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[Bookbinder's Tickets for Zephirin Chapeleau and J.M. Lamothe]
1) In black ink on gray paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a black decorative border surrounding black text.
2) In black ink on yellow paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a black decorative border surrounding black text.
[Bookbinder's Tickets]
1) In black ink on blue paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a decorative black border surrounding black text.
2) In black ink on yellow paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a decorative black border surrounding black text.
[Bookplate by F.A.C.]
The bookplate depicts a lakeside scene in which a hotel is set among trees at the edge of the water. Prominent hills also give a sense of the surrounding landscape. This picturesque scene is framed by a border of trees. Amongst the leaves at the top of image is a scroll that reads 'Ex-Libris.' At the bottom of the image, an open book displays the words 'Rogers Rock.'.
[Bookplate for Academie Marie-Rose]
A cross entwined in daffodils with the name of the religious order on a scroll above the cross ; scroll below the cross is inscribed with the school's motto. The name of the school is at the base of the plate.
[Bookplate for Beatrice Eleanor Paget by T&H Sc. and A. S.]
This pictorial bookplate, created using brown ink on white paper, portrays Wilton House (Wilton, England) built during the 17th century and the seat of the Earl of Pembroke. It is believed that Sir Philip Sidney wrote Arcadia at Wilton House. The picture is framed with vertical columns and garlands. The creator of the bookplate is listed as [T & H / Sc. A.S.].
[Bookplate for British Columbia Department of Education]
A textual bookplate with a simple segmented 3 line border.
[Bookplate for Carnegie Library of Ottawa]
There are two solid, black line borders around the text. The bookplate is printed in black ink, and the words 'Carnegie Library of Ottawa' are printed in red ink in a Gothic script. Two thin black lines separate the words 'Carnegie Library of Ottawa' from the 'library rules' text.
[Bookplate for Charles Manby by Suffield]
In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon divided per pale, with a stylized bordure. The dexter quadrant, gules (red), is charged with a lion rampant and a chief, argent (silver), with three martlets. The sinister quadrant, gules, is charged with four etoiles, two over two, and contains a canton, coloured ermine (white powdered fur with black tufts), in the dexter chief of the quadrant, covering two-thirds of the etoile in that location. The canton represents the banner of the ancient Knights Banneret, which is an honourable order which has become extinct. It was on order conferred upon persons, recognized by a king or general, that had perfomed some heroic act on the battlefield. The escutcheon is crested by a straight wreath and a lion passant guardant, holding what appears to be a millrind, sable (black) in its dexter paw. The millrind is placed in the centre of a grindstone to protect the hole in the centre from the action of the axis ; it is a charge frequently used by persons connected with agriculture. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Christ Church S.S. Library]
Black ink on white paper. Text surrounded by thin border.
[Bookplate for City of Halifax and Citizens’ Free Library]
Black ink on cream paper. A coat of arms for the city of Halifax is printed in the upper-portion of the plate. Within this coat of arms stands a sailor on the left, with his hand placed on the crest containing a Belted Kingfisher on a grassy mound. Directly above the crest is a masoned Sable containing a sprig of mayflower. To the right is a fisherman holding a codfish by its head. Both figures and the crest are standing upon heraldic ribbon containing Latin phrasing within it. This portion is followed by the title of the library and three sections with horizontal dotted entries lines for entering the class, book, and accession number. In the lower right corner is a handwritten note in pencil.
[Bookplate for City of Halifax and Citizens’ Free Library]
Black and blue ink on cream paper. A coat of arms for the city of Halifax is printed in the upper-portion of the plate in blue ink. Within this coat of arms stands a sailor on the left, with his hand placed on the crest containing a Belted Kingfisher on a grassy mound. Directly above the crest is a masoned Sable containing a sprig of mayflower. To the right is a fisherman holding a codfish by its head. Both figures and the crest are standing upon heraldic ribbon containing Latin phrasing within it. This portion is followed by the title of the library in Germanic lettering and the name of the town in cursive.
[Bookplate for Convent of the Sacred Heart]
Black ink on tan paper. Text is in medieval script.
