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[Bookplate for Samuel Lustgarten by G. H.]
This bookplate's design features a man sitting in an armchair, with his feet propped on a hassock, reading and smoking a pipe. The walls of his study are lined with book shelves and covered with works of art and seem to indicate his taste, connoisseurship and acumen.
[Bookplate for Mary Alice Peck]
Black ink on grey paper. The top portion of the bookplate features a series of vines on which appear to be bell shaped flowers, beneath which lies the owner's name.
[Bookplate for W. MacDonald MacKay]
A man in a powdered wig sit in a library, looking out the window, with a book laid out on a table before him. The window is open and flowers and vines grow around its frame. A book at the lower right corner of the plate lists the date and possible initials of the artist:"Sept 1896" and "RJ."
[Bookplate for W. E. Gale by George Kuthan]
Printed in black and red ink on blue paper. The image includes a border in black ink surrounding the image of a ship in red ink and text in black ink. What appears to be a small letter 'K' in red ink is to the right of the ship.
[Bookplate for Collège de Saint-Laurent]
In black ink on white paper, at the top of this bookplate one finds a banner bearing the text “BIBLIOTHÈQUE DU COLLÈGE DE SAINT-LAURENT” [French: Library of Saint-Laurent College], below which sits the coat of arms of Quebec. The coat of arms consists of a shield or escutcheon Or (gold) on a fess Gules (red) between two fleurs de lis in chief Azure (blue), and a sprig of three leaves of maple slipped Vert (green) in base, a lion passant guardant Or (gold). A banner below the escutcheon bears the motto “JE ME SOUVIENS” [French: I Remember]. On either side of the coat of arms of Quebec are shining five-point stars. Below the coat of arms of Quebec on the left is the coat of arms of the Congregation of the Holy Cross. The coat of arms consists of a shield or escutcheon Azure (blue), charged with a Latin cross, Or (gold), surmounted by two anchors, saltier, Argent (silver). A banner below the escutcheon bears the motto “SPES UNICA” [Latin: Our Only Hope]. To the right of the coat of arms of the Congregation of the Holy Cross appear the words “EX LIBRIS.” Further to the right is a third coat of arms, likely the coat of arms of the Collège de Saint-Laurent. The coat of arms consists of a shield or escutcheon party per fess, first party per pale Azure (blue), charged with a Latin cross, Or (gold), surmounted by two anchors, saltier, Argent (silver) ; Gules (red), charged with a feather quill, Argent (silver) ; second Azure (blue), a pale Or (gold). A banner dividing the shield per fess bares the acronym “C. S. L.” A banner below the escutcheon bears the motto of the Collège de Saint-Laurent: “PALMA DE CRUCE” [Latin: Victory by the Cross]. Below the three coats of arms appears a beaver facing left below which rests two crossed branches of sugar maple tied with a ribbon. At the bottom of the bookplate appear the words “MONTRÉAL, CANADA.”.
[Bookplate for Henry Augustus Sims]
In red ink on white paper, a border that contains red and black text and black decorative designs. Within the border, in black ink, there is an angled Escutcheon parted per pale. The dexter side is gules (red), containing a chevronel or (gold) with two mullets of six points, pierced, in chief, and one battle axe in base. The sinister side is quartered per cross by a cross argent (silver), with the dexter chief and sinister base quarters in azure (blue) and the sinister chief and dexter base quarters in gules. In each quarter save the sinister base there is a pheon proper. Above the Esctucheon, the mantling is topped by a wreath, from which a lion emerges, holding a battle axe. Below the Escutcheon is a banner bearing the motto, 'Ferio Tego.'.
[Bookplate for C. A. Walkinshaw]
In black ink, an architectural border surrounds an image of a stylized Greco-roman figure sitting on a seat, reading a book, with others at his feet. There is also a bird and scroll imposed on the white space within the side of the seat.
