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[Bookplate for Montreal & District Brotherhood Federation, W. Bourdeu, S James United Brotherhood, and T. B. Macaulay]
Black ink on white paper. A border consisting of a thick black line with thinner black lines surrounds the bookplate. At the top of the bookplate, there is a circular decoration with a black border. Inside the border is a plain section with rounded edges on the outer rim. Inside that section is a thick black circle with text printed in capitalized, sans serif white font. A thin white border separates the thick black section from an image of a black and white globe with cross sections. In the middle of the globe, a circle shows two hands with black sleeves shaking. Above the hands is a sun with beams. Below the hands, letters are printed in capitalized, sans serif block letters with a black border. Underneath the circular design, font is printed in capitalized, serif, black, font. On the next line is a dotted line. Below the dotted line is the same font in a smaller size followed by another dotted line. The same font, but larger, is printed on the next line. In the next line the font is smaller and then larger and smaller again in the subsequent two lines. Below these lines, text is printed in bold, black, small sans serif font. Underneath this line, text is printed in small, sentence case, black, serif font and is followed by a dotted line.
[Bookplate for Maxwell K. Heap]
There is an elaborate border on this bookplate beginning with a rolled barred fillet with fleur-de-lis at each corner. Within this border are three additional black fillets the middle one is slightly thicker with alternating black and white bars suggesting a rope like pattern. The central image is of a large book overlaying a lighted torch behind it. Birds wings sit below the book supporting it.
[Bookplate for Margaret M. Howard by Leslie Victor Smith]
Black ink on textured cream colored paper. The image depicts a tall ship at sea with all sails unfurled, listing to the right in a swell of water. The ship is contained within a circular border containing four quatrefoil points. Above, the phrase ‘Ex Libris’ is displayed within a scrolled banner across the top of the bookplate and the circle is framed by hanging garlands of varied types of flowers and ribbons. Below, a shelf depicts a row of bound books that part at the middle, with a blank sheet of paper and a feather quill resting in an inkwell. Below this, ‘Margaret M. Howard’ is written within a large scroll banner that is framed by thorny vines of roses.
[Bookplate for Macdonald College]
Bookplate printed in black ink on white paper. A small coat of arms for Macdonald College appears above, with pre-printed lines containing a hand-written call number and date listed below in black ink. The word 'discarded' is stamped across the middle in blue ink.
[Bookplate for Lionel Damer]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided barry of six pieces, nebule, argent (silver) and gules (red), and a bend, engrailed, azure (blue). At the precise middle chief is a crescent, the symbol of the second son. The escutcheon also contains an inescutcheon, divided per cross. The first quadrant, argent, contains an unknown symbol, possibly a garbe, sable (black). The fourth quadrant, also argent, contains two of the same symbol. The second quadrant, divided per fess, or (gold) and azure (blue), contains two swans with wings displayed. The third quadrant is the same, except it contains only a single swan. The crest is an oval frame containing a talbot's head in a crown. Above the crest is floral mantling which extends down both sides of the escutcheon. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for L. M. Stauffer by Stanley Harrod]
In black ink on white paper, this bookplate consists of a shield or escutcheon Argent (silver). On dexter side, a twelve-point etoile. On sinister side, a dexter arm holding a cup. A trefoil Argent protrudes from the middle base of the escutcheon. The front facing, barred helm bears the crest of a bearded man from the waist up holding a cup in his right hand. The helm is surrounded by mantling. Below the escutcheon, a banner bears the text 'S H / L. M. Stauffer / 1917'.
[Bookplate for L. Farkas and J. E. Horvath by K. J.]
Line drawing done in black ink on tan paper. Two plant pots with thorny vines at the at bottom of the image, one is standing and one is laying down. The vine from the standing pot, a rose vine, extends to the upper edge where it forms a frame around an open book with the letters A B C and children toys. The middle of the drawing displays a book with a rosary and flowers behind it. The text starts above the flowers, continues between the book and the plant pots, ending under the plant pots. A small round seal with the initals RS is displayed at the bottom left corner of te bookplate.
