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101. [Bookplate for Ian Waldie by Alexander Scott Carter] [Bookplate for Ian Waldie by Alexander Scott Carter] In black ink on white paper, a sailboat at sea with a fish depicted in the waves below. Three seagulls are flying around the boat. A wide, bold floral border surrounds the image of the ship, with a few books and a lyre above it.

102. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] Text is stamped on cream paper in blue ink.

103. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] Text is stamped on cream paper in blue ink.

104. [Bookplate for Brockville Library] [Bookplate for Brockville Library] In black ink on tan paper, the bookplate consists of a double zigzag border surrounding black text. The library name at the top is flanked by two rosettes and separated from the remaining text by a decorative rule.

105. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] A coat of arms with mantling: Quarterly, 1st and 4th azure, 2 bars dancetty or, in chief 3 bezants ; 2nd and 3rd azure, a fess engrailed argent, surmounted by another, not engrailed, gules, charged with 3 roses argent, between as many swans, proper. Above the coat of arms are two crests: left is a swan gorged, wings displayed and inverted, on a wreath ; right is a bull at gaze, gorged and on a wreath. Below the coat of arms is a ribbon containing the Latin motto.

106. [Bookplate for Burton's Limited Circulating Library] [Bookplate for Burton’s Limited Circulating Library] In black ink on tan paper. A simple border frames the text.

107. [Bookplate for James Croil] [Bookplate for James Croil] Printed in black ink on light green paper. It has a border of entwined lines.

108. [Bookplate for Jas Christison] [Bookplate for Jas Christison] The text is surrounded by a patterned border.

109. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] The text is surrounded by small diamond shapes in a linear pattern.

110. [Bookplate for Edward Hilton Chaloner by Rust Craft Publishers] [Bookplate for Edward Hilton Chaloner by Rust Craft Publishers] A thin border surrounds the text ; the top of the border is in the shape of a bookshelf with curved backing. Depicted on it are several books, with one open in the middle. A candle sits in front of the open book. At the bottom left and right corners of the border are images of the globe. The bottom line of the border contains oak leaves and acorns in the centre. The creator of the bookplate is listed as Rust Craft, Boston U. S. A.

111. [Bookplate for J. Rumsey] [Bookplate for J. Rumsey] Printed in black ink, a simple linear border with sparsely set flowers surrounds the text. The seal in the center of the bookplate displays an image of the Calvary Church.

112. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] The text of the bookplate is surrounded by an elaborate border decorated with various religious figures and themes. Angels kneel on either side of the upper corners and face inwards towards a man holding a book and looking outwards from an arch. The sides are decorated with ornate columns, at the bottom of which are crosses and a symbol of the Holy Trinity. Both the top and bottom portions of the border are decorated with stylized curls. The word 'Catholic' is printed in a bold font, and 'Circulating Library' is in a curly stylized Gothic font. The rules of the library are divided from the rest of the text by bars at the top and bottom, and there is a hand symbol pointing to the library's hours of operation at the bottom of the bookplate. The price of the library subscription is given in shillings, dating this to the era of the Canadian pound which was in use until currency decimalization came into force in 1858.

113. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] A stylized floral border surrounds the text, which is written in several different fonts and is found in the middle of the bookplate. The word 'Catholic' is written in a curly font with the words 'Circulating Library' printed in Gothic below. The book number is printed underneath, and there is a line dividing the upper part of the text from the middle, which lists the library rules. Below the library rules is another line, and below this is a hand symbol which points to further information on the library hours. The cost of subscription is given in cents, dating this bookplate after 1858, the year in which currency decimalization came into force in Canada.

114. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] Five lines of text enclosed within a double border of one thick and one thin line. The words 'Cote St. Antoine' are written in a slightly curled font, and the words 'Methodist S.S. Library' are in bold. There is a space for the number of the book to be written in by hand. The bookplate also includes the terms of borrowing.

115. [Bookplate for Congregational College of British North America] [Bookplate for Congregational College of British North America] The bookplate has a geometric border with stylized flowers on the corners. Within the border, the text 'Congregational College' is in a Gothic typeface, and the words 'of British North America' are in a simple sans-serif.

116. [Bookplate for Congregational College of British North America] [Bookplate for Congregational College of British North America] The bookplate has a geometric border with elaborate corner designs. The border is a simple 'X' interwoven pattern, and the corners have small crosses or 'X' on them. Within the border, the text 'Congregational College' is in a slightly more elaborate typeface than the remaining text, which is a simple serif font.

117. [Bookplate] [Bookplate] The bookplate is printed in navy blue ink. The name, address, telephone number and hours are printed at the top. Underneath this block of text is a line, and the remainder of the bookplate is split into two halves. The headings 'terms' 'time limit' 'renewal notice' and 'care' are printed on the left-hand side of the split, and the corresponding information is printed on the right-hand side. Underneath this block is a line, the words 'Please protect your book in wet weather' and another solid line.

118. [Bookplate for Congregational College of British North America] [Bookplate for Congregational College of British North America] The bookplate has a geometric border with stylized flowers on the corners. Within the border, the text 'Congregational College' is in a Gothic typeface, and the words 'of British North America' are in a simple sans-serif.

119. [Bookplate for Congregational College of British North America] [Bookplate for Congregational College of British North America] The bookplate has a stylized border of geometric patterns. Within the border, the words 'Congregational College' are written in Gothic typeface, with 'of British North America' written in a plainer font.

120. [Bookplate for Dundas Mechanics' Institute] [Bookplate for Dundas Mechanics’ Institute] Black ink on grey paper. A slim, double-lined border surrounds the title of the library and its borrowing policies. Beneath the title of the library is a dividing line with two ovals at the center. This divider is repeated beneath the open hours and the categorization rows. Within the categorization row is a space for number and a number in black ink is handwritten.
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