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[Bookplate for Carleton Place High School]
A border of small round stylized flowers surrounds the bookplate text. The first line is written in a font with a small dot in the letters 'C', 'O', and 'P'. The second line is written in a more ornate font. Under this line there is a small stylized flower similar to the ones that comprise the border. Under this is the typed word 'No.' with a line that is filled in by hand with a number.
[Bookplate for Goodwin's Limited]
A decorative border is printed in green ink. Inside at the top left is the Goodwin's script logo "G" on a maple leaf printed in green ink. Text is printed in black ink and three fonts, including the Goodwin's Limited logo script. There is a tear in the bottom right corner and a light "X" drawn across the plate in pencil.
[Bookplate for Horace Bruce Smith]
A framed view of a lake with trees and bushes along the edge. At the top and sides of the frame are cattails and other types of plants ; at the bottom of the frame is a collection of books, one open to a portrait-type image.
[Bookplate for Edward Hilton Chaloner by Rust Craft Publishers]
A thin border surrounds the text ; the top of the border is in the shape of a bookshelf with curved backing. Depicted on it are several books, with one open in the middle. A candle sits in front of the open book. At the bottom left and right corners of the border are images of the globe. The bottom line of the border contains oak leaves and acorns in the centre. The creator of the bookplate is listed as Rust Craft, Boston U. S. A.
[Bookplate for Carleton Place High School]
A wavy border surrounds the words. The name 'Carleton Place' is written in slightly smaller sans-serif font, and underneath the words 'High School Library' are written in a larger serif font. There are three lines and then the name of the department to which the book belonged. Underneath this are three more lines, and then the class number to which the book belonged.
[Bookplate for Paul Hahn by J. M.]
Black and blue ink on cream paper. The rectangular border consists of three black lines of decreasing thickness towards the center. In the top right corner is a small butterfly with outspread wings with some decoration. Below the butterfly is text in stylized, capitalized, black serif font. The bookplate owner’s name is printed below in slightly different stylized font in a larger size. Underneath the owner’s name is a larger butterfly with more elaborate outstretched wings. The text forms a single column in the left-hand side of the bookplate. To the right of the text is a bookshelf that appears to extend down to the bottom of the bookplate. Books are stacked in various ways on the shelf, spines facing out. In front of the bookshelf is a cello. The base of the cello sits in the bottom center of the bookplate and the neck extends up towards the top right-hand corner. At the top of the cello sits a butterfly, less elaborate than the others, that has been coloured in with blue ink. To the right of the cello is a tall object extending up along the bookshelf. A section of papers, potentially sheet music, in a folder in the bottom right corner. In the bottom left corner, the bookplate creator’s initials are printed in capitalized, black, serif font surrounded by a thin black border.
[Bookplate for Jean Dessaulles]
Black in on white paper. Text in center surrounded with a simple square border of stars. Handwriting on the bookplate in brown and red ink.
[Bookplate for David Russell Jack]
Black ink on cream paper with shiny surface. The crest features an armoured arm clutching a sword extending from a crest-wreath. Below is an esquires helm, from which extends mantling on either side. The mantling is light on top and darkens to black at the bottom. The shield is has a chevron with thin, horizontal, black lines. Above the chevron, the shield is charged with two crescent moons with the points facing upwards. Below the chevron, the shield is charged with the same arm from the crest, in this case tilted 90 degrees so that the arm is horizontal. While the crest arm holds a straight sword, the shield arm is holding a sword with a curved blade. Below the shield, the motto is printed in capitalized, black, block serif font on a curling ribbon. Underneath the motto, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in larger, black, sentence case cursive font. A second line features the date printed in smaller, thin, stylized black font.
[Bookplate for Dundas Mechanics’ Institute]
Black ink on cream paper. A slim, double-lined border surrounds the title of the library and its borrowing policies. Beneath the title of the library is a dividing line with two ovals at the center. This divider is repeated beneath the open hours and the categorization rows. Within the categorization row is a space for number and a number in black ink is handwritten.