[Bookplate for L. Emile Grothé by Aimé Dufesne]
Black ink on white paper. Border has white outlines, shaded for a three-dimensional effect and is filled in with thin black lines. The top and bottom sides of the border indent in the middle with squared corners. The left and right sides of the border indent in the middle with rounded corners. The top half of the bookplate has diagonal black lines extending wider from the centre. The top left corner features a person wearing a feathered headdress and a sash holding arrows in their left hand and a bow in their right hand. They are standing on a decorative ledge connected to the border and sitting atop of an elaborate curlicue. The right corner has the same curlicue and ledge and a person in a long coat and striped hat holding a pouch stands atop it. Between the two figures is an open book. The bottom of the top half of the bookplate contains half a round map of the world surrounded by a thick border of the same style as the overall bookplate border. The owner’s motto is written across the map’s border in thin, capitalized, sans-serif font. A rectangular border of the same design sits in the centre of the bookplate. The top of the border features large, captitalized, serif block font. The font is white with a black background and white stripes surrounding that background. On either side of that text are half circle decorations in a vertical stack between two thin white borders. The centre of the rectangle within the borders has a grey background with capitalized, sans-serif block font printed on top. The font is black with a white outline and dark shading. Two shields hang below the rectangle on the left and right side. The shield on the left is argent with sable dots per fess. The top third of the crest is charged with two fleurs-des-lis. The central portion of the crest, featuring sable and argent stripes. is charged with a lion passant guardant. The bottom third of the crest is charged with three maple leaves with connected stems. The shield on the right is per pale consisting of sable and argent stripes and argent with sable dots. The left side is charged with two lions passant that are argent with sable dots. The right side is charged with a lion sejant erect and eight hearts, each of which are sable and argent striped. Between the two crests, hanging from the central rectangular feature, is a checkered black rectangle with white borders on the left, right, and bottom sides. White curlicues extend from the left and right sides. Similar curlicues, leafy decoration, and black strip adorned with small circles extend from the bottom of the rectangle. The background of the bottom half of the bookplate not covered with other decorative features has the same black stripes as the top half. In the bottom left and right corners of the bookplate are four books each, spines facing out. Next to the books on the left is a black inkwell with two feather quills in it. Next to the inkwell is a beehive on a wooden platform surrounded by five bees. On the right of the beehive is an oil lamp with a bright flame burning. Outside the bottom border, inside the indent, the bookplate creator’s name and date of creation is printed in thin, black, sentence-case, serif font.
[Bookplate for John Leeds Bozman]
This bookplate consists of an argent (silver) escutcheon with a gules (red) fess. On the escutcheon are three sable (black) eagles, displayed, two over one. Raised above the shield on floral mantling is a curved crest wreath, and a perched cockatrice. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for John George Hodgins]
Black ink on white paper. The crest features a displayed black bird on a crest-wreath. At the top left of the bird, next to the tip of its wing, is a small radiating sun with a face in the middle. There is an esquire’s helm surrounded by dark, feathery mantling. The border of the shield is similarly elaborate. The shield is argent and charged with an argent cross with thin black border around each rectangular section. The shield is also charged with five black flowers that have five round petals and a circular black center. There is a flower in each corner of the shield and one in the center of the cross with a thin, black, square border. Below the shield, the motto is printed on a ribbon with curling, darkened ends. The motto is written in black, capitalized, serif font. Below the ribbon, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in black, sentence case, Gothic font.
[Bookplate for John Chapman]
In the centre of the bookplate is a rectangular heavy solid line border with a lighter solid border within. Within this is a wavy line border, and within this is a lighter, dotted line border. The owner's name is printed in Gothic script in the middle of the bookplate, and there are flourishes going from both the beginning and the end of the name out towards border corners. Within the border at each corner are right angle decorations with a small flourish.
[Bookplate for John Allen Brown by C. Bird]
The bookplate portrays a prehistoric scene shown from the perspective of a fur-clad man and woman looking from inside a cave towards a primitive wilderness scene (with stags and a mammoth). The image is framed by an assortment of artifacts, such as vases, swords, axe heads, flints, and other weapons. At the right bottom of the frame is a dagger with a flag inscribed with the initials "S.P.Q.R." an acronym for the Latin phrase "Senatus Populusque Romanus" ("The Senate and Roman People"). Below the picture is an open book on the left side of which is a shield and on the right side the bookplate text. The shield is blue with a gold chevron and three clams. At the top of the shield is mantling and closed helmet signifying esquire or gentleman. On the left side of the shield is a banner reading: "MENTE ET MALLEO."
[Bookplate for Jeffrey H. Burland]
In black ink. Bank note style design. In the middle is a picture of stacked books with letters on their spines spelling out the word "number," and an open one in front containing the book number in red ink. Below is a picture of an inkwell and quill on a tasseled cloth.
