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[Bookplate for Vancouver Medical Association]
Black ink on cream paper. Text is surrounded by a simple double border. Donor information is typewritten.
[Bookplate for Hopital Général d’Ottawa]
Black ink on cream paper. The bookplate features a border consisting of thick, black wavy lines with arrows on the ends of each line pointing towards the corner. Each corner has three diamonds shaped in a triangle. Inside the border, there is a circular image with a border of two interwoven black wavy lines. Inside that border is capitalized text printed in bold, black, sans serif front. In the center of the circle is a cross coming out of the ground wrapped in vines. Above and below the cross are two ribbons with mottos printed in capitalized, black, sans serif front. At the bottom of the bookplate, outside of the circular design, but inside the first border, is text printed in capitalized, black, serif font.
[Bookplate for Stanley Harrod]
Black ink on cream paper. The bookplate features an elaborate border. A thin black line outlines a thick black and white design featuring repeating white floral motifs in diamond shapes on a black background. A thin white border separates the border from the internal image. The image features a monk writing at a desk. The monk is in white clothes and the wooden desk and chair are black. The desk has a special stand for writing. Above the monk to the left is a window with the shutters open, showing several buildings, one of which is a tall tower, outside. There are trees amongst the buildings and a large fluffy cloud behind the tower. Inside the room, directly above the monk, are several bookshelves attached to the wall. There is some pottery on the top shelf and three rows of books, spines facing out, below. To the top right of the monk is another window with the shutters closed. The shutters appear wooden with round circles cut out of them. The walls and floors of the room are also wooden. On the floor to the right of the desk is a closed book. Below this image, surrounded by a thin white border, is a white rectangle with capitalized, black, serif font printed in it. The words are separated by centered black dots. Between this rectangle and the larger overall border are white, curling ribbons.
[Bookplate for Gabrielle Labelle]
Black ink on cream paper. The border consists of two black lines on the left and right-hand sides. At the base of each side are black decorative spiraling lines. The top and bottom portion of the border are more elaborate. These borders are thicker with a thin black line on either side and a thick black line in the center. The border is wavy with the lines slanting on either side towards the center of the border. On the top and bottom center of the border is a small half circle decorated with black stripes. In the upper righthand corner of the bookplate is text printed in a stylized serif, capitalized, black font. In the middle of the bookplate is a drawing of a woman sitting at a tall desk reading an open book. The desk is narrow and tall with cupboard at the back. The cupboard is round at the top and the doors are decorated with simple slanted lines. The woman has her hair up and is wearing a dress with puffed sleeves decorated with a simple flower. The skirt of the dress is extremely large and round. The skirt extends out across the entire bottom half of the bookplate. Part of the skirt is decorated with stylized spiral lines and a flower. At the base of the skirt, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in a stylized cursive, black, sentence case font.
[Bookplate for A. C. Jones by Clare Victor Dwiggins]
Black ink on cream paper. The border of the bookplate consists of intertwined thorny and leafy vines with thicker leaves in the corners. The top left and right corners also feature rose-like flowers. Near the top of the border, vines extend from the left and right sides towards the center of the bookplate design. Capitalized, black, whimsical font is at the top of the bookplate. Dots surround some of the words and some letters are looping or intertwined. In the center of the bookplate, a tall, thin, beautiful woman in a whimsical fluted dress stands atop a closed book. The woman’s hair is done up and decorated with flowers. Flowers also decorate the top of the dress, the bottom of which features a spiral pattern. The dress is cinched at the waist with a belt and similarly cinched around the thighs with a large ribbon tied in a bow. The bottom of the dress extends outwards and there is a lacey layer underneath. The woman is wearing slip-on high heels with bows on the front. Next to the large book the woman is standing on are two books, one small one in front of the book sitting on its side. The other book is standing upright and is behind the large book. The woman is bending towards a small, naked cherub with a single curl atop its head and feathery wings. The cherub is standing in front of a book open and standing on its pages with the spine up. The cherub is also holding an open book and looking smilingly up at the woman. Behind the woman, the bookplate creator’s name is printed in curling, capitalized, black font. At the bottom of the bookplate, the owner’s name is printed in black, gothic, sentence case font.
[Bookplate for F. W. R. Johnston]
Black ink on cream paper. The border of the bookplate is decorated with black and white checkers with a thin white line on the side of the border. In the center of the bookplate is a modernized heraldic design. The background of the center of the bookplate is black with small white dots. Text is printed at the top of the bookplate in white block letters. In the middle of the bookplate is a crest-wreath from which extends a knight’s armoured arm holding a sword that is printed on top of the block lettering. There is a black eight-pointed star with a hole in the middle on the knight’s elbow. The motto is printed on a ribbon that extends up along the left side of the knight’s arm and then cuts across and starts curling down on the right side of the arm, extending out horizontally on the right side and curling back up again. Capitalized, black, serif font is printed on three parts of the ribbon. The part of the ribbon that curls up on the right side has a black stem with leaves on it. The ribbon has a border of two, thin black lines. Below the crest-wreath is a chunkier scroll with curling ends on all sides. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in capitalized, curling, black, serif font. The last name is larger than the first initials. Below the same is a stylized white and black infinity symbol. Within the borders, in the bottom right corner, there is a small white circle with a white cross in the center.
