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1. [Bookplate for Mae Burke Craft by A. H.] [Bookplate for Mae Burke Craft by A. H.] Central image is of a window with gables to the left and right above a large number of deciduous and coniferous plants and shrubs. The window looks onto a scene with an empty fireplace and a roman mantle above it holding a mounted mirror on top of it. There are various other pictures and bookcases/books held within the room in addition to an open book sitting on an antique armchair partly facing towards the open window. Hanging from the mantlepiece above the fire is a family crest, but it is too small to discern more than general details. The whole image is surrounded by a triple filleted black border.

2. [Bookplate for Maija Calite by Richards Skrubis] [Bookplate for Maija Calite by Richards Skrubis] Image is of a side profile of a woman (possibly originator) against a black and white background. There is a braid done in a circular pattern at the back of her hair and she is facing to the right.

3. [Bookplate for Gerald E. Hart by Edwin Cox & Co.] [Bookplate for Gerald E. Hart by Edwin Cox & Co.] Multicoloured ink on cream paper. Leaves with three pointed leaves adorn the corner of a brick pattern background. The leaves and brick are a pale green. There is an elaborate image printed on top of the pale green pattern. The bricks form an arch shape in the top centre to surround an elaborate multicoloured, painted arch. The arch is brown, gold, and black with ‘X’ decorations and borders. The arch surrounds a multicolour stained glass window, at the forefront of which sits a monk writing in a book. The stained glass window features a central circular decoration with three red circular borders surrounding three yellow circles, in the center of which are yellow flowers with three petals and green accents. In the outer spaces between the circles are rounded triangular lined insertions. At the very center of the three circles is a three ringed circle. To the bottom left and right of the circle decoration are more teardrop shaped sections with tapered bottoms. They each features yellow flowers with stems. Below the right floral decoration are two more similarly shaped sections with a swirling ribbon in each atop a blue crosshatch background. The arch connects to a Romanesque pillar on either side. The arch connects to an elaborately decorated bench, which has a golden floral motif. A bearded monk sits on the bench in floor-length yellow robes. The monk faces the right, where there is a desk. The desk is decorated on the side with ‘X’ decorations. Atop the desk is an open book that the monk is writing on. Below the desk is a decorative bird with a long, curved neck and floral elements extending from its back. The bird is accented with gold. To the right of the bird, partly reaching up to the top of the desk, are two rolled up pieces of paper. The floor consists of two thin platforms with green accents. A smaller rectangle is below with a gold crosshatch pattern. Text in the style of medieval manuscripts is printed atop. The first letter of each word is more stylized and in red font ; the rest of the text is blue. A thin ledge extends from the bottom of that rectangle. It tapers down to a more narrow line with two small pointed feet at the left and right sides. In that small section is a repeating geometric pattern in gold on a brown background. Below the entire image is small, red, capitalized, sans-serif font.

4. [Bookplate for Dr. Somogyi Ödön and J. E. Horvath by B. J.] [Bookplate for Dr. Somogyi Ödön and J. E. Horvath by B. J.] This art nouveau bookplate is in black and green ink, on ivory paper. It depicts a possible intruder clothed in black creeping around a green curtain from the left side. His eyes look towards a bookcase filled with books of varying sizes, which itself is partly covered with a curtain. On the right side of the image, with his back to the bookcase, is a white clothed figure holding an automatic pistol.

5. [Bookplate for Winfred Overholser] [Bookplate for Winfred Overholser] This bookplate's design is a pictoral scene of a tall ship at sea, with gales of wind blowing at the sails and water. Bookplate text at base. In black ink.
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