[Bookplate Academy of Medicine]
In black ink. A burning oil lamp above an open book with words on both pages. Below is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate Academy of Medicine]
In black ink. A burning oil lamp above an open book with words on both pages. Below is a banner containing the Latin motto. Below the text, a pre-printed line.
[Bookseller's Ticket for John Mercier McMullen]
In black ink on blue paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a triple border with decorative corners surrounding black text in roman and italic type. The bottom right corner of the bookseller's ticket has been ripped away and replaced with white paper.
[Bookplate for James Bell]
Centered text in black ink, with three fonts.
A coat of arms with mantling: Quarterly, 1st and 4th azure, 2 bars dancetty or, in chief 3 bezants ; 2nd and 3rd azure, a fess engrailed argent, surmounted by another, not engrailed, gules, charged with 3 roses argent, between as many swans, proper. Above the coat of arms are two crests: left is a swan gorged, wings displayed and inverted, on a wreath ; right is a bull at gaze, gorged and on a wreath. Below the coat of arms is a ribbon containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Pretre L. Bertrand]
An ornate border of foliage, flowers, ribbons, and musical instruments surrounds the text. Below the printed text is a manuscript note. The back of the bookplate is covered in marbling, presumably lifted from a book when the bookplate was removed.
[Bookplate for William C. Hawes by Alfred Adlard]
In black ink on white paper a large building is shown surrounded by a fence, smaller buildings, and trees.
[Bookplate by Colonist Lithography]
In black ink on cream paper. The top center contains the coat of arms, flanked by elaborate leafy scrollwork. In the center is text in multiple bold fonts identifying the book number and library number (with gray rectangles where these numbers were handwritten). The bottom third contains the small text rules. Surrounding everything are two thin borders, between which, on the bottom edge, is the name of the lithographer.
[Bookplate for J. Rumsey]
Printed in black ink, a simple linear border with sparsely set flowers surrounds the text. The seal in the center of the bookplate displays an image of the Calvary Church.
[Bookplate for J. G. Hearle]
The bookplate features a red field with cream and brown borders and text in cream with a black shadow.
[Bookplate for B. Hallé by L. P.]
Black ink on white paper. Thin, double-lined black border with rounded corners surrounds the bookplate. The background is filled in with vertical thin black stripes. At the top of the bookplate is printed capitalized sans-serif block text filled with horizontal black stripes. Some of the text is obscured by the top of a feather quill, which extends from the top right corner down to the bottom left corner. On top of the center of the quill is an open scroll with the top and bottom ends still rolled. The bookplate creator’s initials are printed in black sans-serif font on the curl of the paper at the top of the scroll. Cursive sentence case black font is printed on the scroll. The bottom of the scroll just grazes the bookplate author’s name, which is printed in the same large sans-serif block font with the horizontal stripes that is used for the text at the top of the bookplate.
[Bookplate for P. Gagnon]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a beaver lying on a crest-wreath. There are maple leaf branches extending from both sides of the beaver. The beaver is surrounded by a half-circle border with the motto in black, capitalized sans-serif font written across the arc. The shield is divided per fess, with the top half being further divided per pale and the upper left hand portion is divided into three horizontal sections. The topmost left hand section is argent with sable dots charged with two fleurs-de-lis. The middle left hand section is argent with sable stripes charged with a lion passant. The bottom left hand section is argent with sable dots charged with three maple leaves connected at the stem. The upper right hand side is argent charged with two pieces of equipment, one atop the other, and a pair of scissors below. The equipment has a small curved bottom with two long, curving handles on top with a spike pointing through the lower end of the handles. Below the top half is a thin black banner with white capitalized sans-serif text. Below the banner is an image of a natural forest and coastal landscape with a ship with two tall masts in the water. On the coast, there are people, possible colonizers, interacting. A large cross has been erected on the coast on the right hand side of the image. The dexter supporter and sinister supporter are moose standing a curling ribbon with text in capitalized black sans-serif font.
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