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[Bookbinder's Tickets]
1) In black ink on cream paper, the ticket consists of an escutcheon with an elaborate base, bearing the name, services, and location of the company. A diadem bears the crest of a Gryphon salient armed, gules, holding an escutcheon Argent, a garter, gules. The escutcheon is surrounded by smoke-like dark shading and the whole is surrounded by a thin black border.
2) In black ink on light blue or gray paper, the ticket consists of an elaborate coin or medallion with trefoils in the four corners, bearing the name and services of the company. An escutcheon in the center of the medallion bears the address of the business. The blunted corners of the ticket result in an octagonal shape.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A blue rectangular border surrounds the central image. The central image of a blue side view of Mt. Fuji above a number of green rice patti stalks blowing in the wind towards the right. Hovering above them are a pair of dragonflies done in red flying towards the left.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
The central image has a black rectangular border with rounded edges. The central image is of a side view of Mt. Fuji with three blue clouds in the background. The foreground of the picture is dominated by green hills and brown, grey, and green trees. A number of blue, red, and grey dots have been added to the picture to suggest depth.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
The central image is a view from overtop of a grey can sitting on a blue and white chequered background. The can has an inner and an outer ring with 8 red and green strawberries sitting at the centre of the can.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
The central image is surrounded by a grey rectangular frame within which is a white background. The image within the rectangle is a sideways fan shaped segway onto a view of Mt. Fuji with a blue sky in the background, several grey outlined yellow and pink shapes possibly representing flowers, trees, and a pastoral setting in the foreground. The large side of the fan is facing towards the left.
[Bookplate by G. P. V. Akrigg]
Created using black ink on white paper (glue painted on back). The image is of a desk facing a window with two panes (each divided into eight sections) opening onto a view of an inlet and three mountains. A totem pole is behind the sinister pane. Drawn curtains are on both the sinister and dexter sides of the window. Above the window is a ribbon inscribed with "ALL LEARNING BUT AN ART TO LIVE WELL." On the desk, from left to right, is a painter's palette with two paint brushes, an open book, a ruler, ink well, fountain pen, pencils, card catalogue drawer, index card, small closed book, and a bust of Shakespeare. Below the bust are inscribed the initials "G.P.V.A."
[Bookplate for G. L. L. Davies]
The central image is bordered from the outside moving inwards by a black frame surrounding a white frame, surrounding a black frame surrounding a white frame, surrounding a single black fillet containing the central image. The central image is of two leafless trees standing to either side of a view until a series of three hills. In the distance is a black sun rising with black and white rays coming from it towards the top of the image. The entire image is bordered by two banners at the top and bottom which are separated from the main image by a single black fillet.
[Bookplate by Eiichi Hirose]
A yellow frame surrounds a side view of a Japanese woman with a traditional headpiece, and blue/white robe.
[Bookplate for William Hale White]
Executed with black ink on ivory paper, this bookplate depicts a sailing vessel heading towards the horizon where the sun is rising/setting. The vessel is framed by two obelisk-shaped pillars.
[Bookplate for University of Florida Library]
Black ink on white paper. Narrow double border surrounds text and cameo-style portrait.
[Bookplate for Margarethe Schwarzwald and J. E. Horvath]
This beautiful bookplate in black ink on thin brown paper presents us with a view of a village and a hill top castle through an opening in the trees. In the foreground is a stack of books, with one book open facing the observer, and a vase filled with flowers.
[Bookplate for William Hall Walker by F.]