[Bookplate for Eliab Harvey]
In black ink, an oval escutcheon, or (gold), with a dancette chief, sable (black), containing three crescents, argent (silver). The crest is a dexter hand couped at the wrist and erected, floating above is an inverted crescent, argent. The Latin motto is found encircling the escutcheon on the bordure, argent. A wreath made of two laurel branches encapsulates the escutcheon. A banner, containing the German motto, is wrapped around the base of the wreath with the Badge of a Companion of the Order of the Bath hanging between it.
[Bookplate for Ernest Fawcett by British Columbia Department of Education]
Executed in black ink, this pre-printed textual bookplate is framed by a triple-lined border. The dotted lines have been filled in by hand in what was originally black ink but which is now green where the ink bled into the paper.
[Bookplate for F. H. Herrington by L. C. D.]
This bookplate's design features a learned Christian monk interrupted from his work, pausing, he looks outside of the frame at some unknown distraction. His desk is situated outside under a tree and the sun sets or rises behind him on the horizon. The brown tint to the monk's habit may indicate an affiliation with the Franciscan order or may merely be a design decision on the part of the artist.
[Bookplate for Ferdinand I Czar of Bulgaria]
In black ink, this complex bookplate contains an escutcheon divided quarterly ; the first and fourth quadrants contain a lion, salient and crowned (it is unclear what colour these quadrants would be due to the printing process) ; the second quadrant, argent (silver) contains two pallets, likely sable (black), and a sable chief charged with two crowns, argent, possibly signifying eastern or celestial crowns ; and the third quadrant, argent, contains two manche facing one another, with arms and hands emerging, together holding a crown. At the fess point is an inescutcheon, which bears the coat of arms of Saxony ; barry of ten pieces, or (gold) and sable, with a garter (vert), floral invection on sinister side. The escutcheon is crested by a royal crown framed by a circular halo. The escutcheon is supported by two lions, wearing royal crowns, each also framed by a circular halo. From around the waist of each lion descends a collar which meets at the nombril point below the escutcheon ; from this point hangs the Grand Cross Of The Order Of Saint Cyril and Saint Methodius. At either side of the order is a banner containing the originator's designation. Above the crest and supporters are two sets of fleur-de-lis, two over one, signifying the House of Bourbon ; and an additional banner.
[Bookplate for G. P. Girdwood]
Oval-shaped circular border with legend containing a motto printed in capital block letters across the top half. Bottom half of the border has shading, decorate circles, and a decorative end. Border made to look like a ribbon, one end of which loops over the bottom of the oval. End of the ribbon has thin borders, circular decorations, and almost tapers to a point with decorative curls at the end. In the center of the oval is a demi-lion rampant guardant. In its right paw, the lion holds a tree with round foliage at the top and sprawling roots at its base. Below the image is text written in stylized sentence-case serif font.
[Bookplate for Garnet Joseph Wolseley by Charles William Sherborn]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with a talbot passant, gules (red), and a mullet above at centre chief. The escutcheon is supported by a wolf, rampant clutching swords at dexter and sinister. The escutcheon is set within a garter-like setting, from which various military medals hang. Above the escutcheon is a viscount coronet, sans the cap, with a grated helmet at three-quarters, further delineating the rank of viscount. Upon the helmet rests a ducal coronet, which is charged with a wolf's head. Behind the wolf is a small banner with first Latin motto within (the family motto of Wolseley of Wolseley, Co. Stafford, Barts.), and below the supporters and escutcheon is a second banner, with second Latin motto within (the family motto of Wolseley of Mount Wolseley, Co. Carlow, Barts.), along with a larger banner with bookplate owner's name and title. Elaborate mantling radiates from the helmet, and the entire bookplate is encased in a ribbed border.
[Bookplate for George Grey]
In black ink, this bookplate contains an escutcheon with a barry of six pieces, argent (silver) and azure (blue), and a bend gules (red). On the bend are three roundlets bezant (gold). A diadem crest containing a swan rising with wings addorsed and elevated, and a trefoil on its breast. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the French motto.
[Bookplate for Henri Rainville]
This bookplate depicts a large, bespectacled rat, dressed in what appears to be eighteenth-century attire and displaying a prominent tail and whiskers. Facing away from the viewer, the rat is seated at a table in front of a window, through which the leaves of a tree can be seen. The rodent holds a quill pen and is poised to continue writing in a book that is propped open on the table with a second, closed volume.
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