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1. [Bookplate for Hôpital Général d'Ottawa No. 6] [Bookplate for Hôpital Général d’Ottawa No. 6] Stamped in black ink on textured, yellowed paper. In the centre, a white cross is depicted on top of a mound of earth. At the centre of the cross, the Catholic icon of the Sacred Heart is depicted: a heart with a flame above it. From the earth, a vine of ivy grows and weaves around the cross. This image is framed by two banners above and below, which bear two phrases in French: “J’ÉTAIS MALADE ET VOUS M’AVEZ VISITE / JE SUIS L’ APPUI DU FAIBLE.” This is enclosed within a circle, which is framed by another circle with a scalloped edge that contains the identification: “SOEURS GRISES DE LA CROIX / OTTAWA.” The entire image is framed with a single black-line border of a wavy line with simple scrolled decorative marks at all four corners.

2. [Bookplate for Juliette Hauply] [Bookplate for Juliette Hauply] Black ink on yellowed paper. This pictorial bookplate depicts an animal, possibly a dog, prancing in a field. Surrounding the animal are flowers and leaves. Decorative borders, illustrated with vines, separate the bookplate owner's name from the illustration.

3. [Bookplate for Mary Porter] [Bookplate for Mary Porter] Bookplate depicts a shield hanging from an oak tree and was made with brown ink on yellowed paper. On the shield is a griffin's head emerging from a wreathe and the motto "vigilantia et virtute."
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