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[Bookplate for Victor W. Odlum]
The bookplate depicts several images representing aspects of Odlum's life and is printed in black and red on white paper. At the top of the bookplate is the family crest depicting a crowned owl (a pun on the pronunciation of the family name) and the motto "Vita Est Vigila." Underneath that is the Canadian flag and then below this is a series of biographically significant images. From left to right: a Turkish flag ; crossed swords and dates he served in the Boer War, World War One and World War Two ; and an outline of Australia and a kangaroo. Below this series is an ancient Chinese character (Odlum's chop), a printing press ; and gardening tools, and books on shelves.
[Bookplate for Victor W. Odlum]
The bookplate depicts several images representing aspects of Odlum's life and is printed in black and red on white paper. At the top of the bookplate is the family crest depicting a crowned owl (a pun on the pronunciation of the family name) and the motto "Vita Est Vigila." Underneath that is the Canadian flag and then below this is a series of biographically significant images. From left to right: a printing press ; a Turkish flag ; crossed swords and dates he served in the Boer War, World War One and World War Two ; an outline of Australia and a kangaroo ; and gardening tools. Below this series is an ancient Chinese character (Odlum's chop) and books.
[Bookplate for Amelia Alexis Alvey by Eva Alvey Richards]
This is a pictorial bookplate created using brown ink on thick ivory paper. A nude female, portrayed kneeling on a pedestal, gazing down at an open book. A lamp is in nude's right hand and a caduceus (symbolising medicine) is in her left hand. Hanging from the caduceus is a scroll of music with legible musical notation. Placed in front of the nude is a large open book with objects placed on the left page. These objects (from left to right) consist of: an empty retort (symbolising chemistry), a round beaker, a small closed book, a microscope (representing biology), a beaker, and a test tube. A ribbon is tucked in the right pages of the book and reads "Ex Libris." Another ribbon below the book reads "Amelia Alexis Alvey." At the front of the pedestal are four heraldic shields. From left to right are: An argent shield with a eagle displayed, tongue protruding. On the chest of the eagle is a quartered per cross shield with the first and the sinister base are argent and the sinister chief and dexter base are black. Behind the shield is a palm. The next shield is argent with a fleur-de-lis ; below this shield are two irises. The next shield is argent with a beaver on it, around the shield are maple leaves. The final shield is argent with an eagle displayed clutching in its dexter talon palm leaves and in its sinister talon three arrows. Below the shield is a single rose.
Image shows both the recto and verso of the sample bookplate sheet produced by the Globe Wernicke Co. of Cincinnati, Ohio. The sheet contains two sample bookplates. The one on the left, in colour, shows two white swans on a water-lily spotted lake. On the distant shoreline, one can see among the green foliage the rooftop and chimney of a home. The image is framed by an oval floral border on a yellow and white background. The second sample bookplate, on the right, shows a pirate on a beach, either burying treasure or digging it up. On the pale blue water of the horizon, a ship sits in wait. The sample bookplate sheet is divided into four sections by perforated lines. The recto also includes a mail order form for more sample bookplates and a booklet on "The World's Best Books". The verso includes the reverse of the mail order form, complete with place for a stamp, and also an advertisement for Globe-Wernicke bookcases.
[Bookplate for Mary Cleghorn]
This bookplate features a squirrel and leaf design motif, and artistically relies heavily on positive and negative space. Bookplate text is aligned top mid-right, and two block floral borders are places above and below the primary image. Artists' mark, possibly reading 'R.T.P.' is at bottom right.
[Bookbinder's Tickets]
1) In black ink on blue paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a decorative black border surrounding black text.
2) In black ink on yellow paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a decorative black border surrounding black text.
[Bookplate for Thomas Nickleson Jeffery by C. W. Torbett]
The armorial bookplate features a coat of arms. The escutcheon (shield) appears to be the impalement, or combining, of two distinct coats of arms into one shield. The dexter (right) shield is quartered: the repeated pattern features naiant (swimming) dolphins in an azure chevron between three leopard faces ; roses in a divided field of ermine (white with black tincture) and erminois (gold with black tincture) ; and a pheon (barbed arrow head) over an embattled field of sable and azure. Sinister (left) is a lion passant (lion depicted facing and walking to the left), which appears to be the shield of Jeffrey’s family through marriage, the Uniackes. Above the shield is a crest featuring a tree and a leopard with a horizontal anchor under its paw. Below the shield is a motto.
