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181. [Bookplate for Elwyn B. Gould] [Bookplate for Elwyn B. Gould] Pictorial bookplate, created with black ink on white paper, which portrays books and sheaves of paper.

182. [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] This bookplate has been created with black ink on white paper. The image featured is Odilon Redon's Il y eut aussi des êtres embryonnaires [There were also embryonic beings] (fourth in the series Hommage à Goya [Hommage to Goya] 1885) from The Graphic Works of Odilon Redon: 209 Lithographs, Etchings, and Engravings (New York: Dover Publications, 1969).

183. [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] This bookplate has been created with black ink on white paper. The image featured is Odilon Redon's Un fou dans un morne paysage [A madman in a dismal landscape] (third in the series Hommage à Goya [Hommage to Goya] 1885) from The Graphic Works of Odilon Redon: 209 Lithographs, Etchings, and Engravings (New York: Dover Publications, 1969).

184. [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] This bookplate has been created with black ink on white paper. The image featured is Odilon Redon's Araignée [Spider] (1887) from The Graphic Works of Odilon Redon: 209 Lithographs, Etchings, and Engravings (New York: Dover Publications, 1969).

185. [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] [Bookplate for Kevin Michael Grace by Lou DuHamel] This bookplate has been created with black ink on white paper. The image featured is Odilon Redon's Un masque sonne le glas funèbre [A mask sounds the funeral knell] (third in the series A Edgar Poë [To Edgar Allen Poe) 1882) from The Graphic Works of Odilon Redon: 209 Lithographs, Etchings, and Engravings (New York: Dover Publications, 1969).

186. [Bookplate for J. S. H. Guest] [Bookplate for J. S. H. Guest] Textual bookplate with black ink on white paper.

187. [Bookplate for James Hazen Hyde] [Bookplate for James Hazen Hyde] The bookplate central image is of several interwoven banners with flowers and leaves hanging from them in three cascades. The owner was an enormous Francophone who lived around the turn of the 20th century.

188. [Bookplate for J. E. Horvath by Gabriella Krisztimkovich] [Bookplate for J. E. Horvath by Gabriella Krisztimkovich] The bookplate belongs to J. Eugene Horvath who is a famous bibliographer living in Vancouver. The central image is of a Canadian mapleleaf. The left portion of the leaf has a gilt inlaid ceramic plate with a quill pen over it signifying a love of writing. The central portion of the leaf has a set of mountains signifying the Vancouver area with a camera below it signifying a love of photography. The right portion of the leaf has an image of a Hungarian King St. Ladislas The central portion of the leaf has an image of the Buda side of Budapest and shows the central castle and churches lying in relief above the Danube river. This portion of the bookplate indicates the fact that Horvath was born in Hungary and emigrated to Canada.

189. [Bookplate for Jessie Hunter] [Bookplate for Jessie Hunter] A single black fillet surrounds the central image on the bookplate. Two banners sit above and below the central image of a large open book overlays a lighted oil lamp with two wicks on curved arms curling outwards from the central hub of the lamp. The lamp is sitting on the outline of a table. The images may imply that books bring awareness of the unknown.

190. [Bookplate for Hans Hjordis Hygen by E. B.] [Bookplate for Hans Hjordis Hygen by E. B.] The bookplate's central image is done in relief of a house with a walkway and trees of to the sides of the house. The house appears to be a prosperous house with two chimneys and several floors. A mountain with whitcaps sits in the background and several stars are seen above them.

191. [Bookplate for Charles Philip Huntington by P. B. W.] [Bookplate for Charles Philip Huntington by P. B. W.] The central image is a family armorial. The image begins with a horse head erased facing to the dexter. A rose sits on its throat and the head sits atop a wreath. The wreath sits atop a helm face open and centred signifying a baron. Below the helm is a shield and mantling sits to either side of the entire image. The shield has a small escutcheon placed in the dexter chief position and the escutcheon bears a gules left hand on a field of argent. Two roses sit on the main argent shield between a gules pile with a horse head erased.

192. [Bookplate for Robie Lewis Reid] [Bookplate for Robie Lewis Reid] The bookplate has below a banner with a quote from the Canterbury Tales an image of a writing desk backed by a number of books both lined up vertically, aslant and open on the desk. A banner crosses the upper portion of the image that states "EX LIBRIS", between these two words is a round shield made by a belt on which is written "PRO VIRTUTE". Within this shield is the image of a hand holding an open book on top of a braided wreath. Below the writing desk is a rectangular plate with the name "Robie Lewis Reid".

193. [Bookplate for A. H. Aszkanazy] [Bookplate for A. H. Aszkanazy] Egyptian scene with female figure sitting on a throne with a pyramidal structure in the background. The image is surrounded by a frame decorated with a winged sun disk and hieroglyphics. The winged sun disk represents the god Horus Behudety (a variation of Horus) and appears frequently in ancient Egyptian architecture.

194. [Bookplate for John Allen Brown by C. Bird] [Bookplate for John Allen Brown by C. Bird] The bookplate portrays a prehistoric scene shown from the perspective of a fur-clad man and woman looking from inside a cave towards a primitive wilderness scene (with stags and a mammoth). The image is framed by an assortment of artifacts, such as vases, swords, axe heads, flints, and other weapons. At the right bottom of the frame is a dagger with a flag inscribed with the initials "S.P.Q.R." an acronym for the Latin phrase "Senatus Populusque Romanus" ("The Senate and Roman People"). Below the picture is an open book on the left side of which is a shield and on the right side the bookplate text. The shield is blue with a gold chevron and three clams. At the top of the shield is mantling and closed helmet signifying esquire or gentleman. On the left side of the shield is a banner reading: "MENTE ET MALLEO."

195. [Bookplate for Stephen W. Borden by Carol Ann Borden] [Bookplate for Stephen W. Borden by Carol Ann Borden] Pictorial bookplate. Portrays a landscape with tree, grass and flowers.

196. [Bookplate for John Ker Davis] [Bookplate for John Ker Davis] The main image is framed by a single black fillet and is bordered by two banners, one at the top and one at the bottom. The central image is of a two masted ship sailing towards the right of the picture. There are a number of clouds in the background and rolling waves below the ship. There are two people visible on board the ship, one is holding up a telescope also facing to the right.

197. [Bookplate for Samuel C. Harvey] [Bookplate for Samuel C. Harvey] Textual bookplate.

198. [Bookplate for Colin E. Henderson by L. V. S.] [Bookplate for Colin E. Henderson by L. V. S.] Pictorial bookplate. A scene portraying a bookshelf and open window (overlooking trees) is enclosed in a circular frame. Around the frame are oak and maple branches. At the bottom of the circle is a frame in which is inscribed "Colin E. Henderson." The artist's name and date are found at the bottom-centre of the bookplate.

199. [Bookplate for Frederic William Howay] [Bookplate for Frederic William Howay] At the top is a sea otter resting on the sand with a mountainous coast in the background. Below that within a shield-shaped frame is a picture of a sailing vessel with the title "SEA OTTER" on the stern. The shield is surrounded by various sea shells, with a banner displaying the bookplate text.

200. [Bookplate for Charles Hughes] [Bookplate for Charles Hughes] Pictorial bookplate. Portrays England and Ireland surrounded by frame of lions and kangaroos.
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