[Bookplate for Coburn Haskell by E. Cox & Co]
Black ink on cream paper. The coat of arms features a shield of vair represented in six rows of black and silver. The depiction includes mantling. A helmet tops the shield and at the crest is a fruit tree. Below is a scroll with motto. The publisher information is inscribed under the shield.
[Bookplate for E. J. Hodgson]
Black ink on cream paper. The crest features a bird perched on a crest-wreath. The bird has elaborate head and tail feathers and is holding a leafy branch in its beak. Curling, leafy mantling surrounds the shield, which is divided per chevron engrailed. The top portion of the shield is argent with sable dots and charged with two trussed sable striped birds. The bottom portion of the shield is sable striped and is charged with a trussed argent bird with sable dots. Below the shield, the motto is printed on a ribbon with curling ends. The mottos is written in black, capitalized, sans serif font. The last s in “SPES” has been thickened by hand. Below the motto, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in black, sentence case, stylized gothic font with curling spirals.
[Bookplate for Frank John Joseph]
Black ink on cream paper. The crest features a bushel of wheat tied with a ribbon around the center atop a crest-wreath. Shield is divided per chevron. The background is black and it is charged with five smaller bushels three over two. The three bushels are above the chevron and the remaining two are below. The shield is decorated with an elaborate white border. Below the shield, the motto is printed in black, capitalized, block sans serif font on a curling ribbon with decorative ends. Underneath the motto, the bookplate owner’s name is printed in black, sentence case gothic font.
[Bookplate for Jenkins]
Black ink on cream paper. The crest features a furry lion passant reguardant standing atop a castle tower. The castle tower is above a crest-wreath. Elaborate, curling, feathery black and white mantling extends from the top of the shield and expands out along the sides. The shield is divided per pale. The left section has a white background with black dots and is charged with a black lion rampant reguardant. The right section of the shield is charged with a bird perched on a tree branch growing out of the ground. There is no background except for the branch and ground that is lighter on top and darker at the bottom. The motto is printed on a curling ribbon below the shield. There is shading on the ends of the ribbon. The motto is printed in capitalized, black, serif font. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in a more stylized, paler, capitalized, black serif font underneath the motto.
[Bookplate for William Swift Keyser]
Black ink on cream paper. The crest features an esquire helm with elaborate mantling extending out along both sides of the bookplate. Extended, feathery wings rise out of the top of the helm. The helm sites directly on the shield, which is divided per pale and per rounded chevron. The three parts of the shield are different colour. The upper left portion is argent, the upper right side portion has vertical sable lines, and the rounded bottom portion has horizontal sable lines. Sitting atop the rounded bottom portion is a king. The man is sitting cross-legged and holds a sword in his left hand and a rounded vessel with a cross on top in his right hand. The man is wearing a crown and a cape. He has long hair and a small beard. Below the shield, the bookplate owner’s name is printed on a curling ribbon in capitalized, bold, serif font. Underneath the ribbon, text is printed in sentence case, thin, cursive font followed by a line of small black dots. There is a black ink smudge on the bottom right corner of the bookplate.
[Bookplate for Herbert Fairbairn Gardiner]
Black ink on cream paper. Thin black border surrounds the text and image on the bookplate. At the top of the bookplate, within the border, is printed black gothic text. Below the text is a portrait photograph of the bookplate owner showing a balding white man with a large moustache in a black suit with a white shirt and bow tie. The photograph has a thin black border. Below the photograph is large, black, sentence case font. Underneath this text is the same font in a smaller size.
[Bookplate for Ödön Stern and J. E. Horvath by B. I.]
Black ink on cream paper. This bookplate combines Art Deco and Egyptian style and imagery. The black ink provides the background with most of the objects delineated in white from the paper. A figure in profile to walks towards the right of the scene holding high three books in offering. Behind the figure there is a curtain with a weaved pattern. Further back on the right hand side there is a vase with flowers, and two urns. One sits on the floor. Fire rises from the second one on a stand.
[Bookplate for Huddleston]
Black ink on cream paper. Vertical, rectangular, thick black border surrounds vertically stacked letters that are linked into each other. The letters alternative between white with a black border and all black sans-serif font.
[Bookplate for McIntosh Art Gallery by Leslie Victor Smith]
Black ink on cream paper. White ivy border over stippled black background. Names of John Gordon McIntosh and Wilhelmina Morris McIntosh inscribed on facing pages of book, behind which is a lit torch whose rays span out from the center of the plate. The text of the plate is on a scroll which is woven around a lyre, a symbol of harmony.
[Bookplate for Parker]
Black ink on cream paper. Within a thin, single-line border sits a lancet arch with a coat of arms at the top. Floating above the coat of arms is a Western-style miter. Within the arch, the name of the reading room and details on the specific book loan is printed.
[Bookplate for Queen Elizabeth Hospital]
Black ink on dark-yellow paper. A thin ornate border composed of curved lines houses the name of the institution in bold capital letters.
[Bookplate for J. W. Marsh]
Black ink on green paper.
[Bookplate for J. B. R. Dufresne]
Black ink on green paper. A curving, vine-like border surrounds the title of the legal practice. A blank number line is printed below.
[Bookplate for A. Demers]
Black ink on grey paper. A beaded border surrounds the title of the law practice and location. A double-underline is printed above a filled in number line.
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