[Bookplate for M. J. Freie]
Pictorial bookplate created with black ink on ivory paper. A clock tower is visible through a stone, oval, window. In the upper right and left corners are shields: On the left side is an or shield with a displayed double-headed bird ; on the chest of the bird is an argent shield with a vert fess. The shield on the right side is sable with a ship. In the bottom right corner is an owl perched atop books and in the left corner is a painter's pallet and brushes.
[Bookplate for British Association for the Advancement of Science]
Red and black ink on white paper. Coat of arms at top. Quartered shield shows English rose, Scottish thistle, Irish clover and Canadian beaver. Text in a bordered circle around shield. Cursive text below. Contributors include British Association.
[Bookplate for Clark. William Mortimer]
In black ink, a circular belt/garter provides the border. Within is a cat, sejant rampant, upon a straight crest wreath. The belt contains the English motto.
[Bookplate for Frederick Starr]
Woodblock print consisting of six separate bookplate designs. From left to right, top to bottom, designs consist of: a turtle with a hair-like tail ; two storks amid foliage ; a Japanese chrysanthemum ; a traditional Japanese dragon ; small bird perched on a cherry tree branch ; a fish swimming in a stream. Each design has two Japanese characters at top right and bottom left.
[Bookplate for Frederick Starr]
Woodblock print consisting of six separate bookplate designs. From left to right, top to bottom, designs consist of: two butterflies in flight ; a single lobster a cherry tree branch in bloom ; two birds in flight around three stocks of bamboo two figures fan dancing ; three monkeys in the 'hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil' poses. Each design has two Japanese characters at top right and bottom left.
[Bookplate for Edith Dair and Carl Dair]
A man, bare-chested stands on a rocky outcropping, holding a book in his hand, balanced against his thigh. Light streams from above. Chestnut coloured ink on cream background. Originators' names in black type.
[Bookplate for Collège de Saint-Laurent]
In black ink on white paper, at the top of this bookplate one finds a banner bearing the text “BIBLIOTHÈQUE DU COLLÈGE DE SAINT-LAURENT” [French: Library of Saint-Laurent College], below which sits the coat of arms of Quebec. The coat of arms consists of a shield or escutcheon Or (gold) on a fess Gules (red) between two fleurs de lis in chief Azure (blue), and a sprig of three leaves of maple slipped Vert (green) in base, a lion passant guardant Or (gold). A banner below the escutcheon bears the motto “JE ME SOUVIENS” [French: I Remember]. On either side of the coat of arms of Quebec are shining five-point stars. Below the coat of arms of Quebec on the left is the coat of arms of the Congregation of the Holy Cross. The coat of arms consists of a shield or escutcheon Azure (blue), charged with a Latin cross, Or (gold), surmounted by two anchors, saltier, Argent (silver). A banner below the escutcheon bears the motto “SPES UNICA” [Latin: Our Only Hope]. To the right of the coat of arms of the Congregation of the Holy Cross appear the words “EX LIBRIS.” Further to the right is a third coat of arms, likely the coat of arms of the Collège de Saint-Laurent. The coat of arms consists of a shield or escutcheon party per fess, first party per pale Azure (blue), charged with a Latin cross, Or (gold), surmounted by two anchors, saltier, Argent (silver) ; Gules (red), charged with a feather quill, Argent (silver) ; second Azure (blue), a pale Or (gold). A banner dividing the shield per fess bares the acronym “C. S. L.” A banner below the escutcheon bears the motto of the Collège de Saint-Laurent: “PALMA DE CRUCE” [Latin: Victory by the Cross]. Below the three coats of arms appears a beaver facing left below which rests two crossed branches of sugar maple tied with a ribbon. At the bottom of the bookplate appear the words “MONTRÉAL, CANADA.”.
[Bookplate for Dufferin School John Frothingham Library]
Printed in navy ink, a geometric border surrounds the text printed in three fonts. The coat of arms of Montreal is raised in red with accompanying banners. The shield is topped with a crown and features a red saltire with four charges between the arms: a rose, thistle, clover, and beaver. The bookplate includes a watermark.