[Bookplate for Gamble Geddes]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features half a fish hauriant showing a fin, gills, and a head with teeth atop a crest-wreath. Sable shield charged with three of the aforementioned fish heads two over one and an argent insecutcheon. There is a ribbon-like banner with the motto below the shield with curling ends. Each side of the ribbon is angled towards a downward point. On the left side is text in capitalized black serif-font. The right side of the ribbon overlaps the left and has text in the same font. Below the motto, the owner’s name is written in curling sentence-case font.
[Bookplate for Hopital Général d’Ottawa]
Black ink on cream paper. The bookplate features a border consisting of thick, black wavy lines with arrows on the ends of each line pointing towards the corner. Each corner has three diamonds shaped in a triangle. Inside the border, there is a circular image with a border of two interwoven black wavy lines. Inside that border is capitalized text printed in bold, black, sans serif front. In the center of the circle is a cross coming out of the ground wrapped in vines. Above and below the cross are two ribbons with mottos printed in capitalized, black, sans serif front. At the bottom of the bookplate, outside of the circular design, but inside the first border, is text printed in capitalized, black, serif font.
[Bookplate for Jenkins]
Black ink on cream paper. The crest features a furry lion passant reguardant standing atop a castle tower. The castle tower is above a crest-wreath. Elaborate, curling, feathery black and white mantling extends from the top of the shield and expands out along the sides. The shield is divided per pale. The left section has a white background with black dots and is charged with a black lion rampant reguardant. The right section of the shield is charged with a bird perched on a tree branch growing out of the ground. There is no background except for the branch and ground that is lighter on top and darker at the bottom. The motto is printed on a curling ribbon below the shield. There is shading on the ends of the ribbon. The motto is printed in capitalized, black, serif font. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in a more stylized, paler, capitalized, black serif font underneath the motto.
[Bookplate for Library of the Hamilton and Gore Mechanics’ Institute]
Black ink on pale pinkish tan paper. Ornate curlicue border with circular corner designs. Multiple fonts are present. The library title is written in bold and non-bold capital letters, while the institute name is written in title case with gothic script. Separated by thin straight lines, the card number field is written in stylized bold font. The lending rules are written in serif font.
[Bookplate for Library of the Hamilton and Gore Mechanics’ Institute]
Black ink on tan paper. Curlicue and straight-line border. Multiple fonts are present. The library title is written in bold and non-bold capital letters, with the institute name in sentence case gothic script. Separated by centered, thin straight lines, there is a left aligned field for class and a right aligned field for card number written in bold serif font. The lending rules are written in italicized serif font.
[Bookplate for Crease Clinic of Psychological Medicine]
Black ink on white paper. British Columbia coat of arms at top. Text below. Other text in blue rubber stamp ink.
[Bookplate for Union College of British Columbia]
Black ink on white paper. Coat of arms at top. The chief is charged with a demi-sun in spendour. The rest of the escutcheon is charged with a cross. Quarter one is charged with a dove, quarter two an open book, quarter three a tree and quarter four a globe and staff. Text below.
[Bookplate for Convent of the Sacred Heart]
Black ink on white paper. Fine black border surrounds text.
[Bookplate for University of Florida Library]
Black ink on white paper. Narrow double border surrounds text and cameo-style portrait.
[Bookplate for Library of Diocesan Theological College]
Black ink on white paper. There is italicized black text with a dotted line at the top of the bookplate. There is an almond shaped design with double lined black borders. The border contains capitalized black sans serif font. In the center are two shields. A white shield with an anchor partially covers a black shield. A bishop’s hat sits atop the shield. A motto is printed in the banner. Below more italicized text is printed with a dotted line. There are several lines of stylized black gothic fond, one line of sans serif capitalized black font, and then one final line of italicized text with a dotted line.
[Bookplate for Library of the Hamilton and Gore Mechanics’ Institute]
Black ink on yellow paper. Ornate curlicue floral border. Multiple fonts are present. The library title is written in bold and non-bold capital letters. The name of the institute is written in title case with gothic script. Separated by thin straight lines, the card number field is written in bold, stylized font. The lending rules are written in italicized serif font.
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