Dense with imagery, this bookplate consists of a central framed coat of arms, surrounded by many symbols and figures, including a rose, a portcullis, a bird, a small argent escutcheon charged with a lion rampant, a thistle, military insignia, mounted hunting spoils, an anchor, rifles, swords, polo mallets, horseracing emblems, horse carriage hook-up, foliage, tree branches, and knights on horseback. The knight on the left sits upon an armored sable horse, holds a lance in his right arm, and wears a cornucopia crested helmet. The knight on the right sits upon a unarmored white horse and holds a white flag in his right hand, on which is the image of a tree and fox on a circular white and azure (blue) background. The coat of arms, presented within a border of grape vines and under the motto 'By Care and Industry', consists of a white horse and stag as supporters, with juxtaposed garbe, proper. The escutcheon, argent, contains both a chief and saltier. The chief is argent (silver), with two argent mullets of six points and garbe, proper. The saltier, argent, is charged with eight seedlings eradicated and a stag's head, erased, at its centre. Atop the shield is a baron's coronet and helmet, grated and in profile, crested by a wreath and cornucopia.
[Bookplate for Thomas Philip Earl de Gray]
This heraldic bookplate is elaborately engraved in Chippendale style. The escutcheon is counterchanged per fess, its primary quarterings (at top left and bottom right) consisting of a barry of six, argent (silver) and azure (blue). The quarter at mid-top is vert (green), divided per chevron, or (gold). The quarter is also charged with three stags statant, two over one. The top left quarter is argent (silver), with a saltier, azure. The quarter is also charged with a roundlet, argent. The bottom left quarter is a gyrony of eight pieces, or and sable (gold). The quarter at mid-bottom is argent, divided per fess, gules (red) with a fillet in the lower part, azure. The quarter is also charged with three rings, gules on both the upper and lower parts. The Chippendale escutcheon is surrounded by two detailed dragons, the dexter supporter with its tailed nowed. Above the escutcheon is a coronet of earl status, and below the shield with Latin motto within. The owner's name is surrounded with elaborate borderwork, in the same style of wreath surrounding the shield.
[Bookplate for M. Nazapen]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with three mullets at fess point and a crescent below, held aloft by two cubit arms. The escutcheon is supported by lions, positioned rampant guardant at both dexter and sinister. Above the escutcheon is a helmet, positioned at a direct front view with a grated helm. Upon the helmet is a ducal coronet, from which three large plumes extend, along with elaborate mantling. Above the mantling and supporters are two crests: at dexter, a straight wreath is charged with an arm embowed with armour, clutching a scimitar. At sinister, a straight wreath is charged with arm embowed, clutching a Scottish flag. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for George Paget]
This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, parted per cross. Quarters one and four are sable (black) and charged with a cross, argent (silver), between four eagles displayed. The cross is charged with five lions passant guardant. Quarters two and three are azure (blue), with a chevron or (gold) between three lion heads, erased, two over one. Above the escutcheon is a closed esquire helmet, positioned en profile, with mantling radiating from it, surrounding theescutcheon. Above the helmet is a straight wreath, charged with a heraldic tyger, rampant. Below the escutcheon is a banner, with Latin motto within.
[Bookplate for Ellen A. Hoffman by Walter J. Phillips]
This wood-engraved bookplate's design is based from on a view near Lake Louise in Banff, Alberta. It features a running stream, grass, and trees. Bookplate image is surrounded by a stylized border, which features the grass of parnassus, which is also featured in the foreground of the scene. Bookplate is printed in black ink, on very thin paper.
[Bookplate for Mark Rowe by L.]
In black ink on thick paper, a stylized architectural image contains a window which opens on a view of a library or study.
[Bookplate for Mark Rowe by J. P.]
In black ink on thick paper, an architectural image contains a view of an inner library or study, with a wreath encircling the words, 'EX LIBRIS,' at the apex and a box or plaque with the name, Mark Rowe, at the bottom.
[Bookplate for Horace Bruce Smith]
A framed view of a lake with trees and bushes along the edge. At the top and sides of the frame are cattails and other types of plants ; at the bottom of the frame is a collection of books, one open to a portrait-type image.
[Bookplate for Marjory Todd and John Todd]
In black ink on white paper, a border which includes images of a book, an hourglass, and a sundial surrounds a view of a garden which contains birds and a birdbath, flowers, and in the distance, trees and a trellis.
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