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[Bookplate for C. J. Sisson]
[Bookplate for C. J. Sisson]
Title[Bookplate for C. J. Sisson]
Date Created[unknown]
DescriptionA sun burst with a face. Profile of a black crow, wings stretched out, and beak apart perched on a ball with the name of the bookplate owner, and a ribbon with MORTUI RESURGENT.
Extent1 bookplate : 10 x 13 cm
Personal NamesSisson, C. J.
TypeStill Image
NotesThe Latin phrase "mortui resurgent" appears in 1 Corinthians 15:2 as part of "in momento in ictu oculi in novissima tuba canet enim et mortui resurgent incorrupti et nos inmutabimur" which means "in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump: for the trumpet shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be changed.
Access IdentifierBP GEN SL P S577
Digital IdentifierBP_GEN_SL_P_S577
Is Part OfRBSC Bookplates
SourceOriginal Format: University of British Columbia. Library. Rare Books and Special Collections. General Bookplates Collection. BP GEN SL P S577
Date Available2006
Publisher - DigitalVancouver : University of British Columbia Library
RightsImages provided for research and reference use only. Permission to publish, copy, or otherwise use these images must be obtained from Rare Books and Special Collections:
TranslationDead shall rise.
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