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[Bookplate for M. J. Freie]
Pictorial bookplate created with black ink on ivory paper. A clock tower is visible through a stone, oval, window. In the upper right and left corners are shields: On the left side is an or shield with a displayed double-headed bird ; on the chest of the bird is an argent shield with a vert fess. The shield on the right side is sable with a ship. In the bottom right corner is an owl perched atop books and in the left corner is a painter's pallet and brushes.
[Bookplate for Blythe Eagles by A. W.]
Armorial bookplate created with black ink on white paper. In the precise middle chief is an eagle (created in a First Nations' design) clutching a fish. A purpure chevron with three dogwood flowers is also portrayed. Three university shields are featured: University of Toronto (dexter chief), Yale University (sinister chief), University of British Columbia (nombril point). Below the University of British Columbia's crest are two aulns (single pieces of wheat).
[Bookplate for Amelia Alexis Alvey by Eva Alvey Richards]
This is a pictorial bookplate created using brown ink on thick ivory paper. A nude female, portrayed kneeling on a pedestal, gazing down at an open book. A lamp is in nude's right hand and a caduceus (symbolising medicine) is in her left hand. Hanging from the caduceus is a scroll of music with legible musical notation. Placed in front of the nude is a large open book with objects placed on the left page. These objects (from left to right) consist of: an empty retort (symbolising chemistry), a round beaker, a small closed book, a microscope (representing biology), a beaker, and a test tube. A ribbon is tucked in the right pages of the book and reads "Ex Libris." Another ribbon below the book reads "Amelia Alexis Alvey." At the front of the pedestal are four heraldic shields. From left to right are: An argent shield with a eagle displayed, tongue protruding. On the chest of the eagle is a quartered per cross shield with the first and the sinister base are argent and the sinister chief and dexter base are black. Behind the shield is a palm. The next shield is argent with a fleur-de-lis ; below this shield are two irises. The next shield is argent with a beaver on it, around the shield are maple leaves. The final shield is argent with an eagle displayed clutching in its dexter talon palm leaves and in its sinister talon three arrows. Below the shield is a single rose.
This royal bookplate, in black ink, contains two shields surrounded by a border of floral branches and elaborately twisting rope. The dexter shield represents the Arms of the ducs de Berry (after 1376). This shield, azure (blue), with an embattled bordure, gules (red) is charged with three fleurs-de-lis, two over one. The sinister shield represents the coat of arms of the Kingdom of the Two Sicilies. Above the two shields is a royal crown adorned with fleur-de-lis.
[Bookplate for Susie Maria Denton Massey]
The image of a large house sitting above a wooded riverbank is possibly that of Dentonia Park Farm, the estate and working farm that Hart Massey built for his wife Susie in 1889. Massey's name is flanked by two lions bearing shields.
[Bookplate for Joint Board of Theological Colleges]
Black ink on cream paper. An ornate banned frame with leaf sprigs houses the text. At the bottom of the frame, the letters MTD are incorporated amid a sprig. The outside of the frame is decorated with a repeating leaf pattern. The corners of the frame are four shields. The top left tablet shield is dotted (gold) and charged with an undecipherable center object. An open book sits atop the shield. The top right tablet shield is horizontally lined (azure) and charged with a downward facing bird (dove) at the chief and an open book at the base. A tree sits atop the shield. The bottom left Norman pointed shield is horizontally lined (azure) with a cross (argent). It is charged with an open book with writing over the center of the cross. A coronet sits atop the shield. The bottom right spade shield is blank (argent) and is charged with an anchor. A mitre sits atop the shield.
[Bookplate for Howard]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a lion statant guardant standing on a circular platform wrapped in a pointed ribbon decorated with four diamonds. Shield features sable and argent stripes. There is an argent bend featuring a decorative smaller shield that has several geometric borders with a demi-lion rampant in the center. The shield is charged with six crosses, three on each side of the bend. The crosses peter to a thin point at the bottom and the other parts of the cross divide into miniature cross shapes. The shield has dexter and sinister supporters, both lions rampant. The bases of the lions’ neck are decorated with a star. The lions are standing on a curling ribbon that features the motto, printed in capitalized sans serif font. Below the motto is the name of the bookplate owner printed in stylized gothic sentence-case font. Four squiggly arrows point towards the text from each side.
