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1. [Bookplate for George Herbert Wailes] [Bookplate for George Herbert Wailes] This bookplate consists of a combination of heraldic and pictorial elements. At the centre, is an ovular frame containing an image of a nude woman in a crouching position, and holding a flower pot in her open hands. From the pot, stands a single flower. Above the frame is a small escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with a crane. The crest is a dexter helm, itself topped by a straight wreath, and a horseman's spur and strap, accompanied on either side by a pair of wings erect. Behind the crest is a banner containing the Latin motto.

2. [Bookplate for J. E. Horvath] [Bookplate for J. E. Horvath] Brown ink on cream paper. Cupboard with an array of ceramic pieces including candle sticks, jugs, bowls and figurines. The text box is centered infront of the cupboard and shield with a tea pot appears on top of the tex box.

3. [Bookplate for J.G. Grieve by William Walker Alexander] [Bookplate for J.G. Grieve by William Walker Alexander] Black ink on cream paper. Border features two parallel thin black lines on the outside with a thicker black line for the inner border. The upper-right hand corner has a microscope in profile against a sun with radiant rays. The microscope sits on a striped platform that tapers down to a point. In the upper-left hand corner is an oil lamp with a burning flame sitting on the same striped, tapered platform. In the centre of the two images is a rectangle with an indented top half. A white border surrounds black and white stripes of inconsistent length. Printed, capitalized, serif black text is printed on top. Below is a scene of a desk in a corner. There are two paintings, one on each wall. The one on the left is a nature scene and the one on the right is a landscape with a house and natural elements. On the right of the second painting is a vertical calendar for December 1963 listing Sunday the 24th to Saturday the 30th. The desk has drawers on both sides and one in the centre, all with handles. On top of the desk in the foregrounded left side is a black telephone sitting face down in the retriever. Behind the phone is a tall, thin plant in a white, hour-glass shaped pot. Next to the plant is a lamp with a short, wide, curved shade. In the centre of the back of the desk are four books, spines facing out, between two bookends. To the right of the books is a tall, thin vase with a scalloped edge holding several leafy flowers. To the right of that vase, in the right corner of the desk, is an analogue clock set in an upright square. The clock is set to approximately 4:05. Foregrounded in the right corner of the front of the desk is a book open to the title page. Across the bottom of the bookplate is a banner with curled ribbon ends. On the banner is stylized gothic font. Below the banner is a decorative row of leaves. In the bottom left hand corner is a small white patch with initials printed in black ink. Handwritten note in pencil on the verso.

4. [Bookplate for John William Griffin by Leslie Victor Smith] [Bookplate for John William Griffin by Leslie Victor Smith] Black ink on white paper. Perforated edges with round corners surround the bookplate. The bookplate is surrounded by an incomplete border of two black lines that do not connect at the top. There are spaced out diamond shapes on the border with black circular centres. At the top, the border folds into triangles at the left and right corners. Each corner has a square flower with four petals and one leaf with a darker background. The border frames an image with a rounded pointed top. The image shows a desk with a window looking onto a moving steam engine. At the top of the image is a circle with a white border. In the centre on a gray background is a griffin rampant on a crest-wreath. The steam engine is outside the window in the centre of the bookplate with steam pouring out. The window has vertical and horizontal stripes with black circles at the intersections of the stripes. There is a curtain on either side of the window. Nothing sits on the window ledge, but on the desk in front is half of a lamp with a decorative, bell-shaped shade, eight books with different spine designs, an ink pot with a feather quill in it, and a workspace with several papers on it. Below the image is a black rectangle with capitalized white font. At the centre of the top and bottom of the rectangle is a slight downward facing point. Below the bottom point in black ink are the initials of the creator and the year of creation.

5. [Bookplate for L. Farkas and J. E. Horvath by K. J.] [Bookplate for L. Farkas and J. E. Horvath by K. J.] Line drawing done in black ink on tan paper. Two plant pots with thorny vines at the at bottom of the image, one is standing and one is laying down. The vine from the standing pot, a rose vine, extends to the upper edge where it forms a frame around an open book with the letters A B C and children toys. The middle of the drawing displays a book with a rosary and flowers behind it. The text starts above the flowers, continues between the book and the plant pots, ending under the plant pots. A small round seal with the initals RS is displayed at the bottom left corner of te bookplate.
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