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[Bookbinder's Ticket for Hector Bossang and Denis-Benjamin Papineau]
An ovular ticket, black ink on green paper within a border.
[Bookbinder's Ticket]
In black ink on white paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a border made up of joined circles surrounding black text of various sizes and fonts. The word 'Carswell' begins with a decorative letter 'C'. A decorative element in the shape of a water drop or a flame is found in the lower middle of the bookbinder's ticket.
[Bookbinder's Tickets for Joseph Fortier]
1) In dark blue ink on white paper, the bookbinder's ticket is in the shape of a closed book, with the spine on the left and text on the font cover. The front cover of the book is a field of blue with text and design elements in white / reversed-out text. A white field with blue text in the lower half of the book cover provides space for a handwritten reorder number.
2) In black ink on pink paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a thin black border surrounding black text.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A hand made bookplate with a rectangular green border. An image of bamboo trees done in green is central to the picture. A brown bird is located in the lower left portion of the plate, and it is flying towards the bottom of the page.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A ragged edge of a central image is covered in a grey coloured wash. The central image is of a woman in a traditional flowered kimono dancing, done from a woodcut. The woman is facing to the left and her right hand, in the lower left of the picture, holds a hat.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A tall gailly blue, beige, and red stripped ceremonial pole is the central image. There is a small blue and orange bag mounted a third of the way from the bottom of the pole, a black and orange ribboned head-dress to the pole and a green and yellow arc is at the bottom of the pole. The pole leans from the upper left towards the lower right position.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
The image is a box image of two houses, one, the lower house angling towards the lower left, overlapping the other which stands in the center of the page. The first house is coloured in beige and has writing within it. The second image has a brown colored background and a black outline of a horse is contained within it.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
An image of a Japanese festival paper lantern is shown. The three (Hirigana/Katakana) symbols written on the lantern are pronounced, "Se-ro-hi". The lantern has a black top and bottom rim with a carrying handle at the top. An orange tassel emerges from the bottom of the lantern. The lantern is sitting at the center of the page. The symbols start at the lower left of the lantern and move towards the upper right.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
The central image is of the red and black outline of a face used in a Japanese mask possibly used for Kabuki. The face is located towards the right side of the bookplate. The face is used for a demon called an Oni. A bamboo flute done in a light brown lies to the lower left side of the bookplate. It has some Kanji writing symbols as well as a few cherry blossom petals.
[Bookplate for A. W. Robertson]
This bookplate is executed in dark ink on white paper. It depicts a ship with a compass-rose in the lower left corner.
[Bookplate for Academie Commerciale Catholique]
The text is surrounded by a simple lined border. The text "de L’Académie Commerciale Catholique" is in a Gothic script.
[Bookplate for Academie Commerciale Catholique]
The text is surrounded by a simple lined border. The text "de L’Académie Commerciale Catholique" is in a Gothic script.
[Bookplate for Alfred C. Harmsworth]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a crest-wreath with a knight’s right arm extended and bent at the elbow. The arm is armoured with a point at the elbow and circular decorations on the rest of the arm. The hand clutches a sword that has gone through a small lion’s head from the chin through to the crown. The lion has whiskers, but no mane. Below the crest, the bookplate owner’s name is written in black, sentence case, gothic font.
[Bookplate for Art Gallery of Toronto by Alexander Scott Carter]
Blank ink on white paper. Border consists of a thin black line, then a thicker black line, then an alternating black and white dashed line, and finally a thin black line. Capitalized black font with the words separated by geometric dots surrounds a black square. The black square is decorated on the inside with floral motifs. There is a circle inside the square with black text and black borders. Inside the circle are some more floral motifs, as well as two shields. The top shield is divided per pale. The left hand side is quartered with alternating designs of 3 horizontal arrows and vertical triangles. On the right hand side, the top third features vertical stripes, while the bottom two thirds are charged with three black stars. The lower shield is divided in a similar way and has the same stars and stripe design on the right hand side. The left hand side has alternating designs of fish, waves, and lions passant. Between the two shields is a horizontal rectangular box with black text inside. At the bottom of the bookplate is another rectangle with a border decorated with a swirling black and white motif. There is also an inner black border, inside of which is more black text.
[Bookplate for Boys and Girls Library of the National Council of Jewish Women by G. H.]
A large book with a man peeking out of its splayed pages hovers above a collection of images from children’s literature: ships, trains, flamingo, cat, knight on horseback,and other human figures. The symbol of the National Council of Jewish Women sits at the center of the book plate with the date of the organization's foundation.
[Bookplate for Catholic Commercial Academy of Montreal, Wm Price, and U. E. Archambault by Geo. E. Desbarats]
Black ink on white paper. The border of the bookplate comprises three layers: the outermost is an abstract floral motif on the four corners ; secondly is a geometric pattern of triangles ; the innermost layer is a plain line. Curlicues surround the words “Catholic” and “of Montreal.” The bookplate is a pre-printed form with space for the prize name, winner, year and date to be filled out.
[Bookplate for Charles A. Dashwood]
This heraldic bookplate consists of a tilted escutcheon, argent (silver), a fess, gules (red), the fess charged with three griffin heads, erased (a term which describes the cutted edge of an animal's head) ; two bars above and below the fess, also gules. Steel helmet, positioned three-quartered faced, closed (denotes an esquire rank). The crest above the helmet is a griffin head, again erased. A banner is positioned at the lower part of escutcheon with Latin motto. Surrounding the escutcheon is elaborate mantling.
[Bookplate for Charles Girdlestone]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of the image of a church. A plate mark can be seen along the left hand side of the bookplate.
[Bookplate for Charles Girdlestone]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of text surrounded by a floral border. At the top centre of the border is a scallop shell.
[Bookplate for Charles S. Dixwell by G. M. McCall]
This heraldic bookplate consists of a tilted escutcheon, argent (silver) divided per chevron, gules (red). Within the escutcheon are charges, two over one, of fleur-de-lis. A steel helmet, closed, situated en profile dexter(denoting an esquire rank), sits upon the escutcheon, with a stylized cross within. Sitting upon the helmet is a clenched paw (possibly lion) grasping a bird claw with four talons. The escutcheon is surrounded by mantling with banners both above and below, 'EX LIBRIS' in the above banner (along with a small fleur-de-lis dividing the two words). The lower banner has owner name and place within. Entire image is surrounded by an elaborate rectangle border, with fleur-de-lis at each corner.
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