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[Bookplate for James Bell]
Centered text in black ink, with three fonts.
[Bookplate for James M. Wishart by Leslie Victor Smith]
Printed in black ink on white or cream paper, the bookplate consists of a two line border surrounding a circular design of vines and leaves with the words 'EX LIBRIS' appearing at the top. In the upper third of the design at center appears a University of Toronto Medical School coat of arts bearing a skull and crossbones. Below the coat of arm to the left appears an open book and to the right appears a three-stringed harp. The initials of the designer, Leslie Victor Smith, and the date "1940" appear at the bottom of the design. Below the design appears the name of the owner.
[Bookplate for James Scott Howard]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a ship’s steering wheel with stringy foliage extending from the left and leafy foliage extending from the right atop a crest-wreath. Shield is sable and party per fess. Top section is charged with a white cross in the center with a fleur-de-lis on either side. The bottom section is charged with a white ship steering wheel that is identical to the one in the crest. The motto is printed on curling ribbon below the shield in capitalized, serif, white block font with black outline. Below the motto, the bookplate owner’s name Is printed in sentence case, black, serif font.
[Bookplate for Jeffrey H. Burland]
In black ink. Bank note style design. In the middle is a picture of stacked books with letters on their spines spelling out the word "number," and an open one in front containing the book number in red ink. Below is a picture of an inkwell and quill on a tasseled cloth.
[Bookplate for Jenkins]
Black ink on cream paper. The crest features a furry lion passant reguardant standing atop a castle tower. The castle tower is above a crest-wreath. Elaborate, curling, feathery black and white mantling extends from the top of the shield and expands out along the sides. The shield is divided per pale. The left section has a white background with black dots and is charged with a black lion rampant reguardant. The right section of the shield is charged with a bird perched on a tree branch growing out of the ground. There is no background except for the branch and ground that is lighter on top and darker at the bottom. The motto is printed on a curling ribbon below the shield. There is shading on the ends of the ribbon. The motto is printed in capitalized, black, serif font. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in a more stylized, paler, capitalized, black serif font underneath the motto.
[Bookplate for John Allen Brown by C. Bird]
The bookplate portrays a prehistoric scene shown from the perspective of a fur-clad man and woman looking from inside a cave towards a primitive wilderness scene (with stags and a mammoth). The image is framed by an assortment of artifacts, such as vases, swords, axe heads, flints, and other weapons. At the right bottom of the frame is a dagger with a flag inscribed with the initials "S.P.Q.R." an acronym for the Latin phrase "Senatus Populusque Romanus" ("The Senate and Roman People"). Below the picture is an open book on the left side of which is a shield and on the right side the bookplate text. The shield is blue with a gold chevron and three clams. At the top of the shield is mantling and closed helmet signifying esquire or gentleman. On the left side of the shield is a banner reading: "MENTE ET MALLEO."
[Bookplate for John C. Brune]
This bookplate consists of a pictorial escutcheon. The image is of a stag at speed emerging from the woods. Above the shield is a helmet, front facing with bars, topped with a crest wreath and a rack of antlers. From the sides of the helmet flows elaborate heraldic mantling.
[Bookplate for John Darby]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, azure (blue), with a chevron, argent (silver), with the lower part a fillet. Upon the escutcheon are three sheaves of wheat (possibly corn, garbe), two over one . A military medal is at centre chief, with the word "NILE" immediately below. Within the chevron, an anchor each at dexter and sinister, with a naval crown at centre. Above the escutcheon is a crest of a sheaf of wheat (or possibly corn, garbe) and an anchor, upon a straight wreath. Below the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto within.
[Bookplate for John Eardley Wilmot]
In black ink. A marshalling of 12, this bookplate incorporates several notable charges, including two sets of eagle heads, erased, a leg erased, three garbes, a stag salient with hounds in pursuit, a scythe, three bugle-horns, three maiden's busts, three crosses-crosslet, three mullets and a lion rampant. The escutcheon is surrounded by an ornate, foliage border in the Chippendale style. It is crowned with a peer helmet, set upon a vegetative backdrop. The mantling supports two straight wreathes, charged with a demi-eagle, holding an escalop in its beak (dexter) and a stag courant (sinister). Among the many heraldic armorials depicted, this bookplate includes several identifiable familial crests. The originator's descendants, include, from dexter chief to sinister base, the Wilmot family in armorial one, the Eardley family in armorial three and the Marrow family in armorial seven. The Wilmot family armorial displays a sable (black) background parted per fess, or (gold), with three escalops on the fess, situated between three eagle heads, erased, two over one. The Eardley family armorial is argent (silver), with a chevron, azure (blue), charged with three garbes (sheaves of corn) and in canton gules (red) a fret, or. The Marrow family armorial is azure, parted per fess, or, engrailed, situated between three maiden's busts, two over one.
