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[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A blue rectangular border surrounds the central image. The central image of a blue side view of Mt. Fuji above a number of green rice patti stalks blowing in the wind towards the right. Hovering above them are a pair of dragonflies done in red flying towards the left.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
The classical image of a cat puppet or doll is central to the image. It has green and blue coverings with white kanji script, blue/black eyes and black patches on its forepaws. Its foreground is placed at the right and it moves backwards towards the left part of the bookplate.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A tall gailly blue, beige, and red stripped ceremonial pole is the central image. There is a small blue and orange bag mounted a third of the way from the bottom of the pole, a black and orange ribboned head-dress to the pole and a green and yellow arc is at the bottom of the pole. The pole leans from the upper left towards the lower right position.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
The central image is of two roosters facing to the left. The smaller of the two is superimposed onto the hind portion of the larger one which is to the rear of the image. The roosters have orange crests, black tail feathers, and orange/brown coloured feathers over the rest of their bodies. The smaller of the two chickens is located towards the right, while the larger one is located on the left. Both roosters are facing towards the left.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
The central image contains rows of rice fields with green earthen barriers separating them in a 'Z' pattern. A group of blue and pink clouds in the background suggest the images of mountains. Two tall green trees are also in the background on the right side of the image.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A grey postage stamp ridge surrounds the central black outlined rectangle that contains the central image. The central image is of a brown roofed Shinto/Buddhist shrine with a blue road leading beneath twin orange pillars with a black crossbeam at the top. Two blue stone lanterns sit next to the outwards side of each pillar. The image is set on a yellow field.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A fan-shaped segway contains the central image of the bookplate with the larger side facing upwards. A black background with a yellow half-moon indicate that the image is set in the night. A blue image of Mt. Fuji is set to the right side of the image. A large cloud outlines Mt. Fuji. Two green tall trees with no obvious branches sit just to the left of the centre of the image and are outlined by the clouds.
[Bookplate for A. W. Robertson by Tom Eaglin]
This bookplate is executed in coloured ink on white paper. The colours consist of varying shades of green and bronze. In the foreground there is an image of a nude man with his head resting upon his hand, as if deep in contemplation. He is sitting upon a wood-like stump which turns into the earth at the bottom of the image. This image is most likely meant to imitate "The Thinker", a statue by Auguste Rodin.
[Bookplate for Ágoston Tamás-György and J. E. Horvath by K. M. S.]
This bookplate uses some architectural features to create a grid with nine cells. The centre of the image has a panel with the ownership information. The top of this panel serves as the floor for two figures practicing fencing that are framed with an arch. This arch is supported on two square boxes at the top corners of the image. There is a flower vase on top and books inside each box. Similar boxes with apple branches mark the bottom corners. The spaces between these boxes are supported by columns that flank two sportive figures, a hockey player on the left and a hunter on the right. In the bottom central area a small row boat sits in water.
[Bookplate for C. Gordonsmith]
Printed in black ink, the bookplate features a harbor scene including a town waterfront, ships, sailboats and row boats. The Union Jack can be found in the corner of the flags off the stern of the two ships in the foreground. A banner identifies the location, and a gothic font is used to identify the owner of the book. Pictorial.
[Bookplate for Charles Philip Huntington by P. B. W.]
The central image is a family armorial. The image begins with a horse head erased facing to the dexter. A rose sits on its throat and the head sits atop a wreath. The wreath sits atop a helm face open and centred signifying a baron. Below the helm is a shield and mantling sits to either side of the entire image. The shield has a small escutcheon placed in the dexter chief position and the escutcheon bears a gules left hand on a field of argent. Two roses sit on the main argent shield between a gules pile with a horse head erased.
[Bookplate for David L. G. Dryden]
A yellow frame surrounds the central image. The central image is of a young man in medieval armour leading a white horse to the left of the image. The image is in a forest setting with several trees observable. Two notable trees are standing, one on the left, and one on the right side of the man providing a frame for the image. The entire scene is evocative of a Pre-Raphaelite painting.
[Bookplate for Dorothy C. Heney by Clifford H. Brown]
Black ink on buff paper. The image depicts a young girl holding hands with a book, pushing open the gates of Fairy Land, toward a castle in the background. Plate lines are visible around the bookplate image. It is signed by the illustrator. Pictorial.
[Bookplate for Dorothy Maclaren Hepton by William Walker Alexander]
Brown ink on cream paper. A plain border with a thin brown outline on the outside and thick brown outline on the inside. The image in the center of the bookplate is surrounded by a decorative background. The background has brown dots overlaid with thin white leaves on a stem. The stems curl around the left and right sides of the image. The image in the center is surrounded by a border comprised of three petaled leaves. At the top, bottom, left, and right of the border are two crossed strips covering the leaves. A dark inner border separates the decorative leaves from the center image. The image itself depicts two women sitting in an ancient Grecian scene. There is a building with arches in the left background. Next to the building, right behind the women is a large, shaded column. The foregrounded woman is sitting on a platform. Behind her is a small bowl of flowers. The same flowers decorate her dark hair in a floral crown. She is wearing a flowing white dress with a jewelry band around her right arm, which is holding onto her knees. At her feet is a lyre perched against another ledge. Behind the lyre is a dark, three-legged vessel with smoke pouring from it. There are some bushes behind the vessel and a plain horizon with a dark landscape and a pale sky. To the left of the vessel is a woman either standing or on her knees ; her legs are blocked from view by the sitting woman. The woman is playing a wind instrument, potentially an aulos. Her hair is in a half bun and half down. The ribbons in her hair are also flowing behind her head. Curling ribbons extend from below the image’s bottom border. A thicker ribbon rolls out below the ribbon. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in capitalized, serif font. Each word in the owner’s name is printed on its own line, with each line becoming increasingly indented. Two daisy flowers on stems are printed to the left of the last word in the owner’s name.
[Bookplate for E. Bernulf Clegg]
A landscape shaped bookplate with a rectangular frame of vines surrounding the outside of the image and creating a frame. There are eight images of flowers, both closed and opened, flowing around the frame are regular intervals. Only black and the regular paper color is used in the image.
[Bookplate for Eiichi Hirose by J. Lee]
The central image, on a square yellow background, is of a red four-winged butterfly sitting at the base of a yellow flower. The butterfly is located at the left side of the image.
[Bookplate for Elsie V. Heney by Clifford H. Brown]
Black ink on buff paper. The image, in silhouette, depicts a child reading at the window next to a vase of flowers. The text appears under the image. Pictorial.
[Bookplate for Familie Mezler and Michael B. Kunze]
In black ink, an unusual heraldic symbol with a helmet in the centre of the image. Protruding from the top of the helm are what appear to be two horns. Between the horns is the figure of a woman whose hands grasp the horns. From both side of the helm, and from below, flows extensive mantling flowing out and down framing another image of a woman, identical to the first, except that her skirt is now visible.
[Bookplate for Frances Wahlstad Cochrane]
Central image is of a portrait shaped rectangular frame surrounding a chequered field suggesting a window. Only black and the natural paper color are used. There is an elaborate metal candelabra on the lower left side of the chequered field. The metal of the three candle holders is coiled counter-clockwise down towards the base, and has a roman column base. There are three burning wax candles with white streamers flowing upwards from them mounted on the candelabra. Next to the candelabra are three horizontally stacked books. They are stacked with the bottom and topped books having the spine oriented at an angle towards the right front side of the image. The middle book has the opposite orientation of the spine.
[Bookplate for Frederick Starr]
Colour woodblock print in two blocks. In green and red ink. Image of the top half of a woman, nude. Bookplate text above image.
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