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[Bookbinder's Tickets for Joseph Fortier]
1) In dark blue ink on white paper, the bookbinder's ticket is in the shape of a closed book, with the spine on the left and text on the font cover. The front cover of the book is a field of blue with text and design elements in white / reversed-out text. A white field with blue text in the lower half of the book cover provides space for a handwritten reorder number.
2) In black ink on pink paper, the bookbinder's ticket consists of a thin black border surrounding black text.
[Bookplate for Burton’s Limited Circulating Library]
In black ink on tan paper. A simple border frames the text.
[Bookplate for Christ Church S.S. Library]
Black ink on white paper. Text surrounded by thin border.
[Bookplate for Dundas Mechanics’ Institute]
Black ink on grey paper. A border made up of small squares surrounds the title of the library, its opening hours, and its borrowing policies. Beneath the title of the library is a dividing line made up of vertical lines. Beneath the row listing the library’s business hours is a grid categorizing the section, shelf, book number, and class, with several hand-written notes in faded black ink.
[Bookplate for Dundas Mechanics’ Institute]
Black ink on grey paper. A border made up of small squares surrounds the title of the library, its opening hours, and its borrowing policies. Beneath the title of the library is a dividing line made up of vertical lines. Beneath the row listing the library’s business hours is a grid categorizing the section, shelf, book number, and class, with several hand-written notes in faded black ink.
[Bookplate for Dundas Mechanics’ Institute]
Black ink on grey paper. A border made up of small squares surrounds the title of the library, its opening hours, and its borrowing policies. Beneath the title of the library is a dividing line made up of vertical lines. Beneath the row listing the library’s business hours is a grid categorizing the section, shelf, book number, and class, with several hand-written notes in faded black ink.
[Bookplate for Elora Mechanics’ Institute]
Black ink on cream paper. A stylized border surrounds text in multiple fonts, including a Gothic title. A number is handwritten at the top of the plate in pencil.
[Bookplate for Emily Ogden Wheeler]
Printed in brown ink on white or cream paper the bookplate consists of a border of four thin branches bearing leaves and buds. Wrapped around the top and bottom branches are banners bearing the quotation 'DREAMS BOOKS ARE EACH A WORLD AND BOOKS / WE KNOW ARE A SUB-STANTIAL WORLD.' In the center of the border appears the name of the owner.
[Bookplate for Hill’s Lending Library]
Black ink on yellow pink paper with clipped corners. Capitalized serif-font followed with by a line of stylized bold block lettering with decorative serifs. Next line contains smaller bold serif font in sentence case. Text is then separated by a thin, centered line. Subsequent text written in capitalized, bold, sans-serif font. Below that is smaller, capitalized serif font that is then written in sentence case in the second half of the line. The next four lines use quotation marks to indicate repeat content with some sentence case serif font additions. There is then a line with some capitalized and some sentence case serif font, followed by the same four line pattern of quotation marks and sentence case font. Below that is a line of sentence case serif font. The next line uses capital letters for emphasis followed by sentence case serif font. There is a line of capitalized serif font followed by larger, sentence case bold serif font. The text is separated by a thin centered line. Below the line are capital letters in serif font followed by larger capitalization font in bold, then smaller non-bold capitalized text, then larger bold capitalized text. A shorter thin line separates the text. Below the line are four lines of sentence case serif font. Next is a line in capitalized serif font followed by a smaller, bold line of capitalized serif font. The last line is written in smaller, sentence case, serif font.