[Bookplate for John George Hodgins]
Black ink on white paper. The crest features a displayed black bird on a crest-wreath. At the top left of the bird, next to the tip of its wing, is a small radiating sun with a face in the middle. There is an esquire’s helm surrounded by dark, feathery mantling. The border of the shield is similarly elaborate. The shield is argent and charged with an argent cross with thin black border around each rectangular section. The shield is also charged with five black flowers that have five round petals and a circular black center. There is a flower in each corner of the shield and one in the center of the cross with a thin, black, square border. Below the shield, the motto is printed on a ribbon with curling, darkened ends. The motto is written in black, capitalized, serif font. Below the ribbon, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in black, sentence case, Gothic font.
[Bookplate for John Jenkins D.D.]
Black ink on white paper. The crest features a white lion passant reguardant with black spots standing on the top portion of a stone castle tower. The tower sits on a crest-wreath. The shield is divided per cross. Around the shield is a curling border with leafy adornments and spirals on the sides. The border is thicker on the left, right, and bottom portion. The border does not cover the entire shield ; there are gaps at the top left and right corners and at the center of the base. The top left and bottom right sections of the shield are identical. They have a black and white striped background and are charged with a white chevron decorated with black dots. They are also charged with three white fleur-de-lis, two over one around the chevron. The top right and bottom left sections of the shield are also identical. They have a white background with black dots and are charged with a black lion rampant reguardant. Below the shield, the motto is printed on a ribbon with leafy ends that match the shield’s decorative border. The motto is printed in capitalized, black, serif font. The bookplate owner’s name is printed underneath the motto in thin, sentence-case, black, cursive font.
[Bookplate for Kener E. Bond]
This bookplate design features a navy sailor holding a rifle, with the guns of a battleship in the background.
[Bookplate for Kennedy McIlwraith]
Black ink on white paper. The image depicts the main entrance to University College at the University of Toronto.
[Bookplate for Lewis Harcourt]
There are several black fillets separating the top and bottom banners from the central and side images present on the bookplate. The sidebars of the bookplate have vines trailing down the die. The central image is an armorial. The image begins with a peacock symbolizing renewal or resurrection standing on top of a coronet on top of a closed helm facing dexter. The helm surmounts a shield leaning from the dexter chief to the sinister base. Both the helm and the shield are surrounded by mantling on either sides. The shield is a gules field with two bars of or. This bookplate belonged to Baron Lewis Harcourt of Nuneham who was an important administrator within the British government during the early decades of the 20th century.
[Bookplate for Lieutenant Colonel E. L. Caldwell]
A simple line border surrounds the text. There are small circles framing each corner.
[Bookplate for London Public Library and Art Museum]
This bookplate’s design features a depiction of the façade of the London, Canada, Mechanics’ Institute framed by two large maple trees. A banner above, labels the print as an ex-libris and a separate compartment below the building displays several books and the originating institution’s name.
[Bookplate for Lorne A. Pierce by Marjorie Sankey]
Printed in black ink on thick yellow/brown paper with visible chain and laid lines. The facade of a building entrance is supported and surrounded by a large tree. The owner's name appears in the otherwise blank doorway and two horizontal strips on the surrounding columns appear to be blacked out by hand.
[Bookplate for Louis N. Dumouchel]
Black ink on yellow paper in the shape of a rectangle with clipped corners. It features a border around the text. A number is handwritten in black ink at the top.
[Bookplate for Marjory Todd and John Todd]
In black ink on white paper, a border which includes images of a book, an hourglass, and a sundial surrounds a view of a garden which contains birds and a birdbath, flowers, and in the distance, trees and a trellis.
[Bookplate for Mechanics Institute of Montreal]
Black ink. The seal of the Mechanics' Institute of Montreal is located in the upper portion of the bookplate with pre-printed lines for library information below. The seal contains an escutcheon quartered per saltire with argent (silver) and gules (red) backgrounds. The chief quarter features a train car, the sinister quarter a couped arm with hammer, the base quarter a lever and the dexter quarter a telescope.
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