[Bookplate for J.G. Grieve by William Walker Alexander]
Black ink on cream paper. Border features two parallel thin black lines on the outside with a thicker black line for the inner border. The upper-right hand corner has a microscope in profile against a sun with radiant rays. The microscope sits on a striped platform that tapers down to a point. In the upper-left hand corner is an oil lamp with a burning flame sitting on the same striped, tapered platform. In the centre of the two images is a rectangle with an indented top half. A white border surrounds black and white stripes of inconsistent length. Printed, capitalized, serif black text is printed on top. Below is a scene of a desk in a corner. There are two paintings, one on each wall. The one on the left is a nature scene and the one on the right is a landscape with a house and natural elements. On the right of the second painting is a vertical calendar for December 1963 listing Sunday the 24th to Saturday the 30th. The desk has drawers on both sides and one in the centre, all with handles. On top of the desk in the foregrounded left side is a black telephone sitting face down in the retriever. Behind the phone is a tall, thin plant in a white, hour-glass shaped pot. Next to the plant is a lamp with a short, wide, curved shade. In the centre of the back of the desk are four books, spines facing out, between two bookends. To the right of the books is a tall, thin vase with a scalloped edge holding several leafy flowers. To the right of that vase, in the right corner of the desk, is an analogue clock set in an upright square. The clock is set to approximately 4:05. Foregrounded in the right corner of the front of the desk is a book open to the title page. Across the bottom of the bookplate is a banner with curled ribbon ends. On the banner is stylized gothic font. Below the banner is a decorative row of leaves. In the bottom left hand corner is a small white patch with initials printed in black ink. Handwritten note in pencil on the verso.
[Bookplate for Jac Balfour Paul Ado]
Using black ink on white paper, the background of this pictorial bookplate portrays a window frame and windowsill. The top left side of the window is latticed, below which is an image of a rocky mountain and forest above which the sun is rising or setting. On the right side of the window frame is a shelf with three books. Leaning against the shelf is an unravelled scroll reading "In Soli / tudine / Solamen" [comfort in solitude]. Below this text is a lit lamp. On the windowsill are three figures. From left to right, the first figure is standing, nude and holding a comedy mask to its face. The second nude is sitting holding a cape over its shoulder (on the cape is a heraldic emblem: The shield is argent with a rampant lion). The third figure is sitting with its right leg crossed over the left leg, clothed in a judge/lawyer's wig, clothed in robes and holding a large open book in its lap.
[Bookplate by G. P. V. Akrigg]
Created using black ink on white paper (glue painted on back). The image is of a desk facing a window with two panes (each divided into eight sections) opening onto a view of an inlet and three mountains. A totem pole is behind the sinister pane. Drawn curtains are on both the sinister and dexter sides of the window. Above the window is a ribbon inscribed with "ALL LEARNING BUT AN ART TO LIVE WELL." On the desk, from left to right, is a painter's palette with two paint brushes, an open book, a ruler, ink well, fountain pen, pencils, card catalogue drawer, index card, small closed book, and a bust of Shakespeare. Below the bust are inscribed the initials "G.P.V.A."
[Bookplate for George Macaulay Booth]
This is a pictorial bookplate created with black ink on white paper. In the foreground are cobblestones and an open doorway. On the left of the doorway is a desk with a lit candle and an open book on it and in the middle of the doorway is a sundial. Outside of the doorway are rolling hills with two paths: one leading to a village and the other to a bay with two boats on it. A sun sets/rises over the bay. At the bottom is a Latin inscription framed with two roses that reads: "Nec temere nec timide [neither rashly nor timidly] / Dulce Periculum [danger is sweet]." Two animals are portrayed on the right and left sides of the inscription.
[Bookplate for Frances Wahlstad Cochrane]
Central image is of a portrait shaped rectangular frame surrounding a chequered field suggesting a window. Only black and the natural paper color are used. There is an elaborate metal candelabra on the lower left side of the chequered field. The metal of the three candle holders is coiled counter-clockwise down towards the base, and has a roman column base. There are three burning wax candles with white streamers flowing upwards from them mounted on the candelabra. Next to the candelabra are three horizontally stacked books. They are stacked with the bottom and topped books having the spine oriented at an angle towards the right front side of the image. The middle book has the opposite orientation of the spine.
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