris and a separate compartment below the building displays several books and the originating institution’s name.
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