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[Bookplate for Oeuvre des Bons Livres de Montreal]
Printed in black ink on cream paper, an intricate border evocative of a tabernacle and constructed of geometric repeating patterns.
[Bookplate for Thomas B. Greening]
Printed in black ink on cream paper. In the centre of the image, a heraldic shield is depicted. The shield is decorated by two thick intersecting lines with reversed scalloped edges, forming a cross shape. The lines are incised with a pattern of thin, close-set vertical lines and contrast against a solid background. Below the shield, a banner with chevron-ed edges contains the phrase ‘A TOUTE FORCE.’ Above the shield, the head and neck of a horse is shown in profile, facing left, with its mouth open and mane flowing.
[Bookplate for Max Hermann]
Printed in black ink on cream paper. The image shows an older man sitting, facing left. The man has long hair and wears a pillbox hat and a robe. He sits in a carved wooden chair, hunched over a large book that rests on a lectern and turns the pages with his left hand. His head is shown in profile, framed by a circular sun with lines radiating out in all directions.
[Bookplate for Claude Lamont Wheeler]
Printed in black ink on greenish gray paper, the bookplate consists of a two line border surrounding the name of the owner. In the lower left corner appears the word 'No.' followed by a dotted line for the addition of a hand-written number. The number '33' has been written in ink.
[Bookplate for G. L’Heureux]
Printed in black ink on orange-yellow paper with an adhesive backing. The image depicts a stylized scene of a laborer in a field. The figure stands with his face in profile and in shadow with the shoulders and torso turned toward the viewer. He wears a plaid shirt and a rounded black hat with a flat brim. In his left hand the figure holds the handle of a long scythe, which rests on his left shoulder with the blade extending behind. In his right hand he carries a bushel of wheat. The foreground contains stylized stalks of wheat while the background depicts rolling hills and rounded clouds. In the middle ground there are more fields with a house positioned to the right of the figure.
[Bookplate for Antony F. C. Tétrault]
Printed in black ink on white paper, the bookplate shows an open book in front of a lit, winged torch. Below the book appear the words 'EX LIBRIS' below which sits a black dividing line approximately 1.2 CM long. Below the line appears the word 'DATE:' below which appears a dotted line for the addition of a hand-written date. Below the dotted line appears the name of the owner, 'Antony F. C. Tétrault.'.
[Bookplate for Claude Lamont Wheeler by C. Collmen]
Printed in black on white or cream paper. In the upper left corner of the bookplate appear the words 'NULLA DIES SINE / LINEA' followed by four upward pointing arrows or crosses. To the right in the upper center of the bookplate appears a framed portrait of a horned figure (the devil?). The center of the bookplate shows the caricatured figure of a man sitting at a roll top desk. His tall wooden chair leaves his feet dangling above the ground. The man holds a lit cigar in his left hand and quill pen in his right hand. The desk, the wastepaper basket to the right of it, and the floor around it are littered with sheets of paper. Several books, as well as an owl and a human skull sit on the top of the desk. To the left, an over-sized pair of scissors leans against the man's chair. To the right of the desk appears the name of the illustrator, C. Collmen(?). Below the illustration appears a white bordered box with the words 'Ex Libris,' below which appears the name of the owner.
[Bookplate for Montreal Catholic School Commission]
The bookplate is surrounded by a stylized block border with a design within it. At the top, the school board crest is printed above the words 'Commission des Ecoles Catholiques de Montreal'. The body of the bookplate is comprised of a printed form with space for a student's name, reason for the award, grade, school, date and year to be filled in by hand.
[Bookplate for H. Curtis]
The owner's name is written in black ink, surrounded by an elaborate border in blank ink, on a thin, green faded paper.
[Bookplate for Les Religieuses de Sœurs des Saints Noms de Jésus et Marie]
The pre-formatted plate for awards is printed in black ink and multiple fonts, and filled in with a single hand. Above the text sits a cross entwined in daffodils with the motto of the religious order on scrolls above and below the cross, all encircled with a border. The text and insignia are enclosed in a thick, detailed decorative border.
[Bookplate for A. W. Robertson]
This bookplate consists of a pictorial image of men in a rowboat in the foreground with the image of a large sailboat in the background. Between the two primary images is the shape of a whale, the ocean, and three small rowboats. It is designed to replicate the style of stained glass, and is therefore divided into sections which are executed in varying colours such as blue, green, yellow, brown, and purple. Each section is delineated in black ink and is bordered in black ink. The bookplate is on white paper.
[Bookplate for A. W. Robertson]
This bookplate is executed in dark ink on white paper. It depicts a ship with a compass-rose in the lower left corner.
This bookplate is printed in black ink on cream paper, and consists of a decorative border with ivy leaves and trefoils attached to a thicker border, with a thin, multi-part border just inside. In the upper left is an ornate monogram and in the lower part are two dotted lines, the second of which is labeled.
[Bookplate for Harold Hampson]
This bookplate's design features a collared greyhound's head, erased, above a mural coronet. Below a banner waves containing the originator's Latin motto.
[Bookplate for London Public Library and Art Museum]
This bookplate’s design features a depiction of the façade of the London, Canada, Mechanics’ Institute framed by two large maple trees. A banner above, labels the print as an ex-libris and a separate compartment below the building displays several books and the originating institution’s name.
[Bookplate for F. H. Herrington by L. C. D.]
This bookplate's design features a learned Christian monk interrupted from his work, pausing, he looks outside of the frame at some unknown distraction. His desk is situated outside under a tree and the sun sets or rises behind him on the horizon. The brown tint to the monk's habit may indicate an affiliation with the Franciscan order or may merely be a design decision on the part of the artist.
[Bookplate for Ditton Park]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), divided per pale. The left armorial is charged with three fusils, gules (red). The right armorial has a chief, azure (blue), the charged with three mullets. The lower half is charged with a crowned heart, possibly a preperesentation of a Claddagh.
[Bookplate for Mary Katharine Black and F. Black]
This is a commercial, pictorial bookplate displaying, in vivid colours, an antiquated ship sailing over the horizon. The names of the originators have been hand written onto a banner above the ship.
[Bookplate for Frederick Starr]
Woodblock bookplate in four blocks: black, blue, orange and red. Image of a Japanese figure resembling a nesting doll.
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