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[Bookplate by Colonist Lithography]
In black ink on cream paper. The top center contains the coat of arms, flanked by elaborate leafy scrollwork. In the center is text in multiple bold fonts identifying the book number and library number (with gray rectangles where these numbers were handwritten). The bottom third contains the small text rules. Surrounding everything are two thin borders, between which, on the bottom edge, is the name of the lithographer.
[Bookplate for A. T. Higginson]
Black ink on white paper. The crest features a knight’s armoured right arm extending from a crown. The crown is decorated with black ermines and wraps around a black top that looks like cloth. The ends of the crown do not meet, but instead extend out to a point to the right. The arm has a twisted rope with dangling ends hanging from the hand and the hand clutches a weapon that is a spear on one end and has two prongs on the other end. The shield is argent with sable dots and a sable pale. The dexter and sinister portions of the shield are surrounded by a white border marked off with a thin black line. The pale is charged with a stone castle tower with a door and three windows. The pale is also charged with two white circles, one above and one below the tower. The bottom and right hand side of the shield is shaded with black. Below the shield, a ribbon with curling ends features the motto printed in capitalized, black, sans serif font. Underneath the ribbon, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in larger, sentence case, black, Gothic font.
[Bookplate for Academie Commerciale Catholique]
The text is surrounded by a simple lined border. The text "de L’Académie Commerciale Catholique" is in a Gothic script.
[Bookplate for Academie Commerciale Catholique]
The text is surrounded by a simple lined border. The text "de L’Académie Commerciale Catholique" is in a Gothic script.
[Bookplate for Bibliotheque paroissiale de St. Henri]
Black ink on blue green paper. Thick line border with inner border comprised of thin lines. The borders are not connected at the corners. The library name is written in capital letters of different sizes and serif font styles. Sentence case serif font indicates the card number space. Handwritten notes in pencil in the card number section and on the verso of the bookplate.
[Bookplate for D. Girouard]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features right arm bent at elbow holding the top half of a spear on crest-wreath. Shield has sable and argent stripes, charged with three two-pointed flags two speckled sable on argent flags over one argent flag facing left. The top two flags are speckled, sable on argent, and the bottom flag is argent. Below the shield, the motto is printed in capital letters on ribbon with curling ends. Name typewritten in cursive sentence font.
[Bookplate for Ecole polytechnique]
In black ink on thick pink paper with visible laid lines. Image includes a rectangular decorative border consisting of straight lines at the sides and more elaborate patterns in the corners surrounding 20 lines of text.
[Bookplate for Girls’ Reading Room Lending Library]
Black ink on orange paper. Border consists of thin black lines with small, round floral decorations. Inside the border, there are several lines of text. The first is in small, bold, black, serif font. The next line is in large, black, capitalized serf font with decorative first letters for reach word. The next line of text has decorative arrows on either side and is printed in small, black, capitalized sans serif font. The next line is in slightly larger black, capitalized, serif font. Underneath is small, italicized thin black serif font with a dotted line for a handwritten number. There is jagged line separating the above font from a short description of the lending terms, printed in black times new roman font.
[Bookplate for Hill’s Library]
Black ink on yellowing paper. Typewritten text in capital letters and bold followed by sentence case letters in varying serif font sizes. There is a thin line with stylized dots in the centre separating text. Below the line, text is written in large, capitalized, bold serif font. Below that is text written in bold, sentence case. Text is then written in non-bold capital letters. There is a thicker, stylized line with three dots in the centre separating text. Below the line is text written in capital sans serif font, followed by text in smaller, bold sans serif font. Further text is right aligned and written in italicized serif font. Text is then written in capital and sentence case serif font in multiple sizes with section separated by dots. Graphic of hand with index finger pointing right is next to capital, sans serif font. A squared squiggled line is below the finger graphic and above faded text in serif font. Below that is serif font in capital letters and then bold serif font in bold letters. That is separated from bold, capital, serif font with a squared, squiggled line. The following serif font is bold. Below that is larger, bolder serif-font. The following text is written in smaller sentence case and capitalized serif font. Below that is sentence case serif font, followed by larger sans serif font and then bold, capitalized, serif font. The last part of the text is written in sentence case serif font. Handwritten notes cover some of the typewritten text on the right side of the bookplate until approximately halfway down the bookplate. The bottom two corners of the bookplate have been cut off. The bookplate appears to be printed on top of a newspaper or magazine clipping, the recto of which is slightly visible through the bookplate. Black ink serif font text and some imagery are visible. The verso of the bookplate is clearly the other printed side of the magazine or newspaper with serif fonts in bold capital letters and non-bold sentence case letters. The recto of the original print is also slightly visible from the verso side.
