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[Bookseller's Tickets for Zephirin Chapeleau]
1) In black ink on green paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a thin black border surrounding black text.
2) In black ink on green paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a wavy black border surrounding black text.
3) In black ink on white paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a wavy black border surrounding black text.
4) In black ink on white paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a wavy black border surrounding black text.
[Bookseller's Tickets for Samuel Carsley]
1) In dark blue ink on white paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a field of dark blue ink with a thin white / reserved-out border surrounding white text.
2) In gold metallic ink on red glossy paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a simple gold border surrounding gold text.
[Bookseller's Ticket for James Bain]
In black ink on white paper, the bookseller's ticket consists of a serpentine black border with decorative elements in the four corners surrounding black text in roman and italic type.
In black ink. Argent [White or Silver], charged with an oak tree. On a fess, azure [Blue], a crescent, between two molets. Above the escutcheon is a straight crest wreath on which is a cubit arm, erect, issuing from a cloud, in the hand a branch of olive, all proper. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
A simple border surrounds the text. On the top left is the crest of Cercle La Salle. It shows a shield divided in three: at the top is a lit oil lamp, on the bottom left are three vertical fleur-de-lis and at the bottom right is a cross over top of a crossed pen and sword. A banner over the top of the crest contains the name of the organization and one at the bottom contains the motto. Maple branches present a wreath at the bottom.
The bookplate is printed in navy blue ink. The name, address, telephone number and hours are printed at the top. Underneath this block of text is a line, and the remainder of the bookplate is split into two halves. The headings 'terms' 'time limit' 'renewal notice' and 'care' are printed on the left-hand side of the split, and the corresponding information is printed on the right-hand side. Underneath this block is a line, the words 'Please protect your book in wet weather' and another solid line.
[Bookplate for Winifred Baker]
This bookplate, black ink on ivory paper, consists of a number of books standing up right on a flat surface. In front of the standing books is a book left open, and a candle stick with candle alight. From the candle's flame, light radiates out in all directions. Running along the left border are a series of vertical lines of varying widths, and along the right border are a series of ten small symbols.
[Bookplate for William Ralph Howard by Leslie Victor Smith]
Black ink on cream colored paper. The image depicts a tall ship at sea with all sails unfurled, in a swell of water, with a large cumulous cloud in the background. The image is framed by a length of rope that circles the entire bookplate. Below, a heraldic device is displayed in a circular frame. A broken ionic order column is in the center, with the top half of the column resting on the right side of the base and an oval shield with a flower on it leaning on the left side of the base. At the bottom of the bookplate, the owner’s name is presented in a solid-colored shield. The rope frame meets at both sides of the shield: on the left, the rope holds an anchor and on the right it holds a ship lantern.
[Bookplate for William Lawson Grant by J. E. H. MacDonald]
This bookplate features a wind-blown tree set upon a waving banner containing the originator's motto. It is surrounded with flora, which contains Scottish thistles, maple leaves, a fleur de lis, the number 59, two portraits of men, and the artist's initials. At the top of the design are three escutcheons, all argent (silver) and charged with various elements.
[Bookplate for William Brophy]
In black ink on white or cream paper, the bookplate consists of an architectural, Egyptian-themed border with lotus flowers all around, a Sphinx in the lower right, and Egyptian wall art in the lower left. Below the school name and above the location is a monogram made of the letters CSV. Five fonts used for the text, with spaces for hand-written annotations naming the prize recipient.
[Bookplate for Vincent Stuckey]
In black in, this bookplate consists of and escutcheon divided per pale. The dexter half is divided per bend sinister, or (gold), azure (blue) and dove-tailed, and charged with a lion, rampant and ermine with a tail queue fourché. At the dexter chief of the half is an azure canton charged with a mascle, or. The sinister half of the escutcheon is identical to the dexter, except that at it also contains a crescent at middle chief. The escutcheon is crested by a straight crest wreath and a demi-lion with tail queue fourché, ermine and charged with a mascle, azure. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Vancouver Medical Association]
Black ink on cream paper. Simple double border surrounds text and image of a serpent coiled around a staff with laurels at its base.
[Bookplate for Union des Commis-Marchands]
Text is printed in a numbered list, surrounded by a line border resembling chain.
[Bookplate for Thomas Murray Esq., University of Toronto Library, and Champlain Society]
Black ink on white paper. Text is surrounded by a thin black border. There is a line of gothic, black font, below which is smaller, capitalized, sans serif font. Two thin black lines separate that text from more lines of black text, some of which is typewritten. Below one thin black lines is smaller, serif, black text.
[Bookplate for Steve Borden by Larry Reynolds]
This pictorial bookplate, created using black ink on white paper, portrays two thieves in front of a bookshelf. Above the bookshelf is a pendant reading "Kent" and in the right hand corner is the artist's signature.
[Bookplate for Stetson]
In black ink, this bookplate contains an escutcheon, argent (silver), surrounded by a grape vine bordure. The escutcheon contains a scrape, azure (blue), and is charged with two gryphons, at dexter chief and sinister base. Above the escutcheon is a straight crest wreath and a demi-gryphon. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Stanley C. Bagg]
This bookplate consists of black gothic text surrounded by an elaborate border, all printed on yellow paper.
[Bookplate for Sir Robert Peel]
In black ink. Armorial bookplate. Argent (silver) three sheaves of as many arrows proper, banded gules (red). On a chief azure (blue) a bee volant, or (gold). Crest of a demi-lion rampant argent, gorged with a collar azure, charged with three bezants, holding between the paw a shuttle, or. Below the escutcheon is a banner containing the Latin motto.
[Bookplate for Roxie Jayne Gebhardt]
Black ink on cream colored paper with an adhesive backing. A fine-line drawing of a tall ship at sea, with all sails unfurled and a British flag (Union Jack) flown as ensign at the stern. The ship sails on choppy waters. To the left, there is an outline of two clouds and three birds in the sky, along with a silhouette of another ship in the distance on the water. The entire drawing is framed by a black, thin-line border with no additional decorative detail.
[Bookplate for Robert A. Harrison]
Black ink on cream paper. Crest features a demi-lion rampant on the top part of a castle tower. The lion is wearing a crown and holding a floral wreath in its paws. There is a gentlemen and esquire’s helm surrounded by elaborately curling sable and argent mantling that extends out to each side and tapers down to the base of the bookplate. Shield is sable and charged with three demi-lions rampant, two over one. The lions are wearing crowns. The motto is below the shield printed in capitalized block white letters on a banner with curling ends. The bookplate owner’s name is printed in black, gothic sentence-case font at the bottom of the bookplate.
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