[Bookplate for L. Emile Grothé by Aimé Dufesne]
Black ink on white paper. Border has white outlines, shaded for a three-dimensional effect and is filled in with thin black lines. The top and bottom sides of the border indent in the middle with squared corners. The left and right sides of the border indent in the middle with rounded corners. The top half of the bookplate has diagonal black lines extending wider from the centre. The top left corner features a person wearing a feathered headdress and a sash holding arrows in their left hand and a bow in their right hand. They are standing on a decorative ledge connected to the border and sitting atop of an elaborate curlicue. The right corner has the same curlicue and ledge and a person in a long coat and striped hat holding a pouch stands atop it. Between the two figures is an open book. The bottom of the top half of the bookplate contains half a round map of the world surrounded by a thick border of the same style as the overall bookplate border. The owner’s motto is written across the map’s border in thin, capitalized, sans-serif font. A rectangular border of the same design sits in the centre of the bookplate. The top of the border features large, captitalized, serif block font. The font is white with a black background and white stripes surrounding that background. On either side of that text are half circle decorations in a vertical stack between two thin white borders. The centre of the rectangle within the borders has a grey background with capitalized, sans-serif block font printed on top. The font is black with a white outline and dark shading. Two shields hang below the rectangle on the left and right side. The shield on the left is argent with sable dots per fess. The top third of the crest is charged with two fleurs-des-lis. The central portion of the crest, featuring sable and argent stripes. is charged with a lion passant guardant. The bottom third of the crest is charged with three maple leaves with connected stems. The shield on the right is per pale consisting of sable and argent stripes and argent with sable dots. The left side is charged with two lions passant that are argent with sable dots. The right side is charged with a lion sejant erect and eight hearts, each of which are sable and argent striped. Between the two crests, hanging from the central rectangular feature, is a checkered black rectangle with white borders on the left, right, and bottom sides. White curlicues extend from the left and right sides. Similar curlicues, leafy decoration, and black strip adorned with small circles extend from the bottom of the rectangle. The background of the bottom half of the bookplate not covered with other decorative features has the same black stripes as the top half. In the bottom left and right corners of the bookplate are four books each, spines facing out. Next to the books on the left is a black inkwell with two feather quills in it. Next to the inkwell is a beehive on a wooden platform surrounded by five bees. On the right of the beehive is an oil lamp with a bright flame burning. Outside the bottom border, inside the indent, the bookplate creator’s name and date of creation is printed in thin, black, sentence-case, serif font.
[Bookplate for Library of Diocesan Theological College]
Black ink on white paper. There is italicized black text with a dotted line at the top of the bookplate. There is an almond shaped design with double lined black borders. The border contains capitalized black sans serif font. In the center are two shields. A white shield with an anchor partially covers a black shield. A bishop’s hat sits atop the shield. A motto is printed in the banner. Below more italicized text is printed with a dotted line. There are several lines of stylized black gothic fond, one line of sans serif capitalized black font, and then one final line of italicized text with a dotted line.
[Bookplate for Art Gallery of Toronto by Alexander Scott Carter]
Blank ink on white paper. Border consists of a thin black line, then a thicker black line, then an alternating black and white dashed line, and finally a thin black line. Capitalized black font with the words separated by geometric dots surrounds a black square. The black square is decorated on the inside with floral motifs. There is a circle inside the square with black text and black borders. Inside the circle are some more floral motifs, as well as two shields. The top shield is divided per pale. The left hand side is quartered with alternating designs of 3 horizontal arrows and vertical triangles. On the right hand side, the top third features vertical stripes, while the bottom two thirds are charged with three black stars. The lower shield is divided in a similar way and has the same stars and stripe design on the right hand side. The left hand side has alternating designs of fish, waves, and lions passant. Between the two shields is a horizontal rectangular box with black text inside. At the bottom of the bookplate is another rectangle with a border decorated with a swirling black and white motif. There is also an inner black border, inside of which is more black text.
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