[Bookplate for Hill’s Library]
Black ink on cream paper. Handwritten notes across at the top of the bookplate in the center and right corner. Typewritten bold capital letters in serif font followed by smaller non-bold letters. The line below features bold font in sentence case. A thin black line with a thicker rectangle in the middle separates text. Text below the line is large, capital, bold font. The following line is in smaller sentence case. The next line of text is in capital, non-bold font. A thin line with two small diamonds and one large diamond in the center separate the text. Below the line is italicized capital sans serif font. Underneath that is smaller, bold sans serif font. Lending periods written on the right side of the bookplate in italicized sentence case serif font. Below that is capitalized font separated with ellipses from monetary amounts, each of which is separated by 6 dots. Text below, written in sentence case, follows the same pattern, followed by a line in sentence case serif font. Image of hand pointing an index figure to the right points to capitalized bold serif font. Below that is slightly smaller capitalized bold serif font. The following two lines of text are written in sentence case, with some use of bold letters for emphasis. Next are two lines of serif font in capital letters and a larger font size, followed by font in sentence case. The next line of text is in bold capital letters. Below that is larger, bold serif stylized font, followed by smaller non-bold capital lettering. The next five lines contain small sentence case serif font with use of bold letters for emphasis. Below that is bold, capitalized sans serif font, followed by a line that is initially non-bold, capitalized, serif font and then switches to bold, capitalized, sans serif font. The last two lines are written in non-bold sentence case serif font. All text is center-aligned.
[Bookplate for Hôpital Gènèral Québec]
Black ink on cream paper. Border made of thin solid lines. Inside the solid black line border is a thin dotted line border. The corners feature stylized decorations that are wing-like with circular additions on three sides. Each decoration also features a full or half-circle element facing the center of the bookplate. The name of the hospital is written in larger, capitalized, bold font, with the location being in slightly smaller font. There is a squiggled line beneath the hospital name. Below the line are three areas with dotted lines to be filled in. Names of the fields are written in italicized sentence case font. One handwritten note in the number section.
[Bookplate for James Hatch]
In black ink, an escutcheon, gules (red), charged with two lions passant guardant, with their hind legs couped. Over the lions at the fess point is an inescutcheon parted per pale, ermine (white powdered fur with black tufts) and ermines (field sable fur, powdering argent), a chevron sable (black) and argent (silver) with four lozenges ermine and ermines, between three fleur-de-lis argent, two over one. The crest is a lion cabossed on a straight wreath. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for John William Griffin by Leslie Victor Smith]
Black ink on white paper. Perforated edges with round corners surround the bookplate. The bookplate is surrounded by an incomplete border of two black lines that do not connect at the top. There are spaced out diamond shapes on the border with black circular centres. At the top, the border folds into triangles at the left and right corners. Each corner has a square flower with four petals and one leaf with a darker background. The border frames an image with a rounded pointed top. The image shows a desk with a window looking onto a moving steam engine. At the top of the image is a circle with a white border. In the centre on a gray background is a griffin rampant on a crest-wreath. The steam engine is outside the window in the centre of the bookplate with steam pouring out. The window has vertical and horizontal stripes with black circles at the intersections of the stripes. There is a curtain on either side of the window. Nothing sits on the window ledge, but on the desk in front is half of a lamp with a decorative, bell-shaped shade, eight books with different spine designs, an ink pot with a feather quill in it, and a workspace with several papers on it. Below the image is a black rectangle with capitalized white font. At the centre of the top and bottom of the rectangle is a slight downward facing point. Below the bottom point in black ink are the initials of the creator and the year of creation.
[Bookplate for Junior League of Montreal]
A border of squares and lines surrounds the text, printed in black ink.
[Bookplate for Lionel Damer]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided barry of six pieces, nebule, argent (silver) and gules (red), and a bend, engrailed, azure (blue). At the precise middle chief is a crescent, the symbol of the second son. The escutcheon also contains an inescutcheon, divided per cross. The first quadrant, argent, contains an unknown symbol, possibly a garbe, sable (black). The fourth quadrant, also argent, contains two of the same symbol. The second quadrant, divided per fess, or (gold) and azure (blue), contains two swans with wings displayed. The third quadrant is the same, except it contains only a single swan. The crest is an oval frame containing a talbot's head in a crown. Above the crest is floral mantling which extends down both sides of the escutcheon. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Oeuvre des Bons Livres de Montreal]
Printed in black ink on blue paper, an intricate border evocative of a tabernacle and constructed of fountains, geometric repeating patterns, and a cross surrounds the text.
[Bookplate for Oeuvre des Bons Livres de Montreal]
Printed in black ink on cream paper, an intricate border evocative of a tabernacle and constructed of geometric repeating patterns topped with a cross surrounds the text. Above the text is a symbol featuring a cannon and two flags.
[Bookplate for Oeuvre des Bons Livres de Montreal]
Printed in black ink on cream paper, an intricate border evocative of a tabernacle and constructed of geometric repeating patterns topped with a cross surrounds the text. Above the text is a symbol featuring a cannon and two flags.
[Bookplate for P. I. P. Sherburne by Elvey]
This bookplate, in black ink, consists of an escutcheon divided quarterly. The first and fourth quadrants, vert (green), are charged with an eagle, displayed. The second and third quadrants, argent (silver), are charged with a lion, rampant. Above the escutcheon is a straight crest wreath, topped by a unicorn's head, horned and couped. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the French motto.
[Bookplate for Queen Elizabeth Hospital]
Black ink on dark-yellow paper. A thin ornate border composed of curved lines houses the name of the institution in bold capital letters.
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