[Bookplate for James Penderel Brodhurst]
This bookplate consists of an escutcheon quartered per cross. The dexter chief and sinister base quarters are azure (blue) with fretty of twelve pieces, or (gold) and embattled. The sinister chief and dexter base quarters are argent (silver) and contain a sable (black) fess on which are three royal crowns. On the argent background is a tree. Located at the precise middle chief of the escutcheon is a label, which represents the first son. Raised above the shield are two straight crest wreaths. Atop the dexter is a nested swan, wings displayed azure and elevated, with fretty of twelve pieces, or and embattled. On the belly of the swan is a sable etoile. Atop the sinister crest wreath sit crossed a sceptre and a sword. Above them is a royal crown. Below the shield is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for James G. J. Penderel Brodhurst by M. Soane]
This highly detailed bookplate contains an escutcheon quartered per cross, with a label (symbolizing an heir, first son) at the precise middle chief. The first and fourth quarters are argent (silver) with fretty of twelve pieces, embattled. The second and third quarters are argent, with a tree proper and a fess, argent with sable (black) fillet, containing three royal crowns. Upon the escutcheon rests a large coronet, resembling that of an earl. Above the coronet are two straight crest wreaths. On the dexter wreath is a nested swan, wings displayed argent and elevated, with fretty of twelve pieces, sable and embattled. On the belly of the swan is an argent mullet. On the sinister wreath are a crossed sceptre and sword. Above them is a royal crown. In between and on either side of the wreath symbols are what appear to be leaves. Above the wreath symbols is a banner containing the Latin motto. The escutcheon is accompanied by two supporters. The dexter supporter is a dragon with an argent mullet on its chest, while the sinister supporter is a griffin, also with a mullet on its chest. Below the escutcheon and the supporters is an additional banner.
[Bookplate for J.E.G. Bibliothèque]
Green ink on white paper. Thin green border is straight on the left, right, and bottom sides and rounded on top. Three capitalized letters are printed in stylized, rounded green font. Below the letters is text in pseudo-gothic sentence-case font. Underneath that text is a small green circle with two lines extending from its left and right. Below is text in the previous pseudo-gothic font in a larger size. There are several images underneath the text. There is a line of three images: an open book with curling pages in the center with a six-pointed star on either side. The left star has a plus sign in the middle and the right star has a question mark in its center. Three more images are below: a green owl on a branch in the center with lit oil lamps on either side. The lamps each point inwards towards the owl and sit on thin green lines. Below the images is a thin green oval border that is straight on the top and bottom sides. Inside is curling thin green text sitting on a thin green line. At the right end of the line is another thicker perpendicular green line dividing the oval into two uneven sections.
[Bookplate for J.E.G. Bibliothèque]
Black ink on white paper. Thin black border is straight on the left, right, and bottom sides and rounded on top. Three capitalized letters are printed in stylized, rounded black font. Below the letters is text in pseudo-gothic sentence-case font. Underneath that text is a small black circle with two lines extending from its left and right. Below is text in the previous pseudo-gothic font in a larger size. There are several images underneath the text. There is a line of three images: an open book with curling pages in the center with a six-pointed star on either side. The left star has a plus sign in the middle and the right star has a question mark in its center. Three more images are below: a black owl on a branch in the center with lit oil lamps on either side. The lamps each point inwards towards the owl and sit on thin black lines. Below the images is a thin black oval border that is straight on the top and bottom sides. Inside is curling thin black text sitting on a thin black line. At the right end of the line is another thicker perpendicular black line dividing the oval into two uneven sections.
[Bookplate for J.E.G. Bibliothèque]
Black ink on white paper. Thin black border is straight on the left, right, and bottom sides and rounded on top. Three capitalized letters are printed in stylized, rounded black font. Below the letters is text in pseudo-gothic sentence-case font. Underneath that text is a small black circle with two lines extending from its left and right. Below is text in the previous pseudo-gothic font in a larger size. There are several images underneath the text. There is a line of three images: an open book with curling pages in the center with a six-pointed star on either side. The left star has a plus sign in the middle and the right star has a question mark in its center. Three more images are below: a black owl on a branch in the center with lit oil lamps on either side. The lamps each point inwards towards the owl and sit on thin black lines. Below the images is a thin black oval border that is straight on the top and bottom sides. Inside is curling thin black text sitting on a thin black line. At the right end of the line is another thicker perpendicular black line dividing the oval into two uneven sections.
[Bookplate for J. H. Ainsworth by T. E.]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon divided per pale. The gules (red) dexter of the shield contains a small crescent at precise middle chief, and three battle axes argent (silver), two over one. The battle axe is an ancient military weapon, and placed on a shield represents a mark of prowess. The argent sinister of the shield contains a gules canton at dexter chief. The canton contains a talbot's head, erased. The sinister side of the shield also contains a chevron, ermines (a fur represented by white spots on a black field). Atop the escutcheon is the helm, grated and in profile. The helm is topped by a straight crest wreath and an armored figure holding a battle axe in his dexter hand. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the latin motto.
[Bookplate for Imperial Cotton Co. by R&M]
Printed in black ink on cream coloured paper. The scene depicts dark-skinned laborers working in a cotton field. In the right-hand side of the foreground, a laborer holds a large wicker basket full of cotton on their head. To the left are two other large wicker baskets full of cotton. At least four other laborers recede into the depth of the field. They wear loose, baggy clothing and wide-brimmed hats. In the background is a wide, low brick factory building with smokestacks on the far left and one low, square tower with a flag in the middle. Below this scene is the insignia of the Dominion Crown and the text identifying the Imperial Cotton Co.
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