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21. [Bookplate for Charles Eliot Norton] [Bookplate for Charles Eliot Norton] This bookplate consists of a straight heraldic wreath charged with a gryphon. Below the wreath a three books, piled, with a scroll over-top, with Latin motto within.

22. [Bookplate for Charles Gery Milnes] [Bookplate for Charles Gery Milnes] In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon divided quarterly, and contains an inescutcheon at the fess point. The first and fourth quadrants of the escutcheon, azure (blue), contain a chevron, argent (silver), charged with three millrinds. The first quadrant differs from the fourth in that only two millrinds are visible, as one is covered by the inescutcheon, and it contains a canton at the dexter chief, or (gold), charged with a trefoil, sable (black). The second and third quadrants, gules (red), are charged with three lion heads, two over one, and contain a fess, argent and engrailed, charged with two escallopes, azure. The inescutcheon, gules, contains two bars, argent, charged with three mascles (open faced lozenge) each, gules ; and a canton at the dexter chief, or, charged with a roundlet, hurts (azure). The escutcheon's crest is a straight wreath, topped by a ducal coronet and an elephants head, dexter and erased, with tusks.

23. [Bookplate for Charles Girdlestone] [Bookplate for Charles Girdlestone] In black ink, this bookplate consists of the image of a church. A plate mark can be seen along the left hand side of the bookplate.

24. [Bookplate for Charles Girdlestone] [Bookplate for Charles Girdlestone] In black ink, this bookplate consists of text surrounded by a floral border. At the top centre of the border is a scallop shell.

25. [Bookplate for Charles Hughes] [Bookplate for Charles Hughes] Pictorial bookplate. Portrays England and Ireland surrounded by frame of lions and kangaroos.

26. [Bookplate for Charles Manby by Suffield] [Bookplate for Charles Manby by Suffield] In black ink, this bookplate consists of an escutcheon divided per pale, with a stylized bordure. The dexter quadrant, gules (red), is charged with a lion rampant and a chief, argent (silver), with three martlets. The sinister quadrant, gules, is charged with four etoiles, two over two, and contains a canton, coloured ermine (white powdered fur with black tufts), in the dexter chief of the quadrant, covering two-thirds of the etoile in that location. The canton represents the banner of the ancient Knights Banneret, which is an honourable order which has become extinct. It was on order conferred upon persons, recognized by a king or general, that had perfomed some heroic act on the battlefield. The escutcheon is crested by a straight wreath and a lion passant guardant, holding what appears to be a millrind, sable (black) in its dexter paw. The millrind is placed in the centre of a grindstone to protect the hole in the centre from the action of the axis ; it is a charge frequently used by persons connected with agriculture. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.

27. [Bookplate for Charles Philip Huntington by P. B. W.] [Bookplate for Charles Philip Huntington by P. B. W.] The central image is a family armorial. The image begins with a horse head erased facing to the dexter. A rose sits on its throat and the head sits atop a wreath. The wreath sits atop a helm face open and centred signifying a baron. Below the helm is a shield and mantling sits to either side of the entire image. The shield has a small escutcheon placed in the dexter chief position and the escutcheon bears a gules left hand on a field of argent. Two roses sit on the main argent shield between a gules pile with a horse head erased.

28. [Bookplate for Cheswardine] [Bookplate for Cheswardine] In black ink, this bookplate consists of stylized initials in a symbol (possibly the letters 'D,' 'M,' and 'H'), surrounded by a border of stocks of wheat. At the base of the border is a banner with English motto within.

29. [Bookplate for Christopher Tower] [Bookplate for Christopher Tower] In black ink. This bookplate consists of an escutcheon sable (black), a tower with two windows. Above the escutcheon is a straight crest wreath topped with a gryphon, passant. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the English motto.

30. [Bookplate for Claude Ernest Dolman] [Bookplate for Claude Ernest Dolman] Laurel frames a compound optical microscope. Bookplate is on its original adhesive backing.

31. [Bookplate for David Cleghorn Thomson] [Bookplate for David Cleghorn Thomson] Bookplate design features a running stag and hound.

32. [Bookplate for David King by B.] [Bookplate for David King by B.] Pictorial bookplate. A floral border (in blue, red, and gold) surrounds the bookplate text. At the bottom are both the creator's initial "B" and publishing information (Ludgate Circus House, H.V. Capsey, London, E.C.4).

33. [Bookplate for Denis Le Marchant] [Bookplate for Denis Le Marchant] In black ink. No Escutcheon. Ducal coronet, on top of which is an upside down cock leg.

34. [Bookplate for Dickens Fellowship] [Bookplate for Dickens Fellowship] This pictorial bookplate features green ink on green paper. Morning-glories create a floral frame to the text, at the bottom of which is a picture of Dickens.

35. [Bookplate for Dilys Jones] [Bookplate for Dilys Jones] Printed in black ink on faded red paper. Heraldic crest is top centre. Text is surrounded by a thin black border.

36. [Bookplate for Ditton Park] [Bookplate for Ditton Park] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, argent (silver), divided per pale. The left armorial is charged with three fusils, gules (red). The right armorial has a chief, azure (blue), the charged with three mullets. The lower half is charged with a crowned heart, possibly a preperesentation of a Claddagh.

37. [Bookplate for Douglas Battersby] [Bookplate for Douglas Battersby] In black ink on yellow paper, the bookplate consists of an ornate decorative border surrounding the text. The text is a Gothic typeface, except for the city. There are significant stains around the edges of the bookplate.

38. [Bookplate for Dunbar of Westfield by C. Norton] [Bookplate for Dunbar of Westfield by C. Norton] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, divided per cross, the upper half gules (red) and or (gold), the lower half or and gules. Each quarter consists of a border ; quarter 1 and 4 are bordered with argent (silver) and heraldic roses, and charged with a lion rampant. Quarters 2 and 3 have a narrow border decorated by trefoil, charged with three round figures apiece. The escutcheon is supported by two lions rampant at dexter and sinister. Above the escutcheon is a steel helmet, placed three-quartered (indicating esquire status). Above the helmet is a crest of a dexter arm proper (bare) upon a wreath. From the helmet flows elaborate mantling. Above the crest are two crowns with the Latin motto above. Below the escutcheon and supporters is a banner with an additonal Latin motto within.

39. [Bookplate for E. Bibl. Radcl.] [Bookplate for E. Bibl. Radcl.] This heraldic bookplate consists of an escutcheon, in the shape of a Victorian shield, argent (silver), and a bend engrailed, sable. Surrounding the escutcheon is a circular border, with embellishments within. Below the circular border is bookplate text.

40. [Bookplate for E. Kimber and L. Kimber] [Bookplate for E. Kimber and L. Kimber] In black ink, an escutcheon, argent (silver), charged with three martlets, and containing a chief, sable (black), with three mullets, argent. A wreath crest with a tearful ox couped affronté. Banner located below escutcheon contains Latin motto.
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