[Bookplate for Hill’s Library]
Black ink on yellowing paper. Typewritten text in capital letters and bold followed by sentence case letters in varying serif font sizes. There is a thin line with stylized dots in the centre separating text. Below the line, text is written in large, capitalized, bold serif font. Below that is text written in bold, sentence case. Text is then written in non-bold capital letters. There is a thicker, stylized line with three dots in the centre separating text. Below the line is text written in capital sans serif font, followed by text in smaller, bold sans serif font. Further text is right aligned and written in italicized serif font. Text is then written in capital and sentence case serif font in multiple sizes with section separated by dots. Graphic of hand with index finger pointing right is next to capital, sans serif font. A squared squiggled line is below the finger graphic and above faded text in serif font. Below that is serif font in capital letters and then bold serif font in bold letters. That is separated from bold, capital, serif font with a squared, squiggled line. The following serif font is bold. Below that is larger, bolder serif-font. The following text is written in smaller sentence case and capitalized serif font. Below that is sentence case serif font, followed by larger sans serif font and then bold, capitalized, serif font. The last part of the text is written in sentence case serif font. Handwritten notes cover some of the typewritten text on the right side of the bookplate until approximately halfway down the bookplate. The bottom two corners of the bookplate have been cut off. The bookplate appears to be printed on top of a newspaper or magazine clipping, the recto of which is slightly visible through the bookplate. Black ink serif font text and some imagery are visible. The verso of the bookplate is clearly the other printed side of the magazine or newspaper with serif fonts in bold capital letters and non-bold sentence case letters. The recto of the original print is also slightly visible from the verso side.
[Bookplate for Hill’s Library]
Black ink on cream paper. Handwritten notes across at the top of the bookplate in the center and right corner. Typewritten bold capital letters in serif font followed by smaller non-bold letters. The line below features bold font in sentence case. A thin black line with a thicker rectangle in the middle separates text. Text below the line is large, capital, bold font. The following line is in smaller sentence case. The next line of text is in capital, non-bold font. A thin line with two small diamonds and one large diamond in the center separate the text. Below the line is italicized capital sans serif font. Underneath that is smaller, bold sans serif font. Lending periods written on the right side of the bookplate in italicized sentence case serif font. Below that is capitalized font separated with ellipses from monetary amounts, each of which is separated by 6 dots. Text below, written in sentence case, follows the same pattern, followed by a line in sentence case serif font. Image of hand pointing an index figure to the right points to capitalized bold serif font. Below that is slightly smaller capitalized bold serif font. The following two lines of text are written in sentence case, with some use of bold letters for emphasis. Next are two lines of serif font in capital letters and a larger font size, followed by font in sentence case. The next line of text is in bold capital letters. Below that is larger, bold serif stylized font, followed by smaller non-bold capital lettering. The next five lines contain small sentence case serif font with use of bold letters for emphasis. Below that is bold, capitalized sans serif font, followed by a line that is initially non-bold, capitalized, serif font and then switches to bold, capitalized, sans serif font. The last two lines are written in non-bold sentence case serif font. All text is center-aligned.
[Bookplate for James Henry Browning]
Centered text with multiple fonts in black ink.
[Bookplate for Paramount Sweets and Tea Room by F. A. C.]
Created in black ink on white paper. The text is surrounded by a border composed of a two lines, one of which is straight while the other has fluted decorations. Three lines composed of little squares separate the business's name and contact information from the list of library regulations. These regulations are followed by a final decorative line.
[Bookplate for Richmond Library by Crown Printing Office]
Black ink on tan paper. Text surrounded by thin border.
[Bookplate for Sir Lawrence Palk by Ezekiel Abraham Ezekiel]
In black ink: Sable, an argent eagle displayed, an argent bordure engrailed ; at the precise middle chief, the inesceutcheon of a baronet (argent, a hand gules) ; surmounted by a wreath of argent and sable, the crest a demi-globe or hemisphere ['semi-terrestrial globe of the northern hemisphere'], an eagle rousant, wings displayed and elevated ; motto on a ribbon below the shield. The bottom right corner of the bookplate was torn away and has been replaced with a light paper.
[Bookplate for Union des Commis-Marchands]
Text is printed in a numbered list, surrounded by a line border resembling chain.
In brown ink on white or cream paper, the bookplate consists of a thin border surrounding brown text, with the name of the company/library in a Roman-style font.
[Bookseller's Ticket for Foster Brown]
Two bookseller's tickets ; text and a border printed in gold ink, one on brown paper and